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Cage Pad by Lis
Lis has some great step-by-step instructions for creating cage pads for your c 'n c cages. "The fabric width I used was 60".  I got 3 yards but had a lot left. The actual size of the fleece that I cut out for a 2x5 pad before wrapping around the mattress pad was 36" x 80" (about 2-1/4 yards). With the dark pink pads, I got a 2x5, 1x5, and a 1x2 pad out of the 3 yards. With the blue pad, I tried to fold the fleece in half in order to make 2 sets.  There was not enough fabric to wrap around the edges. I guess it would work if one were to sew the wrong side of fleece to the pad and then turn it right-side-out. I didn't want to make it that way because I didn't want it to be too narrow."

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Start with a queen size mattress pad with the sides cut off (60"x80"). After wash it shrunk to 60"x74". Fold in half and cut; comes out to 30"x74". Use only one half for each pad. (You will be able to make two pads that will fit a 2 x 5 c 'n c cage.)

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Lay fleece the wrong side facing up. Measure about 3" - 4" wider than the mattress pad on all sides. You can probably use less if you're good at sewing. The fabric width is 60". I got 3 yards but had a lot left. The actual size of the fleece that I cut out for a 2x5 pad before wrapping around the mattress pad was 36" x 80" (about 2 1/4 yards).

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Lay the mattress pad on top of the fleece. (You may use two layers of mattress pad if you wish to absorb more urine or make it softer.)

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Fold fleece over the mattress pad and pin.

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For round corners, just fold over; they will come out sharp (with round corners hidden inside).

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I usually sew 3 lines per side. One close to the cut. the second one in between the first one and the edge of the pad. The third one around 6" - 7" inside the pad so it won't shift when washed.

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This is how I sew the line inside. I don't really measure; just guide it along the sewing machine.

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Close up of the corner.

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Close up of the corner from the back.

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Cropped view of finished pad.

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My daughter's stuffed kitten is on the finished pad. The finished pad came out to be 30"x74"; fits a 2 x 5 c 'n c cage perfectly.

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The pad on the lower level covers a 2 x 5 grid area of the 2 x 6 grid c 'n c cage. The size of the upper-level pad is 1 x 5 grids. With the dark pink pads, I got a 2x5, 1x5, and a 1x2 pad out of the 3 yards.

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