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Sonja - art works
Sonja's works and installation pieces created during her second litter.
Date(s): December 10, 2002. Album by robert heller/T. Baker. Photos by T. Baker. 1 - 15 of 18 Total. 1022 Visits.
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"Womb" - installation piece, 8/20/01
Sonja has begun the cavernous installation piece 'The Womb.'  Here she is aided by her daughter Ruby.

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Ever a perfectionist...
Sonja redoes some of the girrls work; she insists on getting it just right.

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The girrls continue..
With their excavation efforts.  The deep chanel symbolizes the tube like structure of the vulva.

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Rufus joins in...
As Xena works on attaining the proper depth, Ruby shapes the sides and an inspired Rufus works at the 'mouth' of the vulva.

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Day two, work continues
Sonja checks up!  She is a task master, checking and adjusting every detail.

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Xena is especially enthusiastic..
She knows she is due to be bred the following spring, and the piece has special meaning to her.

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Details, details...
Sonja adjusts Ruby's work.

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Two girrl effort...
Sonja let's Xena work on breaking new soil, then follows up with her own touch and detail.

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Xena takes a break with Rufus but like many true artists Sonja is driven to complete her work.

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A good look..
Xena checks for final adjustments.

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Details, details...
Rain is starting to fall, threatening the completion of the piece, so Xena hurries to add final details.

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"The Womb"  Claw on soil, 8/21/01
Symbolizing the cycle of birth and parting as pups fulfull their destiny as they are placed one by one in new homes.  This piece captures the anquish and JOY that the artist felt in the journey from the birth and thru the placement of her pups.

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"The scream"  Textured soil, 8/21/01
Created by pushing and clawing at a rock, this delicate piece captures the pain and hollow feeling of seperation that the mother-artist felt as the pups fulfilled their destiny.

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Goliath's work
Muddy paw on garage door

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Paw on vinyl gate

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