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 Cascade Bill (William Mooseker) | Home > Backpacking Trips > 2001 - 2004 Trips > Sierra 04 > 
Sierra 04 Day 3

John Muir Wilderness: Sierra Nevada
Day 3

Day 3:
Purple Lake (9935') to Cascade Valley at Fish Creek Ford - 3.1 mi.
Fish Creek Ford (8345') to Jackson Meadow - 2 mi.
Jackson Meadow (9310') to Grassy Lake (9530') - 1.1 mi.

Totals: 6.2 mi & 1300' climb.

Campfire at Grassy Lake

Photos titles ending in "b" are by Bill;in "r" by Roger; and, in "a" by Allison.

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

Date(s): September, 2004. Album by Cascade Bill. Photos by Bill & Roger. 1 - 41 of 41 Total. 2830 Visits.
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Map Day 3: Camp 2 at  Purple Lake to Camp 3 at Grassy Lake.
Note: Map is best viewed at "Original Size".

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Purple Lake in the morning - Other than the Pasayten Wilderness, some of the wierdest hikers you'll meet are in the Sierras.  In 1999 we met "Super Fly" and "the Green Lantern" (self applied names not mine) at Selden Pass, a through hiker we called "Forest Gump" .  Well at Purple Lake we met another one, whom I'll call "Glen Livit".  Old Glen looked like he had been in the wilderness all summer long.  He had an old pack (1960's era - just like Greg Phillips - see 2001 Crazyman Trip) but didn't have a sleeping bag attached.  In fact his pack looked empty.  I asked him where he was headed and he paused for a long time, and finally answered- "West.......Westerly".  He told me I was packing "kind of heavy" then added, "nice sleeping bag" which made me a little nervous.  He looked at Rogers tee shirt which had "Lynnwood Soccer" on the front and exclaimed "Glenlivit Scotch, goooood stuff!".  Just then Allison came up and his jaw dr...

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Allison at Purple Lake.

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Fred on way down to Cascade Valley from Purple Lake.

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Roger - The bench across the valley is our destination.  We dropped about 1700 feet from Purple Lake and then had to climb back up about 1300 feet.

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Roger got this shot of a Sequoia next to the trail near the bottom of the valley.

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A shot of the trunk of the Sequoia.

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These branches are bigger than some trees.

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Eric, Danny, & Brian.- After going down the Fish Creek Trail a short ways you meet the Minnow Creek trail which leads to the ford of Fish Creek which isn't bad (especially after a trip on the Escalante (2003 Hiking trips).

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Brian, Danny and Shelby fording Fish Creek - from here its a long climb up.

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sierra04d3 009rBrian, Danny, and Shelby at Fish Creek Ford.

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Brian and Danny.

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About half way up the Minnow Creek Trail, we got this shot across the valley back towards Purple Lake which lies in the gap across the valley.

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Looking up Cascade Valley.

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A view across the valley to the gap that holds Purple Lake - This shot is from the bench near where the trail is close to Minnow Creek.

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This gap is where Duck Lake lies as seen from across the valley on the Minnow Creek Trail.

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Looking down Minnow Creek as it plunges from the bench down to Cascade Valley.  This was a couple of hundred feet from the trail.

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Close up of the Minnow Creek.

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Large boulders in Minnow Creek.

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Large boulders in Minnow Creek.

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Looking down Minnow Creek.

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A quiet pool in Minnow Creek - There were some good sized fish in these pools.

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Waterfall in Minnow Creek.

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After a long climb with many switchbacks, the trail breaks out onto a bench.  This was near Marsh Lake which was on the map, but we couldn't see it from the trail.  The trail still climbs but the grade is moderate from here to Grassy Lake.

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Picture is taken from the northern end of Jackson Meadow, looking south.

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Jackson Meadow again - but a telephoto shot.  Goodale Pass trail goes over the bench just to the rignt of the leftmost peak.  Wilber May Lake lies at the foot ot the peak on the right.

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Looking back across Jackson Meadow to the gap that contains Purple Lake.

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Taking a break at Jackson Meadow.

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Getting close to Grassy Lake - this granite slab is just beyond the trail to Olive Lake. Picture is looking back towards Duck Lake (gap to left) and Purple Lake (gap to right).

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Grassy Lake - The view from our camp at the north end of the lake.  I was pleasantly surprised by how nice Grassy Lake was.  I had hoped to get to Wilber May Lake but it would have taken another hour or so, and we would have lost our relaxing time for fishing/swimming that we enjoyed at Grassy Lake.

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Bill and Fred enjoying the view across Grassy Lake.

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Fred at Grassy Lake.

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Bill at Grassy Lake.

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Bill cleaning fish for our fish fry - the lake was chock full of small rainbow trout.  It took a lot of fish to get enough for everyone to have a bite.  Our ubiquitous Bear Cannister beyond.

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Another shot of Bill cleaning fish - How come I always get stuck with this job.

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Campfires are not allowed above 10000 feet, but at a little over 9500 at Grassy Lake, fires are O.K.

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Enjoying the fire - Evening at Grassy Lake: Peter, Shelby, Brian.

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Allison, Eric, Shelby, Peter, & Brian at campfire at Grassy Lake.  Terrain is typical of Sierra.

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The fish were jumping at dusk - not very big but there was a bunch of them.

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More ripples of feeding fish at Grassy Lake.

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