I added several hundred images November 4, 2011. Enjoy...
SECTIONS: 1- Camp Pendleton, CA (May 1979 - Dec 1980) 2- Okinawa, Japan (Dec 1980 - Dec 1981) 3- Camp LeJeune, NC (Dec 1981 - May 1983 4- Fort Pickett, VA ( Late 1982 give or take...)
The images on this site were taken while I served in the Marine Corps from 1979 to 1983. They are predominately from my three major duty stations: Camp Pendleton, CA; Camp Schwab, Okinawa; Camp LeJeune, NC. During that time I served as an 1833 (AmTrac Crewman), 0431 (Embarkation NCO) and also went to Jeep four-wheel drive school, PMI (Primary Marksmanship Instructor) school and served at Company Clerk for a time while at Courthouse Bay in Camp LeJeune. I bought my first camera because I wanted to show my friends back home what I was doing and what life in the Marines was like. I began shooting subjects that were documentary in nature. Pictures of lockers, heads, daily activities etc. While I had no technical knowledge about photography such as composition, exposure, depth of field etc, I did manage to come up with some interesting images. Remember, while almost everyone has a little digital camera with them now in the early 1980's, cameras were not terribly common. These early experiences lead me to pursue photography when I was discharged. I went to Eastern Connecticut State University for two years where I enrolled in every possible photography course and even taught an internship in black and white photography. In 1985, I transferred to Syracuse University where I majored in Photojournalism and the Newhouse School before switching to the College of Visual and Performing Arts. I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography in 1988. I've worked as a photojournalist for eight years as both a newspaper staffer and freelancer. Some of my employers and clients included the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Quincy Patriot Ledger, New Britain Herald and the Associated Press. All these years I have kept the original negatives from my Marine Corps days and have now scanned them in my new Nikon Super Coolscan 5000ED at full resolution. I want to share them with anyone who has an interest in those days. There are many photographs of people I no longer know. There are friends with whom I have lost touch. It is my hope that these images will rekindle personal memories as well as lead to reestablishing friendships that are long lost. When looking at the photographs, if you see yourself or someone you know, let me know. Also, pass the link to this site to anyone you think might enjoy these images. -Semper Fi. Equipment Used:
My camera was a used Canon AT-1, the fully manual version of the famed AE-1. I bought it used from a Marine in "C" company, 3rd AABN, Del Mar. The AT-1 was simple to use and came with a standard 50/f1.8. I bought a generic telephoto zoom lens which was very cheap. I didn't yet understand about glass quality... I also used some cheap generic flash. I used to put all my equipment in a gas mask carrying case instead of a camera bag. This way, nobody bothered me about having my equipment... It was nice and stealthy. I did get asked several times why I always carried a gas mask. Was I afraid of getting gassed? Hehehehehe...
You are free to save and print these images for personal use and enjoyment. You may make no profit from these images and may not repost anywhere online without permission (which will likely be given if asked for...) If you would like a high resolution file for printing shoot me an email!
-- AmericanJarhead (aka: Cris)
PS: Please sign the GUEST BOOK, comment and/or email if you have additional information on any image such as names, places etc. SEMPER FI!
Email me if you like at: americanjarhead AT gmail DOT com
richard, demmick, gary, ritz, roger, koko, camp pendleton, del mar, delmar, marines, usmc, jarheads, lejeune, le jeune, camp schwab, henoko, japan, amtrac, lvtp7, lvt, lst, lsd, m151, 3rd aabn, assault amphibian battalion, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, semper fi
Date(s): May 1979 to May 1983. Album by Cris Yarborough. Photos by Cris Yarborough. 1 - 530 of 530 Total. 6664 Visits.
enlarge 124KB, 1024x768 1 1024 PENDLETON
enlarge 252KB, 1024x671 2 TWO UNK MARINES DELMAR URINAL 1024 These guys and I were at a beach party where the beer and burgers were provided by the Company. I can't remember the reason for the party. "I served with the the taller guy...h..." View Comments...
enlarge 224KB, 1024x672 4 SQDBAY SINKS DELMAR 1024 The 1st floor sinks in "C" Company northern squadbay at Del Mar, Camp Pendleton.
enlarge 312KB, 703x1024 5 RADIOMAN RANGE 1024 Radioman at the .50 cal machine gun range, Camp Pendleton.
enlarge 179KB, 1024x671 6 TICKET GOING TO RIFLE QUAL 1980 1024 We were heading to the rifle range when the MP's pulled us over to having too many people in the back of the Dodge Ram pickup (known as an M880).
enlarge 335KB, 1024x545 7 TARAWA AND LSD OFF SOCAL 79 1024
enlarge 208KB, 1024x557 8 TANK SKYLINED CP 1024
enlarge 242KB, 1024x662 9 SANCHEZ IN SQDBAY DELMAR 1979 1024 I like this shot of, I believe, Victor Sanchez in the squadbay at Del Mar. I wish I could find him so I could get this picture to him. Pretty cool portrait. "I remember Sanchez in Okinawa around..." View Comments...
enlarge 179KB, 1024x684 11 RICHARD DEMMICK DELMAR SQDBAY 1024
enlarge 236KB, 1024x666 12 SHIPS AT SEA SUNSET GUN 1024 I have this one enlarged and framed at my desk at work. This was off Camp Pendleton.
enlarge 383KB, 1023x1024 13 SUNSET SHIPS 1024
enlarge 296KB, 1024x670 14 PMI CLASS AT CAMP PENDLETON 1024
enlarge 297KB, 1024x669 15 OUTSIDE SQD BAY W MOPS 1024 Those string mops were far from efficient cleaning tools. Probably just moved the germs around... I remember when I first arrived there from boot camp they made us field day well into the night and we were all pissed at missing our night out in Oceanside.
enlarge 189KB, 673x1024 16 NAVY CORPSMAN AT BEQ 1979 1024 This was one of the Corpsman which was with our Company. This would have been in late 1980 as we had just moved into the new BEQ.
enlarge 180KB, 1024x675 17 NATIVE AMERICAN MARINE DEL MAR 1024 Waiting for the bus outside the "C" Company squadbay, Del Mar. "Ernie Madplume from Browning Montana..." View Comments...
enlarge 244KB, 1024x670 18 OFFICIAL PARTY ON BEACH DEL MAR 1024 The beach party where the restroom urinal shot at the beginning of the gallery was taken.
enlarge 235KB, 1024x669 19 OFFICIAL PARTY ON BEACH DEL MAR 3 1024 Same party as previous pic
enlarge 258KB, 1024x668 20 OFFICIAL PARTY ON BEACH DEL MAR 2 1024 Ditto
enlarge 297KB, 1024x581 21 OE2 VIEW AGAIN 1024
enlarge 221KB, 1024x452 22 OE2 SIDE SHOT 1024
enlarge 264KB, 1024x670 23 MY RECORDS POST THEFT 1024 My meager assortment of records at the BEQ at Del Mar. I was a member of the Columbia Record Club and would get regular shipments of vinyl while stationed there.
enlarge 313KB, 1024x667 24 SAE IN BEQ BEFORE THEFT 1980 I bought the SAE II Integrated Amp and Tuner in Oceanside along with 4 Advent Loudspeaker and ran then in the famous 'stacked' configuration. This system would play loud and crisp and accurate. Friends would come to our room and we'd play at earsplitting levels. Once at lunch we cranked the tunes so loud I got in trouble and had to clean the Company Office for a week straight. http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthread.php?1308-The-12-Most-Significant-Loudspeakers-of-All-Time
enlarge 264KB, 1024x679 25 MY JEEP AT BASE HOSPITAL 1024 In early 1980 the powers-that-be decided to send me to Four Wheel Drive School to become the CO's Jeep driver. I enjoyed the school and got real easy duty for the next three or four months...
enlarge 285KB, 1024x662 26 MY BOOTS 1024
enlarge 193KB, 1024x670 27 MR SERIOUS FACE W JEEP 1024 I don't remember the name of the guy in the back of the Jeep but he was being taken to the brig for some offense.
enlarge 231KB, 1024x670 28 MARINE ON PHONE C CO DELMAR 1024
enlarge 237KB, 1024x538 29 NAVY LANDING OPERATIONS 1024
enlarge 301KB, 1024x571 30 NAVY DUCK BOATS 1024 I would love to have one of these...
enlarge 159KB, 1024x669 31 MARINE ON THE RAMP DELMAR 1979 1024 Just a scene from the ramp at Del Mar. "The marines name Posnik, I served wi..." "I was there in 1979 until 1981 on th..." "I was there!! I was Crew chief on B-..." View Comments...
enlarge 231KB, 1024x678 32 MY TAPES W FILM 1980 1024 These were the cassettes that I had at the time, 1979-1980. I probably played Brian Eno "Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy" tape the most...
enlarge 248KB, 1024x667 33 MARINE ON MATTRESSES 1024 My roommate at the time. I forgot his name. He used to play bass and we downed more than a few beers.
enlarge 236KB, 1024x669 34 MARINE ON MATTRESS EATING SHOE 1024 And running shoes?
enlarge 233KB, 1024x671 36 NCO ON THE PHONE 1024 This was some guy in the fire watch room, 1st floor center at "C" Company, Del Mar.
enlarge 270KB, 1024x729 37 OE2 ALONG SIDE LST 1024
enlarge 243KB, 1024x669 38 NAP TIME ON TOP OF LVTP IN LST 1024
enlarge 214KB, 1024x673 39 MY JEEP PENDLETON 1024 The M151 that I drove for the CO on any given day. I used to make runs all over Camp Pendleton.
enlarge 187KB, 1024x670 40 MARINES TALKING IN JEEP DELMAR 1024 Some guy getting hauled off to the brig from "C" Company... I wasn't driving that day...
enlarge 201KB, 1024x671 41 MARINES ON BEQ 2ND FLOOR DELMAR 1024 Del Mar BEQ facing south. "OMG There was grass back then! We ha..." View Comments...
enlarge 248KB, 1024x671 42 MARINES CARS FROM BEQ 1024 View from the BEQ at Del Mar.
enlarge 219KB, 670x1024 43 MARINE IN SQUADBAY DEL MAR 1024
enlarge 251KB, 1024x668 44 MARINE IN DELMAR SQDBAY RED SHRT 1024
enlarge 226KB, 1024x662 45 MARINE DRAWING IN SQDBAY DELMAR 1024
enlarge 226KB, 1024x668 46 SHIP INTO SUNSET 1024
enlarge 252KB, 1024x669 47 MARINE DIGGING IN LOCKER 1024
enlarge 209KB, 671x1024 48 MARINE W MY BASS DELMAR 1980 1024 My Peavey bass guitar which I had for a very short time prior to heading over to Okinawa in December 1980. I think I sold it to another Marine but the memory is very foggy...
enlarge 236KB, 1024x674 49 SQDBAY DELMAR LOCKER 1024 "This was me t my locker 1979 camp de..." View Comments...
enlarge 217KB, 1024x672 50 VEHICLES OUTSDIE C CO DELMAR 1024 This guy is Ramon (last name unk) climbing out of his Camaro in front of the "C" Company sqaudbay. "Hey you remember a maintenance guy n..." View Comments...
enlarge 178KB, 1024x704 51 MARINE READS AT PMI SCHOOL CP 1024
enlarge 182KB, 1024x671 52 MARINE READING IN BEQ MESS 1024
enlarge 224KB, 1024x669 53 MAINTENANCE GUY EATS 1024 "Think this Marines name was Cree. In..." View Comments...
enlarge 325KB, 1024x688 54 MY HONDA 400 DEL MAR 2 1024 I bought this used Honda 400 and took it all over SoCal for six months or so until I went to Okinawa. I sold it to another Marine when I left for about the same I paid, $700.
enlarge 479KB, 758x1024 55 YARBZ W M16 IN FIELD CP 1024
enlarge 306KB, 1024x662 56 MY HONDA 400 AT DEL MAR 1024
enlarge 237KB, 1024x585 57 MARINES AT DELMAR PARTY 1024
enlarge 250KB, 1024x669 58 NCO ON DUTY C CO REC ROOM DELMAR 1024
enlarge 236KB, 1024x670 59 WALKING AN LVTP7 OUT DELMAR 1024
enlarge 200KB, 1024x670 60 MARINE ON MATTRESS DELMAR 1024
enlarge 228KB, 1024x676 61 MARINE LOOKING BACK ON SHIP 1024
enlarge 244KB, 1024x668 72 YARBZ COM HELMET 1024 Wearing the com helmet without the liner...
enlarge 145KB, 1024x666 73 VIEW OF LOCKERS AND BUNKS SQDBAY 1024 One of the Marines in our Squadbay breaks out his little speakers and tried to make a little place of his own. (Not possible...)
enlarge 348KB, 668x1024 74 TURRET HYDROLICS LVTP7 1024 We had leaks a lot and I hope they fixed this problem sometime in the 30 plus years since I was in... "Yes they actually did. The entire we..." "Served 1979-1983, We kept a screwdri..." View Comments...
enlarge 287KB, 1024x573 75 MY FEET BEACH DELMAR 1024
enlarge 264KB, 1024x674 76 MARINE IN AMTRACK 1024
enlarge 237KB, 1024x671 77 MARINES IN BUS CP 1024 The green interior of the bus was color coordinated with the interior of most everything else in the Corps at that time. I don't think I have painted anything in our house that color...or have I?
enlarge 219KB, 1024x670 78 MARINES HANGING IN SQDBAY DELMAR 1024
enlarge 168KB, 1024x648 79 MARINE WALKING TO LVTP7s DELMAR 1024 Gunny Alexander on the 'ramp' at Del Mar sometime in 1979 or 80. "This is Gunny Alexander from Arkansa..." "Gunny Alexander was my PlT Commander..." "Yep, that’s a gunny ABBA. He used to..." View Comments...
enlarge 244KB, 1024x492 80 MORNING MESS HALL LINE DELMAR 1024 Marines lining up for some orange color SOS at the Del Mar chow hall in the early morning... 1979/80
enlarge 338KB, 1024x660 81 MARINE SITS ON LVTP7 IN LST 1024
enlarge 238KB, 1024x669 82 MARINE OUTSIDE C CO DELMAR 1024
enlarge 164KB, 1024x656 83 VIEW OF THE RAMP DELMAR 2 1024
enlarge 232KB, 1024x663 84 MARINES ON RAMP OF SOCAL 1024 When we were stuck in the bowels of an LST it was great when they dropped the ramp and allowed some fresh air and sunlight. I don't remember what part of SoCal that is...
enlarge 250KB, 1024x672 85 MARINES ON LVTP RAMP 1024
enlarge 260KB, 1024x643 86 MARINES ON LST OF SAN DIEGO 1024
enlarge 362KB, 1024x671 87 MY M16 DURING PMI CLASS 1024 Taken while 'snapping in' at PMI School (Primary Marksmanship Instructor School). I got my teaching MOS and never taught... I think this was before I was sent to 4-wheel drive school and made CO Drive. I might have that backwards though...
enlarge 273KB, 1024x677 88 MY JEEP CONTROLS 1024 This Jeep (M151) was scary at any speed over 35 or 40. No frills with canvas pads over metal spring seats, it was not a Hummer but was smaller and probably more fun. No, we didn't get 'up armored'... :-)
enlarge 271KB, 1024x669 89 M60 MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 1024 Firing the M60 machine gun at Pendleton was fun but the .50 cal turret in our LVTP-7 was far far more fun.
enlarge 183KB, 1024x631 90 MALL SCENE CA 1024 I'll bet that there's very little open space around here now... This was Oceanside in 1979.
enlarge 170KB, 1024x617 91 MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE 1979 80 1024 This was one of the Gunny's for one of "C" Company's platoons. I cannot remember his name...
enlarge 246KB, 1024x670 92 M60 MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 1024
enlarge 160KB, 1024x672 93 M60 TANK WITH LEAVES 1024 A nice meaty looking M 60 tank somewhere on Camp Pendleton 1979/80...
enlarge 172KB, 1024x670 94 LVTPS RAMPS ON SAND 1024 We could certainly mess up the sand... Here, we're lined up facing the beach prior to heading out to an LST. Hurry up and wait is not an over used cliche...
enlarge 303KB, 1024x670 95 LVTPY GRITTY FLOOR W THING 1024 Something on the deck plates of out LVTP-7. I still shoot pictures like this...
enlarge 225KB, 1024x670 96 M203 RANGE EXPLOSION 1024 The M203 Grenade Launcher was fun and we actually did pretty well at hitting those targets.
enlarge 153KB, 1024x428 97 LVTP7 OFF SO CAL 1024 Off San Diego's shore...
enlarge 271KB, 1024x655 98 USMC057 INSIDE BELLY OF LST 1980 Marines in the belly of an LST circa 1979.
enlarge 218KB, 1024x622 99 LVTP7 PARKED OVER TANKS AREA 1024
enlarge 162KB, 1024x670 100 LVTP7 RADIO AREA 1024 Detail shot of the radio gear. Just looking at this brings back memories and I can feel the cold steel and aluminum. "RT-246, R-442, R-442, RT-524.
How..." View Comments...
enlarge 176KB, 1024x671 101 LVTP7 TEST NEWER VERSION DEL MAR 1024 While I was at Del Mar, there was a platoon of trackers who were charged with testing the newer version of the LVT7. I forgot what the changes were to be but I believe a faster non diesel power plant was the big change.
enlarge 129KB, 1024x661 102 LVTP7 THROUGH 50 CAL SITE 1024 On the ramp at Del Mar I shot this through the turret's .50 cal sight.
enlarge 220KB, 1024x666 103 LVTP7 W 3 TANKS CAMP PEND 1024 Defensive positions during some exercise at Camp Pendleton. At this time I was part of the crew on the LVTP-7. This was preferable to the M151 (Jeep) that I drove for the CO. However, I hated ramp days where we just scrub and wash and wire brush nuts and bolts for hours on end, day after day. When we were in the field it was great.
enlarge 157KB, 1024x671 104 LVTP7 W RUT 1024 Lovely dusty rutty scrubby Camp Pendleton at dusk 1979.
enlarge 271KB, 1024x671 105 LVTP7s IN FIELD CP EATING 1024
enlarge 179KB, 1024x669 106 LVTP7S IN FIELD PENDLETON 1024 We tore up a good amount to scrub brush to hide ourselves... I remember the smell of the field still.
enlarge 145KB, 1024x670 107 LVTP7S IN FIELD PENDLETON 2 1024 'Hidden' Amtracs but a white towel to make it all for naught...
enlarge 208KB, 1024x566 108 LVTP7S IN THE FILED 3 1024
enlarge 129KB, 1024x670 109 LVTP7S LINED UP AT CAMP PEND 1979 1024
enlarge 211KB, 1024x669 111 LVTP7s STAGED 1024 At Del Mar waiting yet again to storm the ocean... I loved crashing through the incoming breakers...
enlarge 111KB, 1024x584 112 LVTP7s STAGED BACK 1024
enlarge 119KB, 1024x674 113 LVTP7s WAITING TO DRIVE ON BEACH 1024
enlarge 159KB, 1024x704 114 LVTPT UP THE LST RAMP 1024 Going up the ramp of an LST could be a bit scary. If the ship was bobbing a lot you had to time it just right get over the ramp while on the low part of the bobbing. If you were half on and half off the ramp would come to the surface and basically knock you off and into the water sideways. This could be fatal for all the crew and passengers.
enlarge 141KB, 1024x624 115 LST SIDE VIEW 1024 An LST with the ramp seen on the stern. It was not a big target when you were trying to get on the thing... All these LST's were sold to other countries and are no longer.
enlarge 180KB, 1024x672 116 UNK IN M151 DEL MAR RAMP 1024 One of the other Jeep drivers...
enlarge 185KB, 1024x600 117 LSTP7s AT SEA 1024 An Alpha Company Amtrac off Pendleton 1979/80
enlarge 173KB, 1024x574 118 LSTS OF PENDLETON 1024 2 LST's off San Diego.
enlarge 211KB, 1024x669 119 PMI BARRACKS SNACK CP Fritos and Bean Dip with me on the left. This is in the barracks at PMI School which was over near the main side PX and Commissary. I don't remember the guy with me... Anyone? "Is there ha Tim beacher?" View Comments...
enlarge 295KB, 669x1024 120 SHIPS FLAGS
enlarge 288KB, 1024x667 121 MIKE IN SQDBAY RACK
enlarge 415KB, 1024x779 122 SQDBAY DRINKING DELMAR 3 Drinking in the squadbay was an 'Office Hours' offense. I was busted with them at one of these impromptu parties. I do not remember if this was the one or not.
enlarge 238KB, 1024x579 123 TRACKS AND TRUCKS PENDLETON
enlarge 277KB, 1024x667 124 TRACKS ON RAMP
enlarge 369KB, 1024x635 125 TRACKS ON THE HILLS PENDLETON 1024 LVT's dispersed around Camp Pendleton. We all wore the old flak jackets like the guy in the foreground.
enlarge 223KB, 1024x669 126 UNK SGT ON RAMP DELAMR
enlarge 234KB, 1024x585 127 VIEW FROM 2ND FLOOR BEQ DELMAR
enlarge 234KB, 1024x586 128 VIEW FROM BEQ CAMP PENDLETON This is the view from the BEQ on Del Mar. I think this is the only picture I have of my 1970 Chevy Chevelle with white vinyl top. It was a four-speed manual and I sold it when I went to Okinawa.
enlarge 224KB, 1024x612 129 VIEW FROM PMI CLASSROOM CP
enlarge 241KB, 1024x484 130 VIEW OF DELMAR BAY 2
enlarge 268KB, 1024x593 131 VIEW OF DELMAR BAY
enlarge 257KB, 1024x692 132 YARBZ AND HARDY IN SQDBAY DELMAR
enlarge 224KB, 1024x670 133 YARBZ AND DEMMICK DELMAR BEACH
enlarge 268KB, 1024x672 134 YARBZ AND MARINE TAN SQDBAY DELAMR "The guy on left is Dave somthing we ..." View Comments...
enlarge 266KB, 1024x638 135 YARBZ DELMAR W RAMP BEHND
enlarge 201KB, 1024x629 137 YARBZ GASMASK TURRET
enlarge 287KB, 1024x664 138 YARBZ GRAINY SQDBAY
enlarge 238KB, 1024x675 139 YARBZ W SOME FINGER DUDE 1979
enlarge 156KB, 1024x668 140 LT AND MARINES ON SHIP 1979 1024
enlarge 133KB, 1024x669 228 CLAUSSEN AT DELMAR BEACH 1024 "claussen from montana" "you should have gotten him to take h..." "Ron "gimme a chew" Clausse..." View Comments...
enlarge 118KB, 1024x670 229 CLAUSSEN THRU THE BUNK 1024
enlarge 236KB, 1024x814 230 CLOSE UP HELO 1024
enlarge 183KB, 1024x660 231 COBRA GUNSHIP OVER PENDLETON 1024
enlarge 153KB, 1024x570 232 COBRA ON THE GROUND PENDLETON 1024
enlarge 144KB, 1024x671 233 CORPSMAN AND TWO MARINES ON SHIP 1024
enlarge 157KB, 1024x458 234 DEL MAR BEACH VIEW TO RAMP 1024
enlarge 149KB, 1024x684 235 BEQ SINKS W TAPED ALARM 1024
enlarge 159KB, 1024x581 236 TRACERS NIGHT FIRE PENDLETON 1024
enlarge 147KB, 1024x668 237 BEQ WHEN NEW 1024 "I lived in that middle room 2nd floo..." "hey i was there from oct79 to nov 79..." View Comments...
enlarge 130KB, 1024x671 238 BUMGARDNER C CO REC ROOM DELMAR 1024
enlarge 195KB, 1024x686 239 BUMGARDNER YELLOW SHIRT DELMAR 1024 "Too many memories. I was Co D 3rd AA..." View Comments...
enlarge 272KB, 1024x667 324 FOUR MARINES OKI BEACH PARTY 1024 "The guy in the orange hat is none ot..." "i remember luis. good buddy, took a ..." View Comments...
enlarge 297KB, 1024x649 325 STEAM BATH FUJI SNACK HENOKO 1024 "Yes sir, MANY times(that I can remem..." "The old "steam & cream". I..." "LOL "Steam & Cream" Well ..." "I lived upstairs in an apartment 198..." "was in there during a minor earth qu..." "I remember many FUN nights there dur..." "My Wife and I had an apartment upsta..." View Comments...
enlarge 257KB, 1024x671 326 HENOKO CITY STREET W CLUBS 1024 "Holy Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw the ca..." "I was with Tanks in Oki in 1980, I'v..." "i was just thinking of downtown Heno..." "Club Prince was the Rock & Roll Bar...." "kyokos mom was satchko. cool lady. g..." "I love in camp schwab old camp henok..." View Comments...
enlarge 304KB, 1024x714 327 YARBZ SANDELL AND ONE SQDBAY OKI 1024
enlarge 235KB, 1024x661 328 VIEW FROM SUPPLU OKI 1024
enlarge 263KB, 1024x671 329 PARTY AT SCHWAB OKINAWA 2 1024
enlarge 263KB, 1024x576 330 OKINAWAN WOMEN WITH KIDS 1024 "Yes..it is Henoko.. I will send proo..." View Comments...
enlarge 243KB, 1024x671 331 BUMGARDNER IN OKI SQDBAY
enlarge 252KB, 1024x692 332 BUMGARDNER IN SUPPLY OKI
enlarge 291KB, 1024x675 333 BUMGARDNER OKI W NAIL CLIPPERS
enlarge 305KB, 1024x670 334 BUMGARDNER OUT OF FOCUS OKI
enlarge 285KB, 1024x599 517 BARRACKS FORT PICKETT proc
enlarge 271KB, 1024x675 518 CPL YARBZ FORT PICKETT 2
enlarge 319KB, 673x1024 519 CPL YARBZ FORT PICKETT
enlarge 183KB, 1024x672 520 DESK IN ICKETT CANADIAN HIPPY
enlarge 175KB, 1024x673 521 FEET ON DESL PICKETT
enlarge 175KB, 1024x673 522 DUDE WITH KKK ON SHEET I shot everything that I saw. This person was a Southern guy and probably did have racist beliefs but I cannot say for sure. I do remember he did this jokingly but it was not a good idea. This was 1982ish.
Tracs 75-79 You have some great pics, I was at Del Mar 1975,Schwab '76-'77,Lejuene '77-'79.You made my day. A toast to my brothers and sisters who served,a salute to those who paid the ultimate price, and a middle finger to those who kneel! Semper Fi! - Ron Lewis, Mon, 25 May 2020 12:23PM
Corporal R E Hamm here Dec 79 - 83. First duty Camp LeJeune Charlie Co., March of 80. Did some TAD in Little Creek then moved on. Our tours overlapped on the Rock, Oct 1980 to Oct 1981. I was Alpha Co. 1st TVB , first barracks off the gate as best I remember. Did the Float "Team Spirit" and Fly away "Fuji". Went back to Camp Pendleton and caught "West Pac 82-83". Great photo's, brings back great thoughts. - Russ Hamm | www.concut.com, Sun, 8 Jul 2018 5:04PM
Hello, My tour was in a similar timeline with yours, Mr. Yarborough. 1979, Bootcamp and 1st half of Infantry School. Went to Oki in '80 as a mortarman at Schwab with "I"3/4. briefly; an injury at Fuji put me in our H & S company. Also, we trained in the Philipines. Some people thought I was nuts when I extended my tour for 3 months, but, I got to see Korea by doing so. It was the Team Spirit '81 exercise and we carried out the exercise in the countryside, which was interesting. The civilian motorists on the road warmly greeted us with welcoming waves and I saw 2 farmers manually slinging water over a low berm into their field. It was a curious mixture of the modern and the primitive. Speaking of Oki again, were amtracs and tanks at any other base? My I co. quarters were practically at the end of the peninsula that formed the base and those armored vehicles would travel along the beach from one side of the peninsula to the other . The strip of beach was not very wide at all,(I'm guessing from a 37 yr old memory that it was "maybe" only 60 or 80 feet wide) at the absolute most. So, even with a beach at our back door, it was not the kind of place where you could fall asleep on the sand without worrying about a multi-ton meat tenderizer passing over you. Either way, there was a lot of natural beauty. There were a lot of beautiful Pacific ocean sunrises. I was with 2d Marines at Lejeune for the remainder of my time in. I was in 2d Mar regimental hq, mostly. I was loaned out to Marine Corps Base for 6 months to do paper work to help run the base and I was a mortarman again at the end of my tour. To the ladies who left notes on the site looking for their loved ones: there was an enlisted men's magazine called Leatherneck that I think is still an active publication. They had a classsified section that I recall. I assume you could put an ad in it. There's also frequent notices and contact info for unit reunions. I imagine a lot of former active duty marines that live around their former bases look at one occasionally when they're in a barber shop or waiting room somewhere. God bless you all. Great memories, Great Pics, Thanks Mr. Yarborough - Tom Skinner, Sun, 16 Jul 2017 4:01PM
I was at Delmar from 9/79-4/80 at Schwab from 4/80-4/81 and at courthouse bay from 4/81-6/82 when not out on floats. I have looked at these pictures over the last several years and they bring back memories. Not all good, not all bad. - Joe Cason, Thu, 12 May 2016 12:35AM
I'm the Marine you met at the commuter lot in Newington today, Cris. Your pictures brought back a lot of good memories.
I graduated boot camp at PI in November '81 and spent most of my first hitch with 3/8 out of Geiger, during which time I enjoyed a few months in Beirut with 24 MAU Peacekeeping Force in '82-'83. The remainder of those first three years I was with 2nd LAV Bn at mainside Lejeune.
After I reenlisted, I was initially assigned to DCo, 3d Tracs at the Stumps, then reassigned to 5/11, the arty battalion there. Followed that up with two years of sea duty aboard the battleship Iowa, then ended my career at 1st Landing Support Battalion at DelMar.
It was nice meeting you today, Cris. Perhaps we'll bump into one another again some time. Until then, Semper fi, brother. - Bob Royland, Tue, 8 Sep 2015 3:51PM
excellent photos. Got to rock 2nd time in 82. stationed that tour for 3 yrs. with Sgt Richard Warren, Sgt Young, Cpl Delap and Cpl Grosse. Delap and grosse did their whole 4 yrs on the rock and eas out. Warren went to pendelton got in trouble but made it to Gy. and medical for backproblems. Never heard of Clayton Young after he rotated to pendelton. - migel(mike) Casillas, Sat, 3 Jan 2015 6:21AM
Cpl. Rob here. Your pic's take me back! I was in 1st tracks bravo co. 80-81. I remember the westpack to Thailand and Pi. As well as the korea float. I lost my hydostatic steering, and nearly rolled my track down a ravine! Semper-Fi and Yat Yas! - Cpl. Jim Robertson | ◾facebook.com/jim.robertson.5070, Wed, 12 Nov 2014 5:03PM
Wow, great memories. I was at Lejeune 77-79, schwab 79, pendleton 1980. I don't have a single picture of when I was in - as you said, nobody had cameras then. This was especially true for 03's, as we had to carry every single thing and even then everything always got beat up, etc. I took an instamatic out w/me to field once and it got soaked or crushed or something, my short-lived USMC photography career. So I really appreciate all these pics, although I don't know anyone, wasn't in tracs. - Jay Roberts, Mon, 20 Oct 2014 8:14PM
Awesome thanks so much love the photos - Joaquin Diaz, Sat, 3 May 2014 10:43PM
Anyone remember a girl named Bea who used to bartend at Big Helyn's Saloon in San Clemente back in 1979 ? - Jack, Wed, 8 Jan 2014 9:43AM
American Jarhead, Thanks for postinpics. I was w Weapons 2/4 at Schwab in 79. Lost all my gear in Camp Fuji fuel explosion. That bar st. sign always made me howl!!! Like we wouldn't have found it!! I think they took it down a couple yrs. ago. I plan on returning there someday, before they construct that a)irfield at Schwab (right over coral reefs). What a shame. Passed thru Camp Lejeune are recently, you wouldn't recognize it. No more court st.(place sucked anyways) Semper Fi. Bro!!! - Bill Lennon, Wed, 15 May 2013 11:38PM
FANTASTIC Website! I added your link to my bookmark, and forwarded your website to my friends. I really appreciate this tremendous resource. Also, another great website is http://www.veteranprograms.com where veterans can learn about hidden government benefits, how to properly increase their compensation, take part in super giveaway specials for veterans, and find out what merchants are giving discounts to veterans. Keep up the great job! - David Palmer | http://www.veteranprograms.com, Thu, 14 Feb 2013 9:58AM
Was there in 1980 and 1981 bravo company 1rst platoon....John Rachels loved all the bars! - John Rachel's, Sun, 14 Oct 2012 2:37PM
Great photos,,,,,good lord for all the times i stumbled past that Bar Street sign in Henoko...going to the Prince or Texas..or sometimes even the New Sakuru. Was at Schwab and Ona Point in 80 for 10 months and in 83 for another 10. Great photos and great memories. Semper Fi - Dave Wiebe, Fri, 16 Mar 2012 10:53AM
Great picts lots of memories,looking for anyone from 3/6 camp lejeune 1979 to 82 I was in h&s co. motor t. ezrider246AThotmailDOTcom - Tim ashley, Sat, 31 Dec 2011 7:24PM
Hey I love these pic's, they bring back some good memories from del mar. All my Tracker brothers out there. One of our track brothers just created a site. You gotta check it out and submit your old AAV pics. www.yat-yas.com Kill!! - Steven Brown, Sun, 6 Feb 2011 12:47PM
Great pictures....My time Viet-Nam 1965'66 radio operator 3rd Marine Div, 5th Comm Bn. - Ed Ritcherson, Sun, 9 May 2010 4:40PM
You've got a great "scrapbook" depicting time in service with The Corps. I've been out for 20 years, but some of these shots look so familiar to me that I almost feel as if I'm going to awake from a dream, to the sound of the Duty NCO shouting "Reveille!, Reveille!" - Dave Ryan, Sat, 24 Apr 2010 1:07AM
Great photos that you have here. I'm suprised that there are no photos of the Club Queen in Honoko. - Chuck Whitworth, Thu, 11 Mar 2010 4:24AM
Amazing pictures, Brother. Looking at the pics from NC in 79, remind me of my days there. (1979-1983) Thank you for posting these. Semper Fi! - Holly, Fri, 12 Feb 2010 5:48PM
Wow...seeing the pics of Henoko outside of Schwab brings back a lot of memories. Thank you! - Scott Billings, Sat, 30 Jan 2010 5:31AM
looking over your pics take me back to good times great people was in c co late 75 to 77 then to stumps w first plt of tracs good times heller club riot - mike carr, Wed, 23 Dec 2009 5:47PM
I am looking for my father. I have found a book with a picture of him. The book does not have a year but I believe it is around 1979-1980. The front of the book says "Marine Corps Recruit Depot" San Diego California, First Battalion, Platoon 1024. His name is Timothy Patrick Wright. If anyone has any information on him or knows how I could find anything about him with this lead, please email me at sandraclaus@americaschoice4re.com. Any info would be greatly appreciated. [Editor: Sandra, I didn't know him during my tour but I hope a visitor to this site does and contacts you. Best of luck and prayers! Let us know if you find him! -Cris aka: AmericanJarhead] - Sandra, Fri, 13 Nov 2009 11:48PM
Wow, does this site bring back a lot of great memories. I was with the 2nd Amphibious Assault BN (1975-1978) at Camp Lejune. Thanks and great job! Jim - Jim Favara, Tue, 27 Oct 2009 8:33AM
nice pics, been to delmar a few times having served with I 3\5. brings great memories,thanks.Semper Fi. - harv, Sun, 26 Jul 2009 4:23PM
Great Pictures. Man, these bring back memories. If anyone i was station with at Del Mar or Schwab sees my post, email me please. Semper Fi - Mark Sullivan, Wed, 11 Mar 2009 10:08AM
You're the man! I served in the same place at almost the same time. Since all my pictures were taken with a 110 Instamatic, these pictures make it seem like yesterday. YATYAS! - Bill Wells80-84, Fri, 20 Feb 2009 9:28AM
Great Pictures. I have some from Camp Henoko that are similar to your Schwab pics. Come join us and post some pictures at leatherneck.com. Great site for future, former, and present day Marines. - Robert May | http://www.leatherneck.com/, Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:50AM
I was in A. Co. 1st Batt. 5th Marine Regiment from '94 - '98. I have lost all of the photos that i had taken during that time. I have lost contact with all my marine buddies but one and its been quite some time since I've heard anything from him. Looking at these photos brings back fond memories of Camp Pendleton and Okinawa. If anyone has any photos of anyone from 2nd platoon please e-mail them to me at macomcline@yahoo.com - Macom A. Cline, Sat, 20 Dec 2008 9:04PM
like a wak down memory lane, was in c co at delmar 1981 then to b co in oki till nov 82 - coleman, Fri, 15 Aug 2008 6:42PM
I was an amtracker (1833) in 1st Tracked Veh Bn on Okinawa in B Co. in 1980-1981. All of your photos of LVT operations on the beach, .50 cal range, on LSTs, etc., and downtown Henoko are just like old times! Thanks for documenting all of this and saving the pictures. And you have the only photo I have ever seen of somebody working the butts at the rifle range. Not that any of us would ever forget what any of that looked like. It's just weird to see a photo of it 25 years later and it looks exactly the way you remember it. Semper Fi Nelson - Nelson, Wed, 9 Jul 2008 2:56PM
Great to see the photos from your era, and recall some of the same sites from decades before. The Camp Pendleton shots all seem quite familiar since Pendleton hasn't changed much. Even today, when I attend various events and ceremonies there, the terrain and most of the buildings seem frozen in time.
It is Okinawa where the change is enormous. As you know, I made the landing there April 1, 1945, and the Okinawa in your photos bear little resemblance to my recollections. I left there in September 1945 to go to China with the 1st Marine Division, and have never been back. Can't decide actually if I even want to go back.
I was at Horno and in 1/9 from 80-84. I was H&S Co. Comm. Plt. I was the radio operator for Bravo and Charlie Co. at different times. Did you by chance go to Deago Garcia with C co. in late 83 early 84. Do you remember Capt. Kidney. - Joel Greenwood, Fri, 29 Feb 2008 1:45PM
songs, nice pictures. we had shitters like that in the Army, (sorry)also.Four on one side, four across from you. Well, I never did get shit shy. I love your pics. Brings back LOTS of memories! TONY, Korea, '51-'52 - tony march, Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:39PM
I was at Horno Summer 0f 63 to Spring of 64 in Radio Platoon. Was back there in Sept 2007. Stopped at Onafre to make purchase at PX. Was in a hurry and will try to go back again to spend more time. Was there to get a ride with the Navy aboard the Nimitz. In Plt 201 San Diego Jan 1963. Okinawa at Camp Hague Summer 0f 64 to Mar 65 then to DaNang till 66 Then to 10th Marines at LeJuene. Good memories. - Jim Dugan, Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:28PM
I was in 3/1 @ Horno from 1984 to 1989. Went on 3 WESTPACS. As a radio tech, I rode inside the Communications AAV during 11th MAU WESTPAC operations in 1985, so I liked the pictures of the AAV climbing the ramp into the LST (USS Cayuga?). - Derek Marshall, Fri, 27 Jul 2007 9:26PM
My name is (Dirt) 1st.Bn 4th marines alfa company 2nd platoon 1978 - 1980 29 palms Calf. lost contact with all. any photos of this time ., or brothers see's this email me., , also looking for : john Neclerio ,( new york ) Bravo company weapons platoon, Gilbert Espenoza (Esa )(Scotts bluff Neb. ) TC smith (pompino beach Fla.) Mike Parker (Tenn) wheres all my running compadrays ? was finaly shipped home on red cross plane with brain damage , even would like to hear from the Gunny Sarg of this time zone. - Brad Teppenpaw, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:30AM
I was at Horno 1964-65, with 7th Comm. Bn. May '65 7th Comm., was divided, and half went to Viet-Nam as 5th Comm. The other half to 29 Palms. I was with the bunch that became 5th Comm. I have fond memories of Camp Horno, thanks...... - Ed Ritcherson, Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:55PM
HI nice pictures...just wondering...if you may know a guy that was stationed @CAMP LEJEUNE ,NC in 1980 and from there to OKINAWA? His name was RON L Brown...we dated a short time and then I lost track of him.I would be grateful for any info you may have ..thanks for this site....and God BLess You ... sincerly,Penny - penny, Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:42PM
Looking for the guys I sevred with at horno, Bravo company 1rst marines 9th Battalion, LT Jim angelis, especially Huk, erbie, dave and don Johnson,Barry childress and the rest. - ed williamson ( willie) | www.profitprintfilms.com, Thu, 11 May 2006 5:59AM
Nice pics. I remember a lot of friend in 1/9 when they were stationed at Horno. I was HQ Co. 1st Mar Reg. - Ssgt. Vega M.A. USMC Ret., Sun, 5 Feb 2006 10:34AM
Wonderful pictures I have not seen.Hope you post more.Love, Mom - Mom, Tue, 10 Jan 2006 8:55PM
cool pics. brings back memories of Cco.1st bn.9thmar. camp horno 1982-1986. I also was the CO's driver, Anyway...Semper Fi ! - Cpl.Snyder J.B U.S.M.C.Ret., Mon, 26 Sep 2005 1:55PM
Your Photos are amazing - Eleanor, Wed, 16 Feb 2005 4:21PM