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Yarbz Photography
The images included on this site are a little bit of everything I do. Photojournlaism, sports, personal projects, goofy stuff and more.

If you have a job or would like to use any of the images from this site, please contact me to discuss.

I hope you enjoy looking around. Photography is my way of telling people about the world I see and perceive.

I am always curious about who stops by, PLEASE sign the individual gallery guestbooks!!!

You can email me at: americanjarhead AT gmail DOT com


1 - 26 of 26 Total.
1. SPAIN FEB/MAR 2024 
Medium format black and white taken with one of three cameras, a Rolleiflex 2.8E, Fuji GW690III and a Fuji GSW690III.  Also, a few color images from my phone and Sony a7RV.
101 Visits
252 Images
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Streets, Walls, Bridges & Windows
2. Streets, Walls, Bridges & Windows  (None)
Pictures of surfaces out of context with their place in the world.
29023 Visits
74 Images
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3. CALIFORNIA  (2006-2009)
Various images taken during four trips to California...

Equipment: Canon 20D, 30D, 50D, 10-22 EFs, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 135/2.0L, 1.4xII, 580 Flash, Panasonic LX3
67590 Visits
164 Images
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American Safari 1999
4. American Safari 1999  (Summer 1999)
During the summer of 1999, an English writer, Joe Patch, and I, an American photographer, drove over 15,000 miles along with Louis Baker, Joe’s’ son and an Australian boxer.  Together in a Jeep Wrangler, we traveled the country in search of people and places that would make our trip into what we had hoped, a safari into American culture.  During these three months on the road, we met people from all walks of life and a vast number of cultures. We hope these images and words will express what we found, our diversity as a nation and the kindness and sense of community that was predominate.  Our positive experience offers up the opposite to the negative picture of American society painted by our countries’ news media.

All images were captured using Kodak and Fuji color reversal film.

Our sincere thanks to all who helped us along the way.  Your kindness and hospitality was most appreciated.

Email me if you like at: americanjarheadATgmail.com
38173 Visits
129 Images
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American Aspects, Black & White
5. American Aspects, Black & White 
Here are some black and white images I have taken all around America. This is a continuing project that has been ongoing since I began shooting. There are far more than what is currently posted, so keep coming back and I will add more...

What a great and diverse country we have!
9096 Visits
31 Images
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Images from my tie as a photojournalist during the mid1990's through the early 2000's.
49320 Visits
227 Images
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Sleestak PhotoShops
7. Sleestak PhotoShops 
Sleestaks are the slow hissing "monsters" from the Sid and Marty Croft kids television series from the 1970's, The Land of the Lost.  The show was campy and low budget...  The Sleestak is a misunderstood minority which encounters all the same problems as any minority as these Photoshopped images show.

This gallery also includes Gorn Photoshops.  The Gorn is a lizard-like alien from the original Star Trek "Arena" episode which luckily was blown up by Captain Kirk after had made his bamboo cannon.  The original McGuyver I guess...
26232 Visits
62 Images
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Washington DC
8. Washington DC  (August 2005)
These were taken August 12 thru 14, 2005. On Friday the 12th, we began by attending Evening Parade at Marine Barracks at 8th and "I" streets. A truly amazing event. Also we ran about DC so enjoy these...

Email me if you like at: americanjarhead AT gmail DOT com

47765 Visits
97 Images
Gallery Album
San Francisco 2005
9. San Francisco 2005  (February/March 2005)
A quick biz trip to San Francisco Feb 25 thru Mar 2, 2005 allowed Mariann and I a small budget short vacation.

These images are a mostly chronological sequence of our trip beginning with the Airport in Hartford, Connecticut.

Email me if you like at: americanjarhead AT gmail.com
31825 Visits
107 Images
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The Laphroaig Photo Project
10. The Laphroaig Photo Project  (ONGOING PROJECT)
These are photos of one unopened bottle of Laphroaig 10 Year Old Single Islay Malt Scotch Whisky. The project will be on going and attempt to capture photographs of this particular bottle at historic events, famous places as well as tagging along with me during my daily routine. In addition, I will work to get this bottle photographed with well known, and not so well known, people such as celebrities, politicians, actors, police, firefighters, blue and white collar workers and photo manipulations...

The Project began March 18, 2006 and shall continue for quite some time. There are numerous influences that gave rise to this idea, but one project stands above the rest; "The Red Couch - A Portrait of America". In addition, a Bottle of Laphroaig is much easier to haul around than a couch and if for some reason I get tired of doing this, I can just stop where I am and open the bottle... End of project.

The Laphroaig Photo Project will continually evolve and re-define itself as photographs are taken and people and places influence the direction of the project.

DISCLAIMER: This project is not affiliated in any way whatsoever with the Laphroaig distillery. The individuals and businesses and in these and future images do not in any way infer an endorsement of any product. In addition, these images are not meant to imply any advocacy for or against the consumption of alcohol.

Please Drink Responsibly and if you're planning on not drinking responsibly, don't drive. It's a no brainer...

25085 Visits
61 Images
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Rowland Campaign
11. Rowland Campaign 
I shot these while I had some excellent access to the Governor during his second re-election campaign.
12718 Visits
41 Images
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Watt Iron Horse 041025
12. Watt Iron Horse 041025  (041025)
A GREAT show by a consummate musician. I have 33 images at 12"x72ppi resolution. If you would like a higher resolution for a print, email me the photo number and I will hook you up with a file suitable for large prints.

These were all shot at the 1600 ISO setting of the Canon 20D with either the 24-70mm/2.8L or the 135mm/2.0L without flash.

Many thanks to Watt, Raul and Pete for the friendly welcome they gave my buddy Dave and me...

Email me if you like at: songsfromhell@yahoo.com

69805 Visits
42 Images
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VARIOUS AND SUNDRY IMAGES TAKEN WITH FILM AND DIGITAL... Please leave comment if you find anything interesting. Also, sign the guestbook if you know how to write. ;-)
30196 Visits
79 Images
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Crazy Kitchen
14. Crazy Kitchen   (041115)
The Kitchen from before to after. I made the table and we painted the kitchen and created a little Mexican corner...

Email me if you like at: songsfromhell@yahoo.com

13880 Visits
32 Images
Gallery Album
Political & Social PhotoShop Humor
15. Political & Social PhotoShop Humor  (Whenever)
Images I have messed with for my blog:


NOTE: Contains Some "R" Rated Material

Email me if you like at: americanjarhead@gmail.com
201528 Visits
334 Images
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These are random film scans from personal and family negatives dating back to the 1960's to present.
14563 Visits
35 Images
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Roadtrip to and from Lenox MA
17. Roadtrip to and from Lenox MA  (2004)
Just some shots taken on Satudray, October 23, 2004 on the way up to and back from Lenox Massachusetts...

Email me if you like at: songsfromhell@yahoo.com

6965 Visits
28 Images
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alabama feb 2011
18. alabama feb 2011 
10441 Visits
36 Images
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Shira dances traditional at Burger Continental in Pasadena. The BEST brunch ever. It's a strange name for a great greek brunch but trust me, go and enjoy.  It's on Lake Street. Just google Burger Continental.
7713 Visits
16 Images
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20. THANKSGIVING 2013  (Nov 28, 2013)
Just some shots of the family on Thanksgiving in New Britain, CT, USA in our lower level bar area...
10363 Visits
24 Images
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Photos around Orange County California mostly with a lot of surfing and body surfing at the Wedge in Newport Beach (Balboa Peninsula) and a couple from Huntington Beach.

Click on an image and an 800 pixel image will open.  From there, you can choose either 1024 pixel or original (LARGE) and save for your personal use only.

27794 Visits
87 Images
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Juggernuts Gathering
22. Juggernuts Gathering  (September 15 thru 17)
People from the Blog: http://www.juggernuts.com

Email me if you like at: americanjarhead @ gmail.com

22963 Visits
103 Images
Gallery Album
This and That Personal Junk
23. This and That Personal Junk 
A bit of life here and there
39188 Visits
143 Images
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Jarhead Time
24. Jarhead Time  (May 1979 to May 1983)

(Scroll down below the 'About' section for 520 images)
Web addresses to this page:



I added several hundred images November 4, 2011.  Enjoy...

1- Camp Pendleton, CA (May 1979 - Dec 1980)
2- Okinawa, Japan (Dec 1980 - Dec 1981)
3- Camp LeJeune, NC (Dec 1981 - May 1983
4- Fort Pickett, VA ( Late 1982 give or take...)

The images on this site were taken while I served in the Marine Corps from 1979 to 1983. They are predominately from my three major duty stations: Camp Pendleton, CA; Camp Schwab, Okinawa; Camp LeJeune, NC. During that time I served as an 1833 (AmTrac Crewman), 0431 (Embarkation NCO) and also went to Jeep four-wheel drive school, PMI (Primary Marksmanship Instructor) school and served at Company Clerk for a time while at Courthouse Bay in Camp LeJeune.

I bought my first camera because I wanted to show my friends back home what I was doing and what life in the Marines was like. I began shooting subjects that were documentary in nature. Pictures of lockers, heads, daily activities etc. While I had no technical knowledge about photography such as composition, exposure, depth of field etc, I did manage to come up with some interesting images. Remember, while almost everyone has a little digital camera with them now in the early 1980's, cameras were not terribly common. 

These early experiences lead me to pursue photography when I was discharged. I went to Eastern Connecticut State University for two years where I enrolled in every possible photography course and even taught an internship in black and white photography. In 1985, I transferred to Syracuse University where I majored in Photojournalism and the Newhouse School before switching to the College of Visual and Performing Arts. I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography in 1988. 

I've worked as a photojournalist for eight years as both a newspaper staffer and freelancer. Some of my employers and clients included the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Quincy Patriot Ledger, New Britain Herald and the Associated Press.

All these years I have kept the original negatives from my Marine Corps days and have now scanned them in my new Nikon Super Coolscan 5000ED at full resolution. I want to share them with anyone who has an interest in those days. There are many photographs of people I no longer know. There are friends with whom I have lost touch. It is my hope that these images will rekindle personal memories as well as lead to reestablishing friendships that are long lost. When looking at the photographs, if you see yourself or someone you know, let me know. Also, pass the link to this site to anyone you think might enjoy these images. -Semper Fi.
Equipment Used:

My camera was a used Canon AT-1, the fully manual version of the famed AE-1. I bought it used from a Marine in "C" company, 3rd AABN, Del Mar. The AT-1 was simple to use and came with a standard 50/f1.8. I bought a generic telephoto zoom lens which was very cheap. I didn't yet understand about glass quality... I also used some cheap generic flash. I used to put all my equipment in a gas mask carrying case instead of a camera bag. This way, nobody bothered me about having my equipment... It was nice and stealthy. I did get asked several times why I always carried a gas mask. Was I afraid of getting gassed? Hehehehehe...


You are free to save and print these images for personal use and enjoyment. You may make no profit from these images and may not repost anywhere online without permission (which will likely be given if asked for...)   If you would like a high resolution file for printing shoot me an email!

-- AmericanJarhead (aka: Cris)

PS:  Please sign the GUEST BOOK, comment and/or email if you have additional information on any image such as names, places etc.  SEMPER FI!

Email me if you like at: americanjarhead AT gmail DOT com

richard, demmick, gary, ritz, roger, koko, camp pendleton, del mar, delmar, marines, usmc, jarheads, lejeune, le jeune, camp schwab, henoko, japan, amtrac, lvtp7, lvt, lst, lsd, m151, 3rd aabn, assault amphibian battalion, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, semper fi
190020 Visits
530 Images
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8MM Stills
25. 8MM Stills  (1950s to 1970s)
Video stills from 8mm movies that my dad, mom and even us kids took.

The default file size is 1024x768 but you can choose 800x600 or Original when perusing.

Here are links to the edited films:

REEL 5:  https://youtu.be/Oc9LDi7D-JM
REEL 4:  https://youtu.be/W8xr3329o_g
REEL 3:  https://youtu.be/1_h0O8QfNiA
REEL 2:  https://youtu.be/aWQLaLUZ3h8
REEL 1:  https://youtu.be/E1r9l89BGMQ

Beginning approximately 1958 and going through the late 1970's.  The videos were digitized frame by frame to 1080 (with letterbox on the sides) and these stills have been cropped and adjusted.  Some of these are hard to believe they came from 8mm.  The frame size is so small it's difficult to image that there is any detail at all.

The conversions were done by Legacy Digital Productions: http://legacydigital.net.  I highly recommend them.

I am currently editing for each of the seven 8mm film reels that were digitized in Adobe Premiere.  This includes removing some unwatchable sections or even individual frames, adding image adjustments, speed and stabilization adjustments, transitions and miscellaneous information about the scenes.  Here are the links for the completed reels.  (Only reel 1 is complete right now and I'll add links as they are completed.)


102734 Visits
483 Images
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Colonel Barkley B Yarborough
26. Colonel Barkley B Yarborough 


Very sad news... My dad, Barkley B. Yarborough, "Colonel BB" to many, a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps passed away recently.

These are select images from his Marine Corps days which began in 1943.

Dad began life in Texas on May 18, 1925 and left us after a hell of a run on July 14, 2015.  We all miss him and he was admired and respected by all who meet him.

I've put in captions as best I could. If you notice something is obviously incorrect, please leave a comment... You can leave comments on any photo once you click on it and are encouraged to do so.


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49996 Visits
111 Images
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 External Links 
My Music - Very strange stuff

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