FRONT ROW: Sgt Scott, Gov't official, Chief Huget, D/Chief George Moore, Supt Norm Collins.
MIDDLE: Randy Gray, Jim Leech, Merv Tippi (Estevan), Bob Ewart, Sharon Fettes, ? Wharyon (Wascana), Vic Hoemson, Marv Taylor, Roy Zurowski.
BACK ROW: Ken Peters, Dick Sather, Ken Black, Bryan Fryklumd, Wayne Yurkiw (Wascana), Ken Walker, Hank Duyvestyn (Lamer), Ray Sinclair, Don Dejong
5 Recruit Class # 1 - 1974
FRONT ROW: U/K, Ron Seiferling, Bernie Eiswirth, U/K, Chief Huget, U/K, U/K, U/K, John Reid.
MIDDLE: Milo Korchinski, Jim Mayes, Larry Toupin, U/K, John Kinchloe, Dale Schultz, Doug Matheis, U/K, Tom Barry, Len Klimek
BACK ROW: U/K, Garry Hoedel, U/K, Bob Paseznak, U/K, Bill Bond, U/K, Jim Daniels, Mark Eisenzimmer "I have the list of names f..." "Beside Bernie is Supt. Web..." "filling in the u/k for you..." "The person between Bill Bo..." "I stand corrected by anoth..." "I would like to clarify th..." "correction: Robert Walker..." View Comments...
12 Recruit Class # 6 "Photo Donated by Cst. Larr..." View Comments...
13 Recruit Class # 7 - 1977
14 Recruit Class # 7 - 1977
15 Recruit Class # 8 - 1978
16 Recruit Class # 8 - 1978
17 Recruit Class # 8 RPS Members ONLY!
18 Recruit Class # 9 - 1978
19 Recruit Class # 9 - 1978
20 Recruit Class # 10 - 1979
21 Recruit Class # 10 - 1979
22 Recruit Class # 11 - 1979
23 Recruit Class # 11 - 1979
24 Recruit Class # 12 - 1980
Front Row: Ken Sabo, Police College Assistant, Selmer Johnson, Ken Karasiuk, Randy Armitage 2nd Row: Roger Ferraton, George McCubbing, Debra Haines, Bob Koroluk, Gord Pilon 3rd Row: Kirby Harmon, Roland Thibault, Brian Twining, Wesley Walker, Joseph Glaves, Ronald Woytowich 4th Row: John Rennick, Tom Abrook, Own Ebner, Terry Goodlad, Bruce Ehalt Back Row: Grant Leggett, Glen Gordon, Boyd Harrison, Terry Hawks
25 Recruit Class # 12 - RPS Members
26 Recruit Class # 13 - 1980
27 Recruit Class # 13 - 1980
28 Recruit Class # 15
30 Recruit Class # 16 - FALL 1982 "Dean Fedor - Doug Coburn -..." "Vern New extreme right" "Tom Savage...extreme left." View Comments...
31 RSP Members attending Class # 17
32 Recruit Class # 22
34 Class 22 RPS MEMBERS: Left to Right: Lauri Morin, Curtis Kemp, Marlene Dormuth, John Skinner, Ron Wilson, Blair Thompson, Rod Dizy, Bill Yarnton, Darcy Schatz, Ralph Worel, Randy Love, Ken Cosgrove, Mark Kelsch, Jerry Nelson, Brent Johnson, Pete Engelhardt, Linda Geni, Ron Rayner, Lise Gray
35 Class 23: April 1987 Standing Back Row: Dale Fleury, Dave Virgin, Mike Hasenfratz, Dave Wade, Murray Walton, Bill Graham Seated: Rob Huber, Darren Wilcox, Angie McDougall, Lance Dudar
36 Police College CLASS ??? - August, 1998 Back Row: Brooks Findlay, Robert D'Andrea, Scott Todd, Darcy McDonald, Laurel Marshall, Nicholl Swanson, (??? > possibly Tammy Leier or Kyla Hicks?)
Front Row: Derek Donais, Tony Yee, Regan Riddell, Maria Rupcich, Lisa Suarez, Jessica Gawley, Chris Stadel, Murray Langaard
37 Rookies getting detailed! "front row left to right Ge..." "Next to Jim Ralston is Ed ..." "Next to Jim Ralston is Ran..." View Comments...
41 Does anyone know the two officers in the front row? "Miles Johnson on the left
..." "police woman is Cst Kathy ..." "the guy with the glasses i..." "A valid attempt, Curtis. ..." "Could the guy on the right..." View Comments...
43 "Front Row Left to right
G..." "Fonger, Ralston, Randy Gra..." View Comments...
54 "Seated: Unknown
Suit: L..." "(L to R) Al Philip, Ron Li..." "Great memories, this is La..." "The person is Larry Ewanch..." "Seated - Al Philip, Ron L..." View Comments...
116 Back, L-R Cec Brown, Ray Huber, Glen Groff, Al Nernberg 3rd Row L-R Bill Luciak, Dan Dyke, Al Pletz, Kelly Elliott, 2nd Row Wally Rohac, Eric West, Steve Parschuck,Hank Klassen, jack Scott Front Row Selmer Johnson, Norm Collins, Al Huget, Dennis Chislom, Vern New
251 Jerry Nelson being mentored by his idol, Ed Swayze. As we all know S/Sgt. Nelson goes on to become the "TOP INVESTIGATOR/INTERROGATOR OF ALL TIME" "Thats Bill Klein on the le..." View Comments...
252 When asked what ONE thing lead to his great success with the RPS. S/Sgt. Nelson summed it up with one word "SWAYZE".
253 "Front Left Brian Benz, Rea..." "Fourth in from left rear -..." "I think the rear left is G..." View Comments...
638 Moose Jaw's Cst. Torgunrude. Former Commissionaire working at the RPS.
639 Chief Troy Hagen
646 Regina Policemans Association President Christine Tell. Later becomes Minister of Justice in the Brad Wall Sask Party Government.
649 1947 TROOP INSPECTION: In Front of # 1 Fire Hall, 1600 11th Avenue "Front Five: Left to Right..." "That is my Grandfather Cla..." View Comments...
650 20 Year Metals, 1996
655 Marv Kereluke at Balfour High School, 1989
656 SHIFT 3, November 22, 2012: Watch Commander Bob Koroluk, North Sergeant Jeremy Quere, North Corporal Darren McPherson, South Corporal Casey Ward, Central Corporal Shane Hoedel, Central Sergeant Cam Kuffner
729 1912 Regina Police Force, Chief Zeats, Board of Police Commissioners. Regina Police formed in 1895 because the NWMP/RCMP refused to enforce Regina town bylaws.
730 Detective Linskog, Paul Shimmelman, Bing Forbes, Randy Gray
844 First ever RPS Citizen's Police Academy Class, 1986.
845 2001 TEAM B
847 Toronto Police Constable Bob Hinchcliffe, 1980
850 Mike Cain and Steve Eberle, November 11, 1993 "Regina Garrison Junior Ran..." View Comments...
851 RPS Pipes&Drums Band, 1989
852 Sask Police College, CLASS 6, 1976 "Chief Al Huget swearing in..." View Comments...
853 1979 Opening of New HQ - New Line-up Room (photo: Denis Eberle's brother Don, Wife Kathy and daughter Niki. "Don Eberle (many years lat..." View Comments...
855 Dennis Hoyer (Bunker)
856 Front Left to right: Arnie Criddle, Dave Bagwell, Bob Eaton, Insp. Gilbert 2nd: Myron Shykitka, Stan Pitura, Barry French, Rick Wirth, Ron Hawgood 3rd: Dwayne Miller, Bob Murton, Cliff Just, Dick Clarke
858 Bob JR Hinchcliffe, TORONTO POLICE: Motorcycle Cop
859 Bob Hinchcliffe (JR), with Toronto Police in 1979
860 Sitting: Norm Doane, Don Williamson, Norm Collins Back: Selmer Johnson, Ralph Huntley, Kelly Elliott, Harold Weber
861 I found a document that lists James White badge # 123. Also I found that the photo was labelled "Jim and Rex in Regina, 1962". All I know about James White is: Start Date: Dec 14, 1959. End Date: June 28, 1963. Photo: Dan Dyck, James White and dog REX, Dale Melin