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WAH YAN 1974
Dear Friends,

Welcome to our site, hope it is of value to you and to all of us.  Come on in and enjoy the 160 x 30 years = 4,800 years of fond memories and friendships. The site is barren and we need YOU to help, so dig up your treasure box and send us pictures, any pics that may be of interest and we need all the help we can get to manage the site.  Contact us. (Daniel So, Tommy Lai, Stephen Tse, Patrick Fong, Raymond Tsang, Ken Lo ....etc.) We start to see more new entries which will be displayed as separate albums and  will later on be categorized under various groupings and timing for easier retrievals.(message 2-28-2002)Questions? Suggestions? e-mail Ah So at dankso@gmail.com
11 - 20 of 339 Total.
Wah Yan 2016 Second Golf Tournament
11. Wah Yan 2016 Second Golf Tournament  (November 2, 2016)

Report by the Golf Convener

The second golf tournament organized by our Association for the year 2016 was held on Wednesday, 2 November, 2016 at the Old Course of the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.  A total of 19 members participated in the match.  

The final results were as follows:-

    William Kwan Trophy – Gross Score

         Winner:       Mr. Simon Lee
         Runner-up:       Dr. Godwin Leung

    Eric Ko Cup – Stableford

         Winner:       Mr. Paul Tan
         Runner-up:       Dr. William Ho

    Other Winners

         Longest Drive on hole #6:     Mr. Gordon Lee
         Longest Drive on hole #17:     Mr. Stanley Lah
         Nearest to the Pin on hole #3:     Mr. Paul Tan
         Nearest to the Pin on hole #16:     Mr. Cheung Yuk Tong
         Consolation Prize:     Mr. Stanley Lah

Fong Hup
Golf Convener

Dated:  2 November, 2016
696 Visits
3 Images
Shared Album
Wah Yan Golf Tournament May 2016
12. Wah Yan Golf Tournament May 2016  (May 19, 2016)

Report by the Golf Convener

The first golf tournament organized by our Association for the year 2016 was held on Wednesday, 18 May, 2016 at the Eden Course of the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.  A total of 14 members participated in the match.  

The final results were as follows:-

    Fong Hup Trophy – Gross Score

         Winner     :     Mr. Derek Wong
         Runner-up     :     Mr. Gordon Lee

    Ralph Shea Cup – Stableford

         Winner     :     Mr. Simon Lee
         Runner-up     :     Mr. Peter Lo

    Other Winners

         Longest Drive on hole # 4         :     Mr. Derek Wong
         Longest Drive on hole # 17       :     Mr. Cheung Yuk Lam
         Nearest to the Pin on hole # 10     :     Mr. Cheung Yuk Lam
         Consolation Prize     :     Mr. Philip Wong

Fong Hup
Golf Convener

Dated:  19 May, 2016
663 Visits
21 Images
Shared Album
Wah Yan Golf Tournament Nov.2015
13. Wah Yan Golf Tournament Nov.2015  (November 24, 2015)

Report by the Golf Convener

The second golf tournament organized by our Association for the year 2015 was held on Tuesday, 24th November, 2015 at the Eden Course of the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.  A total of 17 members participated in the match.  

The final results were as follows:-

    William Kwan Trophy – Gross Score

         Winner:  Mr. Eugene Kong
         Runner-up:  Mr. Derek Wong

    Eric Ko Cup – Stableford

         Winner:  Mr. Gordon Lee
         Runner-up:  Dr. Albert Fong

    Other Winners

         Longest Drive on hole #4:  Dr. Godwin Leung
         Longest Drive on hole #18:  Mr. Derek Wong
         Nearest to the Pin on hole #5:  Mr. Adrian Hon
         Nearest to the Pin on hole #17:  Dr. Chung Ka Leung
         Consolation Prize:  Mr. Simon Cheng

Fong Hup
Golf Convener

Dated:  25 November, 2015
636 Visits
8 Images
Shared Album
Yeelina and Mark Wedding
14. Yeelina and Mark Wedding  (August 22, 2015)
"Official" photos
902 Visits
47 Images
Shared Album
Yeelina and Mark Marriage Party
15. Yeelina and Mark Marriage Party  (August 22, 2015)
740 Visits
88 Images
Shared Album
Mark's Bachelor's Party
16. Mark's Bachelor's Party  (August 21, 2015)
459 Visits
11 Images
Shared Album
Wah Yan Concert August 2015
17. Wah Yan Concert August 2015  (August 1, 2015)
424 Visits
23 Images
Shared Album
Friday Club Dinner July 2015
18. Friday Club Dinner July 2015  (July 31, 2015)
Welcome back 黃光
587 Visits
26 Images
Shared Album
Chun's get-well party
19. Chun's get-well party  (June 12, 2015)
At Hong Kong Sanitorium
466 Visits
8 Images
Shared Album
Wah Yan Spring Dinner 2015
20. Wah Yan Spring Dinner 2015  (March 2, 2015)
519 Visits
10 Images
Shared Album
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Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
Wah Yan Past Student Association
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Stephen Tse's Collection
Sanuel Kuk's Collection

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