Here are answers to questions you may have:
Q: When can I pick up my new companion? A: Most of the dogs go out to their new owners at 8 weeks of age because the dogs begin to bond best to their new owners at that time. Sometimes because of distance and scheduling the dog may go out later. We do our best to work with the new owners.
About the Breed:
American Hairless Terriers are intelligent, alert, playful and loving dogs. They are very inquisitive and lively. This affectionate dog makes an excellent companion especially for allergy sufferers. Many allergy sufferers find them to be the only dogs they can own. Due to the lack of hair in the hairless version, they have little dander. Fleas are not found with this breed. The AHT is considered by many to be the closest thing to a hypo-allergenic dog. The American Hairless Terrier makes a wonderful pet for active families. Their personalities vary quite a bit and while some are lap dogs, others are true terriers.
The American Hairless Terrier is not a primitive breed at all but a rather new one. The first recorded hairless terrier was born in 1972 to a Rat Terrier. The AHT is a natural mutation of the Rat Terrier, but unlike other hairless breeds the gene causing the lack of hair is recessive not dominant. AHT's are born with full dentition (a full set of teeth), and a soft downy fuzz on their bodies. As the dog matures it will lose this downy covering rather like a baby's peach fuzz. Adults are completely hairless other than a few whiskers. Their skin is soft and they are not prone to acne or allergies, they do however sunburn quite easily so care must be taken when outside. First listed by the United Kennel Club in 1999 as the Rat Terrier - hairless variety, in 2004 the American Hairless Terrier was officially recognized by the UKC as a distinct breed.
Please check Sweet Lucy's: the most comprehensive site on the Internet on the American Hairless Terrier. You will find information about AHTs, Allergen testing, AHT Care, AHT Diseases, Genetics, and much more.
About General Dog Care
Q: What type of dog food should I feed my dog? A: A meat based kibble dog food is the best. Avoid a grain based dog food. As a rule of thumb you get what you pay for. The better the dog food the less waste there is to pick up.
Q: How much dog food should I feed my dog? A: Most bags of dog food have a recommended amount based on age and weight. The better the quality the less you have to feed and the less waste you have. We never leave food out all day for the dog. We have a set feeding time (15 min.) and if they do not eat within that time the food goes up. This allows you to monitor the dog's eating habits and to monitor him for any illness. Your vet may ask you how much your dog is eating and when he last ate. If you leave food down all day you may not know if he is off his food. We do leave water out for them at all times.
Q: Should I put my dog in a kennel at night and during the day when I am gone? A: That is up to you. Dogs consider their kennel their little den and as a safe place to go. It makes it easy to housebreak your dog and will help set boundaries for your dog in the house. We do not recommend letting the dog have run of the house when you are gone. You are less likely to have problems and accidents in the house when he/she is under your direct supervision. It also makes traveling with a dog easier. Many hotels now allow dogs, but require the dog to be kenneled.
Q: I feel bad leaving my dog when I go to work. What can I do? A: You may want to see if there is a doggie daycare he can go a couple of times a week to play and socialize. There are more and more of these opening every year. One of the pluses of taking your dog to daycare is that at the end of the day when you are ready to relax, so is your dog.
Q: Should I take my dog to a puppy class? A: YES, YES and YES. Your dog needs to learn what to do and what is expected out of him. He is a dog and cannot read your mind. It is also a great time for you to bond with your dog. We strongly recommend that the whole family go so you all learn the same commands and your dog learns to listen to all members of the family. Your dog also needs to be socialized with other dogs and people sites.
Q: What type of preventive medicine should I use? A: That depends on where you live and what you want to spend. Different areas of the country have different bugs and parasites that could be harmful to your dog. For worms there are many products. Two we have used are Heartguard and Sentinel (currently using). The same goes for flea and tick control. We use Frontline on the coated dogs. The hairless dogs don't need flea control.
Q: Should I spay or neuter my dog? A: If you do not plan on using the dog for breeding then YES. It has been proven that dogs that have been spayed or neutered have a decreased chance of developing cancer. It also cuts down on unwanted animals.
Q: What do you use to eliminate odors in my carpet? A: There are a number of good products out there. We like Simple Solution and Nature's Miracle. Both are available from PetsMart and other pet stores.
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