13 From my barber's (Jim Cook) photos on the wall collection.
17 The next 7 pictures are of a Polar Bear Attack in the High Arctic This is from up in the Yukon, this chap is lucky to be alive. The guy survived the bear attack. The bear jumped on him while he was sleeping in his tent and he managed to get it off of him and shoot it. One tough camper!
25 This fine upstanding member of the infamous 18th Street LA gang decided one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point . The gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion, and stuck a gun in the drivers face. The only problem was that the truck driver opened up the door and knocked the attempted thief off. He lost his balance and fell under the wheels of the truck, at which time the driver slammed on his brakes, resting on top of him and decided that this was the perfect time to whip out his Fuji Disposable camera...
Didn't look real until you see the third picture
27 Now That HAD to hurt!!!
Score one for the good guys!
The driver was just 'detaining' him until the police arrived.