1 Ed's first gun Glinfield/Marlin Mod 60 22LR
|  2 Goat Varmint hunting in Hawaii 2001
|  3 18 for 18 Savage 93 17HMR Varmint Control at Hansen Ranch Corcoran, Ca.
|  4 Squirrel Varmint Hunting w/ Win. Mod 70 22-250 My Brother Harvey is the spotter.
 5 coyote
|  6 Bobcat
|  7 6-27-09 My first pig! Taken with my Rem 700 .308 Tuned by USMC Quantico, VA armory. Burris XTR312 scope on the AICS stock.
|  8 The 3 Amigos Hunting Wild Pig
 9 Pig hunt
|  10 Bobcat Fell to my AR-15 Sporter .223.
|  11 1st Fox
|  12 Jacob AR15
 13 Tactical Knobe by Badger
|  14 360˚ Shooting table
|  15 .308 Over Kill
|  16 Ed's "War Wagon" Retired RADIUS Tire Company Service Truck Corcoran, Ca
|  18
|  19
|  20
|  22 April 29, 2006 At the GGVG BBQ in Newman, .50 BMG Show and Tell.
|  23 First Boold with the Ruger X-17 17HMR. 1shot-1kill 125 paces.
|  24 Neck shot at 125 paces.
 25 Ruger X-17 17HMR with Nikon Buckmasters 6-18x40mm.
|  26 Ruger X-17 17HMR
|  27 TC kill TC Contender Super 16 .223 W/2-7 TC Scope.
|  28 TC Kill2 Took 100 paces to take the pics with the phone.
 29 TC Kill3 It's new name "Tri-Pod"
|  30 Rem 700 .300 RSAUM, USO 17x Scope, AICS 2.0 Stock and Bi-Pod.
|  31
|  32
|  34 12-25-07 Colt lower with DPMS upper in .204 Ruger 40 Gr VMAX, Luepold Scope.
Cold barrel shot 130 yards, only shot I had was a head shot!!
Squirrels are very scarce around here lately, not sure if it's the weather or poison.
I test fired and sighted her in the other day and set it at 1" high at 100. This one is defiantly MOSquirrel
|  35 head shot
|  36 IMG 1318
 37 IMG 1326
|  38 IMG 1328
|  39 IMG 1340
|  40 TBA M40A1 Texas Brigade Armory M40A1 .308, Leupold Scope
 41 First Three Shots Used reloads 100 Yards
|  42 Final adjustments to scope.
|  43 Expolding target
|  44 100 Yards
 45 Targets
|  Download AVI
46 Expolding Target Please allow a minute to download 11 MB.
|  47 The Aftermath
|  48 The Aftermath
 49 The Aftermath
|  50 Tooth Picks Anyone?
|  51 Wiled Melons 150 Yards
|  Download AVI
52 Wiled Melon Listen for the Plop! Please allow a minute to download 11 MB.
 53 Tikka T3 Tactical .223 Leupold Scope.
|  54
|  55
|  56
|  58
|  59
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|  62
|  63 Expolding target in water
|  Download AVI
64 Allow for download LARGE file
 65 Aftermath
|  66
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|  68 Expolding target in mud
 Download AVI
69 Allow for download LARGE file
|  70 Aftermath
|  71 30 Foot radius mud splats
|  72 IMG 7355
 73 DSCI0058
|  74 DSCI0060
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|  76 DSCI0072
 77 DSCI0069
|  78 DSCI0062
|  79 DSCI0066
|  80 DSCI0065
 81 DSCI0067
|  82 We know you can't shoot us, HaHa
|  83 ....Only with the camera.
|  Download MPEG4
84 Fresno Range 12.02.2013.mp4