One of my Customers, Rick Gonzalez, invited me to his uncle's property in Dunlap to shoot at their ranch. Very nice 400+ acres with several houses on it Roberto Gonzalez is the owner and he reminds me of the Mexican version of "Ben Cartwright" from "Bonanza". The range has targets set up at 25 yards to 100 yards it is very challenging with the terrain. We took a drive in the ATVs for a quick tour of the spread too. Thanks Rick for inviting me to this shoot.
Date(s): 11.08.2014. Album by Ed. 1 - 58 of 58 Total. 3110 Visits.
1 The last time I drove this road, Alta Ave. between Visalia and Dinuba, it was a two lane road now it's a 4 lane.
2 Cove Rd. just east of the "R" mountain.
3 Just went trough the main gate.
5 The Shooting Range
7 One of the homes on the ranch.
8 Giant pole shed on the property for Family gatherings.
9 The Main House
10 100 yards tricky terrain here the exact distance could only be done with a laser range finder.
11 I made some exploding targets to shoot. They had a choice of their favorite or least favorite team.
12 This stump was removed with one shot!
20 Joe Zamora and Camron contemplating the .50BMG BTW "Small World" Joe was born in Harlingen, TX just a stones throw from my birthplace of Weslaco, TX.
21 Camron takes aim with the .50
23 Joe is ready! Joe it only weighs 12 pounds, NOT!
24 Joe with his boys Camron & Domminic.
Download MPEG4 26 Domminic blows it away! 3" target at 100 yards.
27 Rick Gonzalez and his boy Jonah get the tactical shotgun ready.