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Rapture Rat Terrier Bred Puppies
This album contains pictures of puppies bred here at Rapture Rat Terriers.  

Thank you to all the wonderful families who are loving our puppies.  Enjoy!!
Date(s): February 7, 2010. Album by Kelley A. Smith. 1 - 57 of 57 Total. 2338 Visits.
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Junior at 5 Years Old
Such a handsome boy.

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Beautiful Clowie - Approx 5 Months
Clowie is loved by the Lee family in Washington and has 2 boys to call her own.  She has passed her Puppy Training class with flying colors.  Her owner is very proud as he should be.  Thank you for loving this beautiful girl.  

Clowe "Clowie" from the "Dream Big Litter" (Kindle/Samson)
Born 5/14/11

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Patti loves her bones
September 2012 - 1 Year and 4 Months old.

Marleau "Patti" from the "Dream Big Litter"
born 5/14/11

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Rapture's Walk'n in Sunshine
Just shy of 6 Months.

Marleau "Patti" from the "Dream Big Litter"
born 5/14/11

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Rapture Sugar 'N Spice
Beautiful Fiona at 7 Mos Old

Fiona is quite the trickster.   She can already do shake, other paw, sit up pretty (beg) dance on hind legs, speak, roll over, stay, sit, down, and find it.  Her owner reports she has Agility in her future.  Very exciting.

Formerly Niemi "Nemo" from the "Dream Big Litter"
Born 5/14/11

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Rapture Sugar 'N Spice
Fiona practicing her balance

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Rapture Sugar 'N Spice
Fiona's beautiful headpiece

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Rapture Sugar 'N Spice
Fiona out playing in the Vineyards

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Rapture Sugar 'N Spice
Approximately 6 months old
Such a sweet girl.  Fiona is owned and loved by the Brady family in California.

Formerly Niemi "Nemo" from the "Dream Big Litter"
Born 5/14/11

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Beautiful Fiona
Playing with her Rat Terrier friend at the beach.  Gotta love those California Girls.

Formerly Nemo from the "Dream Big Litter"
Born 5/14/11

"Wow, she looks remarkably like Amand..."
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Slater - Relaxing on Thanksgiving Day with the Chef
Formerly Thorton "Jumbo" from the
"Dream Big Litter" (Kindle/Samson)
Born 5/14/11

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Slater with his new family getting ready to board a plane for Washington.  Slater is loved and spoiled by the Hershman family.

8 Weeks Old

Formerly known as Thorton "Jumbo" of the "Dream Big Litter"
From our Kindle/Samson Litter
born 5/14/11

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Rapture Lorenzo Junior
9 Weeks old at home in Boston, Mass. making friends with the Kitty.  Owned and loved by the Mangone family.

Formerly Setogucchi "Seto" of the "Dream Big Litter"
Born 5/14/11

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Rapture's Ms. Mona
December 2011

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Miss Mona Very Spoiled and Loving Life
One Year

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Rapture's Miss Mona (8 Months)
July 23, 2010

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Raptures Miss Mona
A couple weeks past 4 months.  Such a grown up girl with her erect ears.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Miss Mona working on the Ranch
Approx. 14 Weeks Old

Formerly "Joy" from the
"Joy Unspeakable Litter" (Kindle/Bryan)
Born 11/14/09

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Mona training the Horses
What a riot this girl is
Just fearless

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Mona goofing off while on the Job
Let it not be said that Miss Mona every missed an opportunity for fun and playtime

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Mona taking care of the Chickens
There seems to be a lot of chores for Miss Mona on the Ranch

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Keith with his girl (Miss Mona)
What a wonderful portrait

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Miss Mona
12 Weeks Old
Being Naughty

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
born 11/14/09

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Mona Watching the Ranch
11 Weeks Old

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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9 Weeks
In her new home playing with her bear

From Kindle/Bryan litter
Born:  11/14/09

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Rapture's Miss Mona
Here is Mona with her new Mom, Carla.
She is getting ready for her first big adventure of riding on a plane to her new home in Washington.

Formerly "Joy" from the
"Joy Unspeakable Litter" (Kindle/Bryan)
Born 11/14/09

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Boris's Handsome Head
August, 2010

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Boris by the Creek
Aug 10

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Growing up to be a beautiful boy.
August, 2010

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Handsome Boris at 7 Months Old
June 14, 2010
What a gorgeous head on this boy.  
Thank you Laura for loving and spoiling him so much

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Boris the Office Assistant
Get a load of the fur lined chair he gets to relax in
So handsome in his new red sweater

April 2010

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Boris at the Beach
April 2010

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Rapture's Boris of Freedom
February 7, 2010 - Outside looking handsome

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Hamming it up for the camera person

His Mom reports....
Boris is such a star. Everyone is in love with him. He has become quite the celebrity.

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Boris and Mom Out on the Town
What a Handsome Boy

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Boris Resting
It's tough work being a celebrity

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Can you say SPOILED??

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Boris with his friend, Hubert

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Boris Freedom of Rapture
Here is Bo with his new Mom, Laura.
Thank you for loving our very special boy.

Formerly "Freedom" from the
"Joy Unspeakable Litter" (Kindle/Bryan)
Born 11/14/09

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9 Weeks Old
Here is Bo with his new Family, Laura and David.
I love the huge smile on their faces.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Kihei's First Christmas
December 2010

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Kihei after opening her Christmas Gift
December 2010

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Kihei's First Snow
December 2010

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Kihei Halloween 2010
11 Months Old
What a beautiful Hula Girl she is

"Joy Unspeakable Litter" (Kindle/Bryan)
Born 11/14/09

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Gorgeous Kihei at 7 Months Old
Wow, what a stunning girl.  She looks so much like her Mom did at this age.

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Beautiful Kihei (March 2010)
Only 4 months old and already going on family vacations.  How lucky can one dog get.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Another Fabulous Portrait
Kihei being loved by one of her younger people.  It also looks like a great way to stay warm during the cold winter.

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Kihei Geo Cashing in the desert
Kihei got to learn all about treasure hunting with GPS on her family vacation.
She also got to ride in a dune buggy.  What fun!

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Kihei investigating the treasure
She seems a bit put out that the big treasure isn't a furry animal for her to hunt.  
How silly can humans be anyways?

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Kihei exploring

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Kihei being a goof

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"She is the light of our life"

Thank you Diana and Tim for loving this very special girl.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Kihei Getting spoiled
12 Weeks Old
Tim, Kihei's new Dad, loving on Kihei.  
As I suspected, she has him wrapped around her little paw.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Best Friends
12 Weeks Old
Kihei and Saleen taking a nap together

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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10 Weeks Old
Kihei with her new buddy Saleen, a 6 year old Whippet, enjoying the view in her new home.  
I'm told there are lots of hunting opportunities available for Kihei.  What a lucky girl.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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Rapture's Kihei
Here is Kihei with her new Mom, Diana.
Both Kihei and Diana were just delighted with each other.

Formerly "Glory" from the
"Joy Unspeakable Litter" (Kindle/Bryan)
Born 11/14/09

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9 Weeks Old
Kihei with Diana and her Sister, April.  
April drove up with Diana to help her welcome her new Bundle of Joy into her life.

From our Kindle/Bryan Litter
Born 11/14/09

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