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Reunion 2018
A gathering of shipmates
Album by Albacore. Photos by Various. 25 - 48 of 66 Total. 62972 Visits.
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Albacore's ship bell was used to honor the entry of the two former Commanding Officers and was later used in honoring our shipmates who had departed on Eternal Patrol since our last reunion in 2015. Edit

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This is the Missing Man Table displaying the symbols relating to the ceremony honoring those shipmates on Eternal Patrol. Edit

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Master of Ceremonies Butch Jordan gets the evening festivities underway. Edit

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2018 Reunion Chairman John Gandiello mans the ship's bell as Butch Jordan reads the names of our shipmates who went on Eternal Patrol since our 2015 reunion. Edit

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Former Commanding Officers David Kratch and Roy Springer. Edit

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Former COB Norm Bower and wife Glenda. Edit

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Portsmouth Submarine Museum Association President Ken Herrick with PSMA Board member Ken Linscott and his wife Audrey. Edit

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Ashley Fletcher, Tom Bachman & Friend Edit

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Ken and Sandra Herrick and former Albacore Park Executive Director John Maier and his wife Maryellen Edit

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PSMA Board member Joe Freida and Albacore Park Executive Director Patti Violette. Edit

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Shipmate and PSMA Board member Ken Latchaw with Patti Violette and Edit

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Captain Springer and Bob Kempkes Edit

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Pricilla and Russ Styer share the table with Steve Hogan Edit

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Steve Hogan's guest Pamela Wofford is seated with Maureen and Bob Couchon Edit

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Doug and Marianne Stanton were dining with Tom Keefe. Edit

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PSMA Board member Jim Wakefield and Butch Jordan Edit

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Margaret and Jerry Sliss Edit

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Red Walker and Dave Cronin Edit

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Steve Hogan with Harry "Bud" Fisher and Carolyn Fisher Edit

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Sharon Snodgrass and Bonnie Kraut Edit

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Beth and Russ Schondorf Edit

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Former Albacore Park Executive Director John Maier with Ken Latchaw and Maryellen Maier Edit

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PSMA Board member Ken Linscott and his wife Audrey, Carol and David Kratch with Patti Violette Edit

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