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Tire jack/spinner
Decided to address making changing bigger tires a little easier. To lift them up and get the studs to align can sometimes be a pain so wanted to make it easier. Gojack makes one for wider tires and costs close to $400.00. I don't think it would work well anyway with the open lug tires I have so lets get something made from the scrap pile.
Album by Kevin Foust. Photos by Kevin Foust. 1 - 26 of 26 Total. 18590 Visits.
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Gathered up some of the main pieces I'd thought I'd need. old style car jack, some hard solid wheels and some PVC pipe and some box tubing.

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I'm going to use some old conveyer rollers to spin on the tire. Planning on slipping soem 2" ID PVC over them to bridge the open lugs a little more. These have bearings in them and will spin nice.

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If you have premade castors you won't need to do this but I didn't so I'll make something. Just cutting box tubing up for it.

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Drilled the holes and then freehand cut the rest with a cut off wheel.

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Smoothed and deburred them all and will be plenty strong.

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For the stud welding, I just use a collet and clamp it in the vise. Just leave it a little below the thickness of the bracket.

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The collet keeps everything in line so the stud will be straight to the wheel. No bolt head allows the wheels to be lower.

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Next is the jack. I cut off the hook side so it can stay low but will have to weld up the opening to make it strong again.

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Made a filler plate and welded that in.

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After cleaning that up I desided to weld a section of tubing on both ends. One will be for easier mounting of the outrigger.

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I notched some box tubing to fit the other side of the jack and then welded it in.

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That should be plenty strong now.

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Once I figured out my height I wanted, I notched the square tubing outrigger. Wasn't sure of how wide I wanted it so I used a short scrap of box tubing and will cut the finish length later.

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To hold the roller in I welded a tab with a hole for the center to slide in. I want to be able to take it off if need, so on the other end I needed to have a mounting surface. I cut up a 1/2" scrap and pushed it into the end of the tube.

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I then welded it.

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Smoothed it up so I can drill and tap it. I'll drill the bracket for this first with pilot holes. Drill one into the box and drill/tap the end. the bolt in and repeat. Will make it easier with no misaligned holes.

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That ecrap was long too so I'll maek and cut it to size now. The other side will be the same process. I have the lengths I need now and looks like it will work out fine.

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I'm going bigger than I need to cover other things.

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Once it was all in place and checked, I finish welded everything up.

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Smooth and cleaned it all up and gave it a rattle can make over. LOL

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Here you can see the drilled and tapped holes on the end. 2 at an angle will keep it from being able to turn.

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Only have 1 length of 2 inch PVC so when I scrounge another, I'll install that.

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If I would have centered the Jack head I would have only needed to add box tubibg on one end. Something to remember if you want to make one.

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This tire is 15 inches wide so you can see it still have more capacity.

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Full open

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Lifted up and it can spin. The release isn't as smooth as a Gojack but for $400.00 I'll seal with it. LOL

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