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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > 2016 In The USA > 
LB & Around Cortez
When we have time and there are Letter Boxes available we try to locate them, which we did in Cortez, Co.  This day we discovered a LB that was placed in among a fabulous yard art exhibit create by  “Muffler Man” or "Tin Man's Fantasy Land". As you'll see we spent a bit of time here enjoying the statues, taking pictures and finding the LB. Also included is a retro pic from town.
Date(s): 10/5/2017. Album by Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys. Photos by Perpetua's Crew. 25 - 32 of 32 Total. 881 Visits.
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We're leaving now! Bye and thanks for all "Junk Art".

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Elvis in repose ... he's everywhere!

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