National all-volunteer non-profit charity dedicated to the rescue & adoption of Rat Terriers.
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New Rattitude Adoptable Dogs
1 - 25 of 25 Total.
1. Birdie  (Greensboro, NC)
For adoption info or an application, please visit
447 Visits
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2. Luna  (Austin, Texas)
Luna is a big girl with a big heart and a big desire for home that will appreciate her wonderfully spunky and playful energy. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
73 Visits
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Violet V
3. Violet V  (Edwardsburg, MI)
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
340 Visits
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4. Junior  (Laurel, MD)
Junior is a 7 1/2 year old stray who survived getting hit by a car. He was able to heal without human intervention but he is now a bit crooked- as in his pelvis is a bit asymmetrical. That doesn't stop him from leading a fairly normal life with just a low dose of an nsaid.....Junior is not crooked like a thief- but he might try to steal your heart! For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
228 Visits
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Meet Jolene/Jolee,  She is by far the sweetest little creature.  After being found on the streets of GA with tumors, a broken toe and severely overweight.  She hasn't let life let her down.  She loves everyone she meets.
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
2158 Visits
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Lacey 2722
6. Lacey 2722  (Hampton, GA)
Lacey is a silver tri female Chi/Rat Terrier. She is a special girl, very much in need of patience and love. She continues to prove how resilient she is every day.

For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1020 Visits
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Louie / Bennett
7. Louie / Bennett  (Stafford, Va.)
Louie is a handsome 1 year old Rat Terrier mix puppy that weighs 15 Lbs.  He is full of energy and loves to play.  For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
3478 Visits
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8. Abby  (Mahomet, Illinois)
Princess Abby came to us on June 13, 2024, by airplane from Georgia. We have been absolutely charmed by this precious young female dog. She is a short legged, short-coated mix of predominantly Rat Terrier and chihuahua.
Although timid when she first arrived, Abby has blossomed into an “in charge” and friendly little character.
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
890 Visits
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Cedar (Naples, Idaho)
9. Cedar (Naples, Idaho) 
Cedar just turned 8 years old in July of 2024. Cedar was used for breeding for the first 5-6 years of her life and is still getting used to kind humans and frightens easily. She loves attention once she trusts and wants to be with or near her person all the time. Cedar does feel more comfortable around women vs men but, she'll take a treat from anybody. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
39 Visits
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10. Fagin  (Leslie, MI)
Meet Fagin! Born May 17,2024, This little guy and his brother were born in rescue to a mama we did not realize came in expecting, Lacey.  We call them the Surprise Litter.  Fagin and his brother (Dodger) are adorable little silver grey tri colored rat terrier mix pups.  They will be ready to find their forever homes after August 20th.  

For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1269 Visits
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11. Cayenne  (Sharpsburg, GA)
This is Cayenne!!! She is a spunky, spicy, 1 year old female rat terrier.  She weighs about 10 pounds. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1355 Visits
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12. Andy  (Piney River, VA)
Andy is a spunky, 18 lb Rat Terrier mix that loves to play and snuggle.  He is a year and a half old and ready to be your best friend. He loves to learn and is highly trainable. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1297 Visits
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13. Rocky  (Atlanta, GA)
Loyal, playful Rocky is seeking a calmer home without so many stressors. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1298 Visits
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14. Mitzi  (Alexandria, VA)
Mitzi is a low key, mature adult, 14 pound rat terrier girl looking for her perfect forever home. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
1972 Visits
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15. Clayton  (Moncks Corner, SC)
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
938 Visits
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Lucy Lu
16. Lucy Lu  (Hereford AZ)
Lucy Lu is a sweet senior girl who loves to lounge, play and take walks. She loves her peeps once she warms up to you. Lucy Lu will make a perfect companion for a laid back household.  For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
18263 Visits
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17. Bilbo  (Pompano, FL)
8-year-old Bilbo is a big boy at 30 lbs. He is a handsome purebred rat terrier who is both playful and affectionate. To apply to adopt, please visit the New Rattitude website.
11519 Visits
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Remy f.k.a. Rat-Tat-Tat
18. Remy f.k.a. Rat-Tat-Tat 
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
9254 Visits
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19. Buddy 
Buddy is an almost 3yr old, 22lb mix with a heavy dose of Border Collie. He's full of fun and energy but, does present some challenges.
For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
12631 Visits
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20. Jax  (Pullman, WA)
For more info or to apply to adopt, please go
11493 Visits
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21. Goldie/Gloria  (2021)
Meet our senior gal Goldie at 18 years young!For more info or to apply to adopt, please go
12126 Visits
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Happy Hearts Adoptions
22. Happy Hearts Adoptions 
These dogs have Happy Hearts because they have found their perfect families and have been ADOPTED!
16 Albums
Shared Folder
In Memorium
23. In Memorium 
In loving remembrance of those ratties who spent their last days in foster care being safe and loved.
25423 Visits
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Rattie Adventures
24. Rattie Adventures 
17 Albums
Shared Folder w/ Pass
Weekly rescued dogs
25. Weekly rescued dogs 
Photos used for the State Coordinators' weekly report of rescued dogs.
59 Albums
Shared Folder
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