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Evidence Supporting An Associate Of Cogn
What's Cognizin?

Cognizin is naturally made within our bodies. Once taken orally it's broken down from the intestine to smaller molecules that can be readily absorbed in to the blood flow. From the bloodstream that these molecules can enter the brain at which they're utilised to make phosphatidylcholine. The neural cells in our brains want phosphatidylcholine to operate properly. In addition Citicoline may decrease the creation of totally free radicals which would otherwise damage cells. Generally Citicoline may be thought of a neuroprotective medication.

Proof Supporting a part of Cognizin in the Treatment of Glaucoma

The function of Citicoline as a glaucoma therapy was studied with intramuscular, oral, and topical treatment.


Although not practical for most glaucoma patients, intramuscular injections (IM) of 1,000milligrams of Cognizin had been compared to IM shots of placebo given over a course of 60 days. Retinal and visible pathway functions were assessed by visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and pattern-electroretinograms (PERGs). There has been also a considerable advancement in test results noted in the IM Cognizin group in comparison to the group that received the placebo.

In another analysis, visual field improvement was reported after a 10 day class of 1,000mg of intramuscular Citicoline.


Because Cognizin is indeed properly absorbed from the intestine dental ingestion ought to have a identical benefit in contrast to intramuscular management. There is one published study evaluating a small group of glaucoma patients who took an oral dose of 1,000milligrams of Citicoline daily to improving brain memory. Generally speaking, but not all, of these patients that the visual evoked potential (VEP) results increased after a month of therapy. Unfortunately there was no placebo control group within this review.

A separate analysis assessed that a proprietary oral treatment of Citicoline. In this study 500-mg each day appeared to slow down the development of glaucomatous lack of vision in excess of an interval of sixty times.


An initial study was first published employing a experimental eye-drop option of 2% Cognizin, 0.2percent large molecular weight lipoic acid, and 0.01percent BAK (OMK1, Omikron Italia s.r.l.). This study demonstrated that Citicoline is consumed in to the eye. In addition, soon right after sixty days of use within patients with glaucoma the retinal ganglion cell function improved.

Potential Side Effects and Hazards of Citicoline

Citicoline appears to be more safe and well-tolerated when accepted orally. The absolute most common side effects are nausea and vomiting nausea.

Suggested Dosage and Where to Buy

Citicoline for enhancing brain memory is apparently more safe in dosages which range from 1,000-2,000milligrams per day for short amounts of time ranging up to three months. It's perhaps as yet not understood whether it is absolutely safe to make use of past a gram daily of Citicoline for extended periods of time. Based on the limited available investigation, 500-1,000mg every day of brain energy might appear to be necessary in order to attain progress in visual and bronchial pathway functioning.

Citicoline can be seen at most health food outlets as well as on the web. Take note, nevertheless, that the grade may vary greatly. So to be certain you are obtaining a premium excellent product that is formulated for optimum benefit I would advise you simply invest in supplements that comprise the Cognizin(ep ) make of Citicoline.
Date(s): November 30, 2020. Album by Cooke Jeppesen. 0 Total. 0 Visits.
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