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Covenant of Peace ministry in 2024
1. Covenant of Peace ministry in 2024  (Since December 2023)
Covenant of peace 2024 - ministry to orphans, widows and refugees for the glory of the Lord and for spreading the Gospel.
God gave us a new, unique possibility to serve and to proclaim the Gospel to many people in different places and unto the ends of the earth. Whatever God does, abideth forever. Let our mutual labor bring much fruit for the glory of the Lord. Thanks to everyone who prays, labors and supports.
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Ministry to orphans and refugees in 2023
2. Ministry to orphans and refugees in 2023  (January 2023)
“Covenant of Peace” 2023 evangelization program.
Serving the Lord – is my life. I thank our God for the team, brothers and sisters who labor together with me in the fields of the Lord, and also all friends who pray for us and support us. Let the Lord bless all of us to fulfil his will appropriately in 2023 for the glory of the Lord and for salvation of may souls, in spite of anything.
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Ministry for the Lord in 2022
3. Ministry for the Lord in 2022  (2022)
Thank you for your prayers for our ministry for the Lord in the Russian Far East and Ukraine. Let the Lord bless us to fulfill His will.
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Ministry for God Ukraine and Russia 2021
4. Ministry for God Ukraine and Russia 2021  (Since January 2021)
Ministry for the Lord in Ukraine and Russia in 2021. Let your prayers follow us and the Lord's name be glorified till the end of the Earth.
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The Gospel for orphans and peoples 2020
5. The Gospel for orphans and peoples 2020  (January 2020)
My desire is to reach people, nations and peoples unreached by the Gospels, so that the Lord would give them faith to obtain the Gospel and salvation. This is my prayer for the peoples.
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Reaching the unreached in 2019
6. Reaching the unreached in 2019  (January 2019)
Please pray for:
- the peoples unreached by the Gospel
- that the orphaned children would accept God as their father

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. /Matthew 24:14/
2662 Visits
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Covenant of Peace ministriy 2018
7. Covenant of Peace ministriy 2018  (2018)
This year started with celebrating Christmas with children. We are also reachnig people in remote villages preaching the Gospel.
The purpose of the ministry is proclaiming the Gospel and reaching people unreached by the Gospel.
2861 Visits
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Ministry for the Lord in 2017
8. Ministry for the Lord in 2017  (2017)
God is doing through us what He wishes. He keeps the doors of our ministry opened. His hands touch the hearts of children and orphans.
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Missinary Ministry in 2016
9. Missinary Ministry in 2016  (Since January 2016)
God is blessing our ministry. Pray for the people who have been preached the gospel for salvation of their souls. Pray for spreading the Gospel till the end of the earth and that the name of God would be glorified throught the salvation of many people.
2750 Visits
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Missionary ministry in 2015
10. Missionary ministry in 2015  (2015)
With God all things are possible.
Please, pray for me and my missionary ministry in the Far East of Russia.
3430 Visits
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'Covenant of Peace' summer camps
11. 'Covenant of Peace' summer camps  (Summer 2014)
God has blessed 'Covenant of peace' camps to be conducted in the new villages on the North of the Russian Far East. Many children have been hearing the Gospel news for the first time and decided to be following Christ. Thank you for your prayers and your participation in my ministry.
2759 Visits
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Ministry in 2014
12. Ministry in 2014  (January 2014)
Missionary ministry in Khabarovsk and its regions in 2014
3167 Visits
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Missionary Ministry 2013
13. Missionary Ministry 2013  (2013)
- Visits to orphanages
- Evangelizations
- Ministry for orphans
- Christian camps
3118 Visits
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Summer Missionary Ministry 2012
14. Summer Missionary Ministry 2012  (April - September of 2012)
Christian international camps 'Covenant of peace' and ministry for the children left by their parents. These are the blessed ministries, in which God has revealed Himself in a special way.
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Ministry in 2012
15. Ministry in 2012 
- planting of local autonomous churches and aiding them in their growth
- ministry for orphans
- work with young people and Christian youth
- organization and direction of Christian camps
2664 Visits
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Missionary and orphans ministry
16. Missionary and orphans ministry 
Attending orphanages and organizing missionary camps. My trip to Ukraine. Please, pray that God would bless the sowing of the Word. Pray for God's protection upon the poor and orphaned.
Also we have attended 17 orphanages and remote villages.
6264 Visits
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Russia For Christ
17. Russia For Christ 
A Missionary ministry in Russia is a blessing and the responsibility. Our 2010 ministry started with the ability to congratulate orphans with Christmas. We've shown a Christmas drama in every orphanage we were allowed. Children were rather opened for the Lord and we pray that the Word we saw into children's hearts would give fruit into eternal.
6376 Visits
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Missionary Ministry in Russia
18. Missionary Ministry in Russia 
The Lord has widened our Christian camp ministry in the ministry among orphans, He blessed to fulfill His will by spreading Gospel. So we could see His plenty blessings, thanks God!
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Orphans for Christ
19. Orphans for Christ 
New 2009 started with trips to orphanages and congratulations with Christmas. This is a blessingful ministry at the beginning of the year, you can reach many people during this time.
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Ministry for Christ
20. Ministry for Christ 
Here you can see pictures of the Chtrismas ministry for orphans, also the pictures of the missionary trips to the remote villages of Russian Far East. We live in the last time before our Lord Jesus comes, and God gives us the ability to do more to spread His kingdom.
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Ministry Spring Summer 2007
21. Ministry Spring Summer 2007  (Spring - Summer 2007)
God has given us a car this spring! Nissan Serena. We are happy to be able to widen our ministry and to visit more new orphanages. A new church started gathering after the Easter Holiday. We pray that many new people from nearby districts and orphanages start attending it. Pray for our missionary ministry on the Russian Far East and that the Kingdom of God would spread here also.
5111 Visits
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Missionary Ministry 2007
22. Missionary Ministry 2007  (January - May of 2007)
Christmas in Russia takes place on the 7th of January. We congratulated more than 1000 children in 20 orphanages. Besides, children come to God during Sunday school lessons. My home became a place of prayer and Bible reading for many orphans. They can eat, play and feel themselves at home they never had.
13311 Visits
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Summer Evangelization in 2006
23. Summer Evangelization in 2006  (Summer 2006)
Each summer is a special ministry time especially on the Far East of Russia. We have a good and warm climate. I and my team use this ability to tell more people in the streets about Christ and reach their hearts with gospel. It is always pleasant to see people coming to God which is an undeniable witness of God’s acting.
3686 Visits
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Christmas and Ministry in 2006
24. Christmas and Ministry in 2006  (December 2005 - June 2006)
We vistited twelve orphanages and one orphanage for deaf children during the Chistmas time. About 1000 children watched a Christmas drama and received presents and Christian literature with gospels. Our ministry for orphans continued in 2006. Currenly we started a Sunday school in one of the orphanages. Children continue to come to my home. And we pray that these children could commit their lives to God and become His children.
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Summer evangelization in 2005
25. Summer evangelization in 2005  (summer - early autumn of 2005)
Summer of 2005 was filled with various evangelization programs. We conducted the programs in places where new churches are about to start and also made Christian evangelization camps. Please, pray that people, who believed during these camps, would strengthen in their faith.
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Missionary during 2005
26. Missionary during 2005  (January 2005 - ...)
All the pictures placed in this album describe events starting from Christmas and it will continue to fill with new pictures along with my ministry
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Summer Ministry 2004
27. Summer Ministry 2004  (June - August 2004)
Pictures here will tell about children that were baptized. About camps in orphanages. About Christian youth camps 'Covenant of peace'
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Trip to America 2004
28. Trip to America 2004  (March - April 2004)
God gave me a good possibility to meet my friends from America during 9 weeks. I attended Ohio, Georgia, Florida, Indiana and North Carolina. I was glad to meet friends I knew before and also to meet many more wonderful people in Church of our Jesus Christ.
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Christmas time
29. Christmas time  (December 24 - January 24, 2004)
Christmas time in this year was wonderful. We visited 12 orphanages with about 700 children left by their parents but not forgotten by God. Many children joyfully received Christmas presents. Along with this we prayed for them and showed a Christian cartoon. Also the major part of remodeling in my apartment was finished and I could receive orphans with their teachers and prepare a Christmas celebration for them at my home. Please pray that Word of God put in children’s hearts would grow and give a fruit of repentance.
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Camps for orphans
30. Camps for orphans  (June - August 2003)
We started one-day camp program to orphanages in 2002 and continued it in summer 2003. It includes sport games, Bible lessons, Christian songs, presents and just fellowship with children. Both children and us like to spend this time together and it is a good ability to tell orphans that they have their Father, who loves them and always cares about them. Please, pray that the word we sow to children during this time fall on good ground and bring a good fruit.
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Christmas in orphanages
31. Christmas in orphanages  (December 2001 - 2002)
We make Christmas holidays for orphans and during two last years we visited about 20 orphanages. More than 1000 children received Christmas presents and saw musical last year. This year children saw our Christmas play along with the presents we gave them. We pray that the real joy of Christmas could come to the orphanages of Russia each year.
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Khabarovsk Kids
32. Khabarovsk Kids  (2003)
A few photos of God's children taken at Topolovo Orphanage.  God hears their prayers.  Please join us in prayer for their health, provision, inner peace, spiritual committment and the joy that comes from a loving family.
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Christian camps in Russia and Ukraine
33. Christian camps in Russia and Ukraine  (March 3, 2003)
Pictures made in Christian camps 'Covenant of Pease' which takes place in Ukraine and Russia since 1994. During this time more than 3000 children and young people could hear more about God. Many of non-Christians turned to God. Pray that these camps could bring out God's word more and more efficient. And that God's Kingdom could grow in the hearts of those children and young people.
4539 Visits
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