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Forms of Psoriasis

How to Recognize the Various Forms of Psoriasis

A persistent skin ailment called psoriasis affects around one third of the population. The development of red areas with flaky skin and skin irritation are the hallmarks of this skin condition. The primary cause of psoriasis is an autoimmune illness in which the skin cells develop rapidly and die off, producing flakes of dead skin on the epidermis. Let's now examine the numerous psoriasis varieties.

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is the kind of psoriasis that is most common. The body might develop thick flakes in a number of locations. Psoriasis may cause little or huge patches, as well as the whole body. Lesions or plaques are common names for patches. Although the spots sometimes go away, this is a persistent skin problem.

A person may get psoriasis anywhere on their body. Psoriasis eruptions may be seen on the elbows, knuckles, trunk, legs, scalp, arms, and external genitalia. Psoriasis and itching may be related, and scratching will cause inflammation. This situation is known as the Koebner phenomenon.

Guttate psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis often affects children and young people. On the skin, this ailment manifests as little red pimples. This appears out of nowhere and is often discovered to accompany strep throat infection.

The use of antibiotics is advised for this kind of illness. It is possible to treat guttate psoriasis. The abrupt emergence and disappearance of guttate psoriasis often confounds those who have encountered it.

Contrary psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis is the name for plaque psoriasis without scales. On the skin folds, this disease manifests as uniform red spots. A typical sign of this illness is itching. Armpits, breasts, and creases around the genital region are common locations for this. This problem may become worse from friction in the folds, and redness can also extend to other places.

Pustular Psoriasis

Small pustules with white fluid and red skin around them may potentially be a symptom of psoriasis. It's known as pustular psoriasis. This ailment frequently affects the palms and soles of the feet. Pustular psoriasis may affect any part of the body and cause fever, fluid imbalance, and infection. Hospitalization is necessary due to the severity of this ailment.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is characterized by widespread, fine-scaled, bright red skin lesions. This illness affects the whole body and is not restricted to any one area. This kind of psoriasis is quite severe and calls for only dermatological care. This ailment may lead to fluid loss, protein loss, and a drop in body temperature, and if correct care is not given by hospitalizing the afflicted person, this illness can become highly lethal.

Psoriasis treatment can be done with topical treatments or oral medications.

Variations in Psoriasis

Plantar psoriasis of the palms

Due to the location of the lesions, plaque or pustular psoriasis that exclusively affects the soles of the hands and feet is known by this term.


Scalp psoriasis will impact more than 50% of psoriasis sufferers. The scalp is where the flaky skin first appears, but it may also spread to the forehead, ears, and back of the neck. A typical sign of this kind of psoriasis is hair loss. Psoriasis on the scalp may or may not spread to other body areas. Although it is a kind of plaque psoriasis, this variant is less severe than plaque psoriasis.

Toenail psoriasis

Nearly half of psoriasis sufferers have the disease on their nails. The typical signs include thickening of the nail and pits or holes in the nail. Yellow-brown discoloration of the nails is another sign of psoriasis. Nails and nail bed might completely detach under extreme circumstances.

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