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Square Wire


Square wire is how D&E attached articulated items to their jewelry. As in beads, drops, and other things that should move.

There are a handful of D&E items that did not use square wire for attaching things that move and that is because it would have been impossible to use a rivet and square wire in that design.  So they used a setting that had a loop built in.

So the rule is if it is square wire, it is D&E.  If it is not square wire and has a rivet it is not D&E.  If it has a built in setting with a loop attached and there would have been no way to use a rivet, it MIGHT be D&E.

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Album by Karla Wacker. Photos by Karla Wacker. 1 - 26 of 26 Total. 2766 Visits.
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This is D&E

Notice that the hangers that the beads attach to is square.

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Notice the rivet on the back.  The rivet indicates that D&E was connecting two things together, in this case connecting the square bead hanger to the brooch under a rhinestone.

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This is D&E

Again you will notice that on the part of the necklace that holds the drops on you see square wire. The same square wire connectors used for the bead hangers.

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Again notice the rivet on the back.  The rivet as always indicates that D&E was connecting two things together, in this case connecting the square hanger to the necklace to hold the drops on the necklace.

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This is D&E

So again we see the square wire hanger attaching the beads to the earrings.

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So notice on this one there is no rivet but they soldered the same finding they usually riveted on to the back of the earrings.

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This is D&E

So again we see the square wire hanger attaching the drops to the brooch.

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Again notice the rivets on the back.  The rivet as always indicates that D&E was connecting two things together, in this case connecting the square hanger to the brooch to hold the dangles on the brooch.

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This is D&E. Square wire hangers with round bezel set crystals.

This bracelet is missing crystals.  There should be 3 per hanger.

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This is not D&E

Notice the hangers for the beads are not square.

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On this one you can see that the hanger the beads are attached to is not square wire.

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Notice is has rivets like D&E but the design of them is not the same.  They are a different shape.

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These are NOT D&E

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This is NOT D&E

You can see from the back that the bead hangers are not square wire but instead flat metal loops.

This in this color and others is very very often called D&E.

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This is D&E

Here is a D&E item that does not use square wire for the design.  It would have been impossible to use a rivet with square wire so they used a setting that has a loop already attached.

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This is D&E

The bead at the top of the design uses square wire but the ones at the bottom do not since they are attached to navettes.

Also there should be three beads on the setting at the top of these earrings, not one.

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square wire bead loops have been cut off.This should have faceted black beads and blue pebble beads.

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see square wire loop rivets on the back view.

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