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 Kathy S | Home > FIDM "Dressing A Galaxy" Exhibit  
FIDM "Dressing A Galaxy" Exhibit
Star Wars costumes on display at FIDM Los Angeles, CA
Date(s): September - December, 2005. 1 - 13 of 13 Total. Shared
1. Droids 
C-3PO and R2-D2

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Original Trilogy
2. Original Trilogy 
Star Wars costumes worn in the Original Trilogy movies.

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3. Jedi 
Costumes worn by Jedi in the Star Wars Prequels

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Props, Masks & Helmets
4. Props, Masks & Helmets 
Lightsabers, mask, and helmets used in the Star Wars movies

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Sith Room
5. Sith Room 
Costumes on display in the "Sith Room" Including Palpatine, Vader, and other characters who served the Empire.

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Aliens and Senators
6. Aliens and Senators 
Aliens, Creatures, Senators and Opera Goers from the Star Wars Prequels

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7. Heros 
Hero costumes worn in the Star Wars Prequels including Bail Organa, Naboo Security, and Chewbacca.

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Queens of Naboo
8. Queens of Naboo 
Costumes worn by the Queens of Naboo, including Queen Amidala Ep I

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9. Padme 
Costumes worn by Padme in Episode II and III

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10. Handmaidens 
Handmaiden costumes worn in the Star Wars Prequels

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Fabric Sample Wall
11. Fabric Sample Wall 
Fabric, embroidery and beading samples on display for visitors to touch.

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Bounty Hunters
12. Bounty Hunters 
Bounty Hunters Boba Fett, Jango Fett and Zam Wesell

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Sand People
13. Sand People 
Tusken Raider Costumes - Episode II

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