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California Vacation 2009
This is the time of year we always fly out to visit with my sister, Andrea, and her husband, Jim. We revisited several places we have gone before. We have such a lovely time together.

This year, we stayed at Baywood Inn again at our favorite place, sort of a bed and breakfast.  

We didn't get to karaoke at the little bar there which was a bit disappoiinting, but hey!  There were awesome costumes, and mostly we just sat, had drinks and observed, and maybe sometimes gawked. Maybe nothing! We GAWKED! It was so much fun.

We can't go without visiting the elephant seals.

Due to the lack of water, it was sad to see where once there were crops, there were only brown fields.

One of the fun things we did in Fresno was to visit the world-renowned Underground Gardens of Artist-Builder Baldassare Forestiere. If you haven't been, you simply wouldn't believe what one man did.

For 40 years, Forestiere labored in his spare time, chipping and carving away at the unforgiving earth.  With only his farmer’s tools—picks, shovels,wheelbarrows, and a scraper pulled by his two mules, Dolly and Molly. No dynamite or modern mechanical methods were used.

Forestiere hand-carved in his spare time, a work unlike any this country had ever seen.



"To make something with lots of money, that is easy.  But to make something out of nothing -- that now, is something!"
            Baldassare Forestiere
Date(s): October 28  November 4,  2009. Album by Jacqueline. 19 - 36 of 256 Total. 8408 Visits.
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I love this.

"I hope you are having a good day.  If you are not having a good day, then start having a good day."

How simple can it be!

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The warehouse.

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Up on the rafters. Some game they're playing!! Reminds me of a "hamburger patty on the ceiling game" many, many years. Never did find out who threw it up there.  No one wants to fess up after all these years.

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The break/smoking area.

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Some of the copiers they sell.

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I don't know where this lovely fairy came from. It looks like it was drawn.

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I found these next few pictures scrolling on one of the computers in their office. Early 1960s. Had to have them, so I took pics as they scrolled by.

This is mama and brother, Stephens. He has his Navy uniform on, so I suppose this was either before Viet Nam, or perhaps he was home for  visit.

I just noticed that he and mama have similar smiles.

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Somewhere in Mexico at a banana plantation. I didn't get to go for some reason. Their guide to the left.  Mama, Andrea, Rebecca, Madeline, David, Sharon, and our son, Scott, in front. Don't see Stephens.  Come to think of it, I'm not sure he went on that trip.

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I love this picture.  
Somewhere in Mexico. Scott was about three.
I know it was before David and I married.

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Scott, probably around seven.

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We called ourselves "The Six Sisters and the Boy Next Door."

William Everett Milton was our director, and left to right, me, Andrea, Madeline, Sharon, Rebecca, and Frieda, our sister-in-law.  We were in a talent show. Seems we won.  Eventually we sang at KVIL radio station on Ron Chapman's show, and I believe KVIL was in North Park at that time.
We sang "Sing a Rainbow".  It was great for harmony.

Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue.
You can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too.
Listen with your eyes,listen with your eyes, and hear everything you see.
You can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing along with me.

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One of our vacations.
Royal Gorge maybe?

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Bullfight in Mexico City. That was both exciting, and scary.  Seemed to have a rather romantic flavor to the event at the time.  I don't believe I'd want to see another. We were told that when a bull is killed, it goes to an orphanage for food.

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David's and my wedding day.
January 29, 1966
My friend, Karen, was my maid of honor.

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There we are, the newlyweds.
We married January 29, 1966, in Wolfe City, Texas. It was cold and there was snow and ice on the ground. We honeymooned at The Lamplighter Inn in Dallas, and ate at Shakey's Pizza that night.

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My father-in-law Bill Spradling back left. Mother-in-law Nellie. I really miss him. He was a good, good man. We are fortunate to get to see her often.

 Continued ...
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