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| 02/28/2006 04:25 PM |
| 02/28/2006 04:25 PM |
| Unless you are willing to live in a "clean room" and forgo daily life it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from every trace of chemtrail toxin. However you can significantly reduce your exposure. Air cleaners would be the first line of defense. Hepa cleaners are not suitable. Although good for ordinary air pollution the sub micron size of the nano particulates in the chemtrails will go right through a Hepa filter without being removed from the air. Aircleaners that utilize electrostatic means of air cleaning are better at removing the tiny particles. Based on personel experience and the reports of others I recommend the Aprilaire whole house air cleaner (fits on the furnace) PLUS individual Ionic Breeze air filters for each bedroom or other space where you spend a lot of time (office, etc.) The bonus of using an Ionic Breeze is that it is available with a UV light which kills airborn pathogens (molds, fungus, bacteria). On heavy chemtrail days stay inside and keep windows closed. |
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