HEAVY CHEMTRAIL ATTACK SF BAY AREA August 28 2015The San Francisco Bay Area has been under heavy chemtrail attack for two weeks now. The skies have been whited out by the chemtrail mess and the weather is oppressively hot. For two days in a row I have woken up to find my kitchen counters covered with a gritty layer of chemtrail dust. The counters were wiped completely clean the night before on both occasions. I have never seen so much chemtrail dust inside my house. People are complaining about feeling tired and draggy. My room mate has developed a dry hacking cough and is complaining of a dry throat. My throat has also been unusually dry. This is horrible and very worrisome. I hope it stops soon. Sep 6 2015: Heavy chemtrailing is continuing. I watched out the window this morning while planes flew back and forth leaving chemtrails ruining what would have been a beautiful day.Go to the link to take action: CALIFORNIA CHEMTRAIL ACTION