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Visits to my Albums

It is rewarding to watch the numbers roll over (the Statistics) as my albums are viewed by so many people from around the world, and I really appreciate the interest that is shown in my photography by all those people who keep returning to my albums to keep the numbers ticking over. Therefore, I feel disappointed when I suddenly find that I have suffered yet another loss of Stats when the numbers suddenly revert to zero for no apparent reason. If other members are having this problem, or if they know of a solution, I would be pleased to hear from you.

Now I have commenced the time-consuming task of keeping my own monthy records, and during the past month to 10 March, stats have been lost on 10 of my 196 public albums. April update results are even worse! In the past month to 10 April, stats have been lost from 21 albums out of my 199 public albums. Overall, a total of well in excess of 134,000 visits have been lost in just one month. Two albums have lost in excess of 25,000 visits each, and four albums lost in excess of 10,000 visits each. May update shows improvement with only 2 albums loosing stats, but even so, it is disappointing to loose over 9,000 visits from two albums. June update late due to storms and power outages, but very pleasing results to find that none of my albums have lost visits since the May update. July, September and October updates bring good results with no loss of stats since the June update, and all numbers moving upwards as they should.  

Most recent records are shown first and now I put an asterisk beside the stats where the numbers have been lost. Thankyou for your interest in my photos and please keep viewing my albums.

Date(s): 2012. Album by gladysclancy. Photos by Gladys. 1 - 9 of 9 Total. 1846 Visits.
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ImageEventVisits Oct10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.
This view only displays two most recent readings, earlier details in other charts.

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ImageEventVisits Sep10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.
This view only displays two most recent readings, earlier details in other charts.

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ImageEventVisits Jul10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits Jun13 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits May10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits Apr10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits Mar10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits Feb10 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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ImageEventVisits Feb07 2012.pdf
Please click on image to enlarge, then click on "Open this PDF" above the image.

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