1 Round 1/4" backing plate. Replaces the guides on the face of the PIAT, center hole is a friction fit with the aluminum tubes that are inside the foam rubber projectiles
2 20 Ga. Shotgun shell, charges vary. use a turn of tape to hold securly inside casing rings
3 Casing ring. Holds shotgun shell and slips into back of PIAT projectile.
4 Place shell inside casing ring like so.....
5 Should be snug, not too loose not too tight
6 Fully inserted in casing ring
7 Casing ring with shell, inserting into foam rubber projectile
8 View from the back
9 This plate is installed on your PIAT where the guide rails are currently in place.
10 Slip fit into hole. This holds the projectile in place when you release the mainspring. Obviously you would never see it like this, but I don't have my PIAT handy to demonstrate it right now.
11 Firing position. Note backplate in position.
12 Actual shot, projectile ringed in red. Small red ring in front of PIAT is casing ring and spent shell dropping out of projectile. Usually drops into the tray or just in front of it.