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James E Fulks Change of Command ceremony
1. James E Fulks Change of Command ceremony 
Our trip to Hawaii was to watch the change of command ceremony as my son Commander James E Fulks was relieved as captain of USS Topeka by Commander Christopher W Clevenger. Our navy is in the best of hands.
18702 Visits
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Andrea and Jacqueline
2. Andrea and Jacqueline 
The pictures of Jacqueline were 1961

The pictures of Andrea were 1964
4377 Visits
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2019 year in review
3. 2019 year in review 
Odds and ends pictures through the year.
32311 Visits
89 Images
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Delilah and Jason's Wedding
4. Delilah and Jason's Wedding  (October 13/14 2018)
Perry and Laura hosted a beautiful dinner, at their home, the day before the wedding. Here are some photos leading up to and including the wedding ceremony.
33537 Visits
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Garden 2016
5. Garden 2016 
10261 Visits
7 Images
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Support the Troops
6. Support the Troops 
4661 Visits
5 Images
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Old photos of Matt and James
7. Old photos of Matt and James 
8258 Visits
69 Images
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Stump Grinder Teeth
8. Stump Grinder Teeth 
5460 Visits
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2013 Garden
9. 2013 Garden 
5877 Visits
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Matt's Alaska hiking trip
10. Matt's Alaska hiking trip 
5787 Visits
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Alaska wilderness hike
11. Alaska wilderness hike  (July 20 & 21, 2012)
This was a hike on the Crow Pass trail. The trail traverses a route between Girdwood and Eagle River, Alaska. It is beautiful from start to finish. Matt and I hiked this trail over a two day period. The trail is about 26 miles. We each had forty pounds in our backpacks. The photos in the album were nearly all taken on the first day because it poured rain on the second day and we didn't take pictures because of the rain and we were exhausted.
6635 Visits
28 Images
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End of chemo party
12. End of chemo party  (03/17/2011)
Tanya's co-workers threw an AWESOME "End of chemo" party for her at work. She was totally surprised and elated by it all. Pictures were taken with the phone camera so they aren't all that great.
9146 Visits
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Texas Tag and Specialty Company
13. Texas Tag and Specialty Company 
4329 Visits
1 Images
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Alaska Photos
14. Alaska Photos  (July 2010)
9590 Visits
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John/Don/DJ's places
15. John/Don/DJ's places 
6031 Visits
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Jayson Fulks
16. Jayson Fulks 
Pictures of Jayson when he was in his first couple of years of life.
10484 Visits
18 Images
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Crete & London
17. Crete & London  (October 2008)
7690 Visits
15 Images
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In Charleston with JesseJames
18. In Charleston with JesseJames  (03/15/2008)
5348 Visits
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Matt's school bus conversion project
19. Matt's school bus conversion project 
Matt bought this bus at a public auction. He is converting it to a motor home. He has gutted the interior and repainted it, tinted the windows, and painted the outside as well. He has also taken out a lot of the electrical wiring on the inside which he doesn't need. He wants to convert it so he can run vegetable oil as well as diesel.
7682 Visits
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Revenge Against Yellow Jackets
20. Revenge Against Yellow Jackets  (October 14, 2007)
Saturday, as I was weed eating, in the yard, I was suddenly attacked by yellow jackets.  By the time it was over I was stung 13 times.  I found their nest, in the ground.  Here is the aftermath of the ordeal.  You can click on any photo to enlarge it and you can set the size you would like to enlarge the photos.
8130 Visits
8 Images
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Powered paragliding at sunset
21. Powered paragliding at sunset  (9-26-2007)
6217 Visits
12 Images
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So long - farewell
22. So long - farewell 
I rode my bicycle, alone, across America this summer. Here are a few pictures of my first day on the road. You can follow my journey at www.grandpalosthismind.com for photos and stories of the wonderful people and places I encountered along the way.
5707 Visits
11 Images
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Superbowl Sunday
23. Superbowl Sunday 
4896 Visits
6 Images
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Christmas 2006
24. Christmas 2006  (12/25/2006)
4661 Visits
6 Images
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Saturday flying
25. Saturday flying  (07/08/2006)
5140 Visits
10 Images
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Lazy Days of Summer
26. Lazy Days of Summer  (07/06/2006)
4939 Visits
12 Images
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Love Letters Between Momma and Daddy
27. Love Letters Between Momma and Daddy  (Sometime after 1939)
Love Letters Straight From the Heart . . Keeps Us So Near While Apart . . .
Separation during war is especially difficult. Daddy and mama married September 3, 1939.  We miss them terribly, but we have their memories.  Many of these letters have no dates unless I've written something on the first page of the letter that "might" give a date line. I know they were from WWII. These from daddy to mama.
30508 Visits
124 Images
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At the ball game
28. At the ball game  (06/27/2006)
5102 Visits
9 Images
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Weekend trip to Texas
29. Weekend trip to Texas  (06/16/2006)
6782 Visits
24 Images
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Delilah's Quinceanara
30. Delilah's Quinceanara  (06/17/2006)
8088 Visits
49 Images
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Another Dirt Bike Race
31. Another Dirt Bike Race   (06/11/2006)
5871 Visits
14 Images
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Powered Paragliding - Matt OKC, OK
32. Powered Paragliding - Matt OKC, OK  (05/17/2006)
6054 Visits
13 Images
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Vera's Prom
33. Vera's Prom  (04/28/2006)
8010 Visits
32 Images
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Cheer banquet
34. Cheer banquet  (03/04/2006)
9317 Visits
17 Images
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Odds and ends
35. Odds and ends  
6693 Visits
9 Images
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Ashley's baby shower ...
36. Ashley's baby shower ...  (November 12, 2005)
8537 Visits
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Vintage Family Photos
37. Vintage Family Photos  (1960's --- 1970's)
9765 Visits
57 Images
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38. Ksenia  (November 2005)
6556 Visits
6 Images
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Vera wins art award
39. Vera wins art award  (November 6, 2005)
5985 Visits
7 Images
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For Olga
40. For Olga  (Uploaded November 5, 2005)
7668 Visits
17 Images
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Picnic 07/09/2005
41. Picnic 07/09/2005  (July 2005)
6520 Visits
10 Images
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Vera's art projects
42. Vera's art projects  (2005)
7619 Visits
25 Images
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Weekend at Womble
43. Weekend at Womble  (October 22, 23, 24, 2004)
4500 Visits
7 Images
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Labor Day Weekend at Palo Duro Canyon
44. Labor Day Weekend at Palo Duro Canyon  (September 4, 5 & 6, 2004)
I went to Palo Duro Canyon for some weekend mountain biking and mountain climbing and hiking in the canyon.  These are some of the pictures.
6156 Visits
9 Images
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