enlarge 50KB, 800x724 1 Insignia on Mars Discovered by MJ Moore.
Insignia found on the front of ovular form on Mars; Possibly an ancient symbol for the Brotherhood of the Snake? This symbol incorporates a serpentine quality along with the suggestion of flight, as the snake is formed into a shape suggesting wings. Image from the jpl/nasa mars orbiter archives. WHO'S ON MARS? "there are dozens of photos..." "There is so much sanitizin..." View Comments...
| enlarge 0KB, 800x786 2 DARPA Eye of Horus The All-Seeing Eye of the Total Information Awareness Office (no where to run nowhere to hide). "fuck this stupid ass count..." "DARPA is no longer using t..." "It is on USD.
Roosevelt..." View Comments...
| enlarge 5KB, 756x800 3 Tolkian's Burning Eye of Sauron As Drawn by Mike Brinza.
The concept behind Tolkian's all-seeing Eye of Sauron is very similar to the symbology expressed by the all-seeing Eye of Horus used in the DARPA logo. In the recent Tolkien movies the all-seeing Eye of Sauran was fed information by magical spy balls that were strewn around the kingdom, a concept not unlike the "nowhere to run, nowhere to hide" mentality created by myriads of spy satellites and surveillance cameras that currently watch the human population 24/7.
| enlarge 116KB, 800x800 4 THE VULVA OF THE GODDESS AND THE OBELISK Washington D.C., the District of COLUMbia, is all about the goddess. It is located between MARY-land and VIRGIN-ia (refering to the Virgin Mary). COLUM, the root word in Columbia stands for the white dove, the sacred symbol of goddess energy, the divine feminine energy of freedom, caring, compassion and morality. The obelisk penetrates the center of where the two circles intersect forming the Vesica Pescis (the vulva of the goddess) symbolizing sexual congress. It is interesting to note the disasters that are associated with Colum symbolism. The Columbia space shuttle downing, the Columbine high school shootings, the earthquake in Columbia. And then there is the ritual that is performed every summer at the Bohemian Grove involving the symbolic cremation of caring (cremation of Colum, the dove) in front of a 40 foot high cement owl.
enlarge 113KB, 720x800 5 All-Seeing Eye The All-Seeing Eye of Horus on the American dollar bill. Underneath the pyramid a banner reads "Novus Ordo Seclorum", originally a motto of Freemasonry. This translates to " A New Order for the Ages". "It can also be Jah Baal On..." "Jahbulon is Jah Bul On, me..." "It actually means "Ne..." "Also, in Islam. The monste..." View Comments...
| enlarge 39KB, 900x277 6 ARCO RED PYRAMID Th ARCO logo contains a pyramid without the capstone as viewed from above.
| enlarge 0KB, 800x574 7 Statue of Liberty Eye of Horus Satellite image.
The Statue of Liberty Eye of Horus is visible when the statue is viewed from directly overhead.
| enlarge 37KB, 800x419 8 Girl Scouts/ Eye of Horus Promoting global citizenship. "I see the sideways eye of ..." View Comments...
enlarge 14KB, 800x136 9 Bizarre Coke Ad "Unexpected Summer".....now whatever do they mean by that? Then we have a spy satellite and a black helicopter with the text "You can win but you can't hide". This ad does not exactly make me want to rush out and buy a six-pack of Coke. This ad is unsettling. Although there is no Eye of Horus in the imagery, the concept of the all-seeing eye is expressed in the ad, "You can win but you can't hide." An interesting side note: The Coca Cola Foundation has ties to the Lucis Trust (formerly known as the Lucifer Trust) through the Windsor Bank. The ideas expressed in this Coke ad seem consistent with the goals of the Lucis Trust; the promotion of a centralized global government (NWO) with a heavily controlled and survielled citizenry. "Hey , i've tried explainin..." View Comments...
| enlarge 20KB, 800x537 10 Lucis Trust Originally known as the Lucifer Trust, the Lucis trust is powerful and has NGO (Non-Governmental Organization ) status at the United Nations. Founded in 1920 by Alice Bailey the Lucis Trust represents a combination of Gnostic, Theosophist and Occult goals. Bailey's doctrine transforms god into Nietzchean Will with Christ being considered a lower "Ascended Master". The Heirarchy of Ascended Masters are said to be working to carry out "The Plan" to establish a New World Order. The light shining forth from the Lucis Logo symbolizes Luciferian Light. For more on the Lucis Trust: LucisTrust "an important symbol undoub..." "lucifer isis trust. lucife..." View Comments...
| enlarge 48KB, 800x508 11 Crop Circle Eye of Horus "why cant i right click? is..." "right click is disabled..b..." "When you bring up this win..." "PrtScn into paint?" "its obviously wood that ha..." "I am pretty sure this is a..." "Interesting... Oh and to b..." View Comments...
| enlarge 83KB, 471x800 12 US Flag Design w/Pleiades & Eye of Horus The seven stars in the top flag are a symbolic reference to the seven stars of the Pleiades known as the "seven sisters". Both of these "Eye of Horus" flag designs were proposed for the new flag of the confederacy. These designs are preserved in the United States National Archives. This page reproduced from William Bramley's excellent book, The Gods of Eden.
enlarge 34KB, 800x600 13 Crop Circle Eye of Horus B "Created , using high frequ..." "I agree that these circles..." View Comments...
| enlarge 66KB, 800x800 14 GOOFY DISNEY EYE In the cartoon the eye on the bottom of the skateboard flashes briefly on the screen.
| enlarge 86KB, 800x590 15 Incorporating worship of the sun god and the all-seeing eye.
| enlarge 4KB, 800x561 16 Image168
enlarge 520KB, 900x354 17 151.png
| enlarge 2KB, 800x140 18 AOL Eye of Horus The AOL Eye of Horus combines the symbolism of the Egyptian pyramid ( the triangle) which encloses the eye. Perhaps you've noticed the Internet Explorer "E" also forms an eye, but only when it is rotating (when the browser is in search mode).
| enlarge 7KB, 800x556 19 CBS Eye of Horus
| enlarge 41KB, 716x800 20 Lucas Arts Eye An interesting variation on the Eye of Horus theme.
enlarge 23KB, 800x264 21 Art Bell "Eye of Horus" Art Bell's logo is filled with hidden symbology. The following is from , William Cooper, author of "Behold a Pale Horse": " Did you notice the hidden messages, "A.L." and "R.T. Bel"? Can you decipher them? Did you notice that a "capstone" is in place? Did you notice "Bel" is placed above the capstone by the flying arrow? Do you know what that means?
I'll give you one clue... A.L. is the abbreviation for the Latin which translates "Year of Light" referring to the year 6,000 A.L., (which occurs on or shortly after the year A.D. 2000) when the Illuminati believe Lucifer, Baal, Bel, Satan, the angel of light who was cast out of heaven, will triumph over God and mount the throne in the north. All who say they are "Light Workers" are engaged in the battle against God on Lucifer's behalf. You solve the rest of the puzzle." "got to love symbols-deciph..." "Hmmm i really think the fl..." "What a fun design. I'd lo..." "what is the RT?" View Comments...
| enlarge 408KB, 900x480 22 CONAGRA EYE
| enlarge 2KB, 800x269 23 GTS Eye
| enlarge 6KB, 800x96 24 Lending Tree Logo with Eye
enlarge 4KB, 800x322 25 EYE/ TORCH Combo AIU logo manages to cleverly combine two important Brotherhood symbols, the Eternal flame/torch and the eye.
| enlarge 91KB, 900x504 26 BRUCE/CAITLIN UNDER MK-ULTRA ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL? The black and white striped pattern of the important first dress that Caitlin wore in public is suggestive of prison uniforms, of being in "prison" behind bars, symbolizing the prison of mind control. This Masonic imagery symbolically communicates with others in the brotherhood that the brotherhood had a hand in the creation of Caitlin.
| enlarge 134KB, 900x298 27 BRUCE IMPRISONED ON THE 2013 KARDASHIAN CHRISTMAS CARD DAVID LACHAPELLE/KARDASHIAN CHRISTMAS CARD Best viewed enlarged to the original size. This card has a lot of symbolism going on. Once again there is symbolism suggesting Bruce Jenner is imprisoned as Bruce is portrayed trapped in a cylinder resembling a giant test tube, staring out at his former self that no longer exists. The Bruce manikin wearing the Olympic metals appears to have had its arm amputated possibly a symbolic reference to Bruce's powerlessness due to mind control and impending (at the time) sex change operation. Bruce is trapped, appearing to have lost his power. His wife, wearing goddess head gear is exalting in her power. In the background Bruce is shown on a Wheaties box being dominated by the Illuminati pyramid and all-seeing eye. This symbolically communicates that Bruce/Caitlin is a brotherhood project and under their control. One of the goals of the New World Order is to blur the lines between male and female. Bruce Jenner, an ico...
| enlarge 62KB, 800x600 28 BRUCE JENNER AND THE ILLUMINATI The Wheaties box with Olympian Bruce Jenner on the front overshadowed by and placed directly under the Illuminati eye and pyramid strongly suggests he is Illuminati property and under their mind control.
enlarge 141KB, 495x800 29 rs 634x1024-150630085233-634.Caitlyn-Jenner-Leopard-Print-Wrap-Dress-NYC-JR-63015
| enlarge 75KB, 600x800 30 VATICAN TAPESTRY WITH THE ALL SEEING EYE Best viewed on the extra large setting. "not seeing an eye, but an ..." "The eye is in the center o..." "9-pointed star is associat..." "I had a dream a year ago a..." View Comments...
| enlarge 84KB, 800x600 31 In the famous "Broadway Lullaby" segment from "Singing in the Rain" a giant Eye of Horus can be seen in almost every shot in the sequence. In this frame the "eye" is partially visible on the upper right edge. "pinstripe suit: how do you..." "LOL Thanks for pointing t..." View Comments...
| enlarge 32KB, 800x369 32 Eastern Star "Eye" "This is just rediculous. Y..." "Well, the OES is an organi..." "i been reading some commen..." "eatern star which rises in..." "everyone has there opioion..." View Comments...
enlarge 25KB, 800x788 33 starbuckseye
| enlarge 28KB, 800x600 34 British Intelligence MI-5 Patch British Intelligence patch with Pyramid and "Eye of Horace" symbology.
| enlarge 77KB, 512x800 35 WHOOPS! A wardrobe malfunction or deliberate insertion of sexual content into this men's wear ad? There also appears to be a phallic shape on the side of the neck of the model on the left. Also the numbers are arranged in such a way that they can be read as 666 666. In occult numerology 3, 6 and 9 are all interchangeable. At the top of the page the first two numbers, 1 and 2 add up to three, the middle two numbers, 4 and 5 = 9, the 6 and 3 under that also = 9. At the bottom of the page are two more 3's and a 6. Six sixes that can be read as 666 666. If you think this isn't deliberate why does the 3 come out of sequence, being placed after the six so the two of them add up to nine when logically the three should be in front of the four.
| enlarge 13KB, 672x800 36 029
enlarge 102KB, 599x800 37 PARENTS PENIS MAGAZINE COVER
| enlarge 87KB, 553x800 38 WHAT IS HE HOLDING IN HIS HAND? Besides the obvious sexual imagery of the rocket blasting off right in to the woman's crotch area, the male model appears ready to blast off as well. Enlarge the image and look at what he seems to be holding in his hand.
| enlarge 116KB, 900x524 39 69 DOES IT The "69 Does It" can be taken in several ways. 69 implies the sex act but can also be read as 69 and the "Does It" over the model's head suggesting she does 69. Her inviting smile and wide open arms subliminally suggests she might do it with you. Six and nine are important numbers in occult numerology and are interchangeable. There are obviously four sixes and three nines in this ad, but there are also two more hidden nines. The date over the car is 2007 providing another nine (2+7=9). Also the price under the car on the left adds up to 9,(9+5+8+5=27, 2+7=9). This gives us triple 666's as the 5 nines and 4 sixes can be read as 666 666 666. In occult numerology the more often a number can be repeated the more powerful it becomes.
| enlarge 127KB, 800x718 40 BENSON AND HEDGES BACK PHALLUS The model in this ad appears to be growing a penis on her back.
| enlarge 73KB, 800x727 42 CHOCOLATE FELLATIO
| enlarge 115KB, 900x498 43 PEPSI SEX
| enlarge 104KB, 550x800 44 HONEYBAKED HAM- FEMALE GENITALIA
enlarge 53KB, 900x509 45 SUBLIMINAL BREAD STICK Perhaps HONEY BAKED HAM and SUBLIMINAL BREAD STICK should go out on a date.
| enlarge 61KB, 900x506 47 SKITTLES SEXPLOSION
| enlarge 54KB, 800x600 48 DISNEY SEX SUBLIMINAL
enlarge 106KB, 683x800 49 HANNAH MONTANA & PHALLUS SHAPED GUMMY MICROPHONES MILEY CYRUS STILL IN AN INNOCENT STATE Young, innocent Disney stars develop huge fan bases of adoring pre-teen females who emulate these stars. Then as the Disney stars get older they invariably become highly sexualized in how they dress and behave and their adoring fans follow them attempting to emulate the sexualized behavior.
enlarge 1.55MB, 800x582 53 WARNER BROS: BUGS BUNNY'S TIP SLIP
| enlarge 50KB, 800x599 54 PHALLIC-SHAPED PLAYDOUGH TOY
| enlarge 61KB, 589x800 55 SPONGE BOB WITH CONDOM
| enlarge 73KB, 800x600 56 DISNEY'S ELLA ENCHANTED: MOVIE MIND CONTROL? I occasionally run across advertisements or movies whose main purpose seems to be the reinforcement or triggering of covert MK Ultra mind control programming. Although the exact number of US citizens who have undergone this type of programming is unknown researchers into this subject estimate numbers in the tens of thousands to the millions. The Cinderella-like plot of Ella Enchanted revolves around a girl who has been "bewitched" to always do EXACTLY as she is told. "Enchanted" or "bewitched" are code words for mindcontrolled, so the movie title might as well read "Ella Mind Controlled". Individuals who have survived & recovered from MK Ultra trauma- based mind control report that Disney themes such as Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland were frequently used as part of their programming. Disney purchased Miramax in 1993. "pretty shitty mind control..." "The Cartoon movie "ca..." "In reply to Thomas's comme..." "This might be our last cha..." View Comments...
enlarge 87KB, 800x530 57 DISNEY'S LITTLE MERMAID: PRIESTLY ERECTION In Disney's Little Mermaid a frame flashes on the screen showing the bulge of an erection, in the next frame it is gone.
| enlarge 67KB, 800x600 58 i dirty screenshots from childrens cartoons 50927489336fc
| enlarge 61KB, 800x800 60 Lion-King-Sex-Cloud
enlarge 76KB, 800x578 61 DISNEY'S RESCUERS NAKED WOMAN A woman standing in the window with breasts exposed is visible in this Disney movie. Due to parent complaints the naked woman in the window was removed from later releases of this cartoon.
| enlarge 60KB, 800x512 63 MINNIE MOUSE'S X-RATED DRESS
| enlarge 45KB, 800x638 64 DISNEY'S DIRTY DONALD DUCK
enlarge 79KB, 617x800 65 CREEPY PERVO DONALD DUCK RIDE
| enlarge 60KB, 900x536 67 DISNEY 666 The Disney logo not only has three sixes, the "S" is drawn to have a very snake-like quality to it.
| enlarge 83KB, 800x600 68 DISNEY DOUBLE 666 AND SEX SUBLIMINAL The 666 is in the Disney logo and also incorporated into The Art of Disney sign. The artwork of a lion from Disney's Lion King has an image of a nearly naked backside of a woman incorporated into it. Additionally, only one eye of the lion is visible. The one eye visible is an occult reference to the all-seeing eye, the eye of Horus and the theme you can run but you can't hide, meaning the population is under constant survellance. There is an endless amount of advertising and media that shows one eye closed or only one eye visible. I believe this is meant to created an environment of paranoia and helplessness against the control of the elite.
enlarge 79KB, 900x375 69 BIBBITY BOBBITY SUGAR-COATED SATANISM These salutes appear in almost every Disney movie. This is subliminal indoctrination of children. Now it is common for young adults to use this hand signal. Many of them probably do not fully understand it's significance and just think it is cool. It appears that Disney's subliminal indoctrination of youth into the satanic New World Order is working just fine.
| enlarge 41KB, 800x600 72 DISNEY'S CINDERELLA
enlarge 66KB, 800x524 73 DOUBLE SATANIC HAND SIGNS PAMPERS From a pampers TV commercial; a toddler flashing the satanic devil horns sign with one hand and a 6 with the other hand. The finger making the six looks like it might have been photo shopped to that position. Whom at Pampers thought this was a good idea? Boycott!
| enlarge 735KB, 800x596 74 SUGGESTIVE WARNER BROTHERS CARTOON Some of these children's cartoons are so dirty I am embarrassed to post them. I consider this cartoon to be very subversive, planting images in innocent minds that may promote early sexual behaviour. This cartoon for children should have an X-rating.
| enlarge 1,019KB, 800x606 75 WARNER BROS CARTOON EJACULATION
| enlarge 67KB, 900x513 76 HOMER SIMPSON 666
| enlarge 58KB, 546x800 78 Castles Constructed of Penises The video cover art that created the "Disney Phallus" scandal. "that is some sick shit! To..." "Come on... a CHILD doesn't..." "of course a child doesnt l..." "You can be appalled at the..." "for years i have heard peo..." "Every one looks at things ..." "I've seen worse in Blackpo..." "Yes yes; this is old news...." "An accident? I suggest yo..." "The guy who created this f..." View Comments...
| enlarge 33KB, 388x800 79 Disney "Little Mermaid" Phallus Enlarged close-up of the Disney cover art for The Little Mermaid video. "I saw this harassy Coke ad..." "if you thing this is all c..." "The real inside story on t..." "Maybe so George but this e..." "no joke.... youre right on..." "well i think disney is occ..." "there is always a harmless..." "Cool! LOL! I hear artists ..." ""The best way to hide..." "There had been several sto..." View Comments...
| enlarge 79KB, 537x800 80 -1
enlarge 51KB, 800x563 81 SNOW WHITE PHALLIC SYMBOLS "Where?....dont see it" "Visual interpretation is i..." "ok this is a great example..." "good shit bro. let em know..." View Comments...
| enlarge 48KB, 800x524 82 Sexual Cinderella Symbolism Disney's sexual symbolism, centering the white phallic columns directly on top of the vulva-shaped, vagina-pink draperies seems to be a sly reference to sexual intercourse. "The repeated use of phalli..." "it is actually there, i se..." "Lena, the pink draperies a..." "See this is the way Satan ..." "I believe that you are los..." "dee you are a breath of fr..." "These Disney posts have re..." "I think there are a LOT, ..." "these toons look innocent ..." "I do believe that Disney h..." "Perhaps, but REALLY?? Do y..." "I'd like to see someone dr..." "Ah.......forgot to say, th..." "Y'all need tew stop puttin..." "I understand the skepticis..." View Comments...
| enlarge 137KB, 800x787 83 Double "Eye of Horus" Symbology The "Eye of Horus" symbolism of the oval with the dotted "i" (play on the word "eye") is doubled by the larger circle with the head and shoulders protruding up from the middle. Several years ago Disney provoked a public scandal by featuring thinly disguised phallic symbols on the front of the packaging for "The Little Mermaid".
Disneyland is alleged to be a center for Mind Control programming by author Fritz Springmeier (author of the suppressed book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati). "You have a point animatorL..." "Look at the orange sides o..." "as of January 27 2011 with..." View Comments...
| enlarge 445KB, 800x575 84 Disney Just for the heck of it I recently decided to take a closer look at Disney's "Little Mermaid" video with the purpose of paying close attention to the background art. I was amazed at the amount of phallic symbolism in the background, if anything I would have to say that this movie must hold the all-time record for showing phallic symbols! That this completely went over my head the first time I viewed the movie, years ago, is a testament to the entertaining charm of Disney animation.
Symbols communicate subconsciously as well as consciously. Even if we aren't consciously aware of symbols we may be exposed to, the subconscious mind is affected by them. "Well, that answers the mys..." "it looks a little like tho..." "missy, you r ryte i just n..." View Comments...
enlarge 41KB, 800x593 85 EYES WIDE OPEN: SEEING BEHIND DISNEY The Little Mermaid seems sexualized,appearing to have sprouted nipples in this shot. And what is her father holding in his hand? To me this image has disturbing undertones of incest. And then there are the phallic shapes in the back ground.
The significance and meaning of Disney's sexual symbolism:
This is a complex subject that I am still researching in hopes of reaching a fuller understanding of the matter. A study of Disney's upbringing, his bloodlines, his social and political affiliations and the philosophy that he is aligned with will provide further illumination. SEEING BEHIND DISNEY "Are you insinuating that i..." "the film Juno recently rel..." "glennb-
slore is a moro..." "Sal,
I didn't know that..." "A clip from a real snuff m..." "MARACAS!?
Sexually repr..." "yo alias, have you ever as..." "and btw, disney turned the..." View Comments...
The large, phallic, purplish-pink column on the right has garland draped at the top at just the right angle to suggest the ridge on the underside of a penis. The dark shadows on the floor at the base of the "column" suggest balls... but look closely... what is that figure doing on the right hand side just up a bit from the base of the "column"? It looks like a face with a penis stuck in the mouth. "You are right, just compar..." "Just looking at the pictur..." "ah.. spin away guys, spin ..." "I met a retired Head Disne..." "Waist down her dress makes..." View Comments...
The suggestive undies with "JUST DIVE IN" emblazoned on the back, released as spin off merchandise for Disney film, High School Musical, raised an international storm of protest from angry parents. The underwear also angered The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The British children's charity released a statement labeling the underwear "inappropriate for young children" Disney defended the undies calling the design "completely innocent". In light of other recent Disney "goofs" regarding exposing young children to subliminal sexual content one has to wonder. "so did you just stumble ac..." "Very Good Website!!! All ..." "Interesting, Sal. Must go ..." "Mr. Walter Disney must be ..." "You think that's bad, look..." "Dee,give me a break! This ..." "ok now thats a good post. ..." "Walt Disney was a 33 degre..." View Comments...
A sample of lyrics from Disney's Lion King song, In Upendi (sounds phonetically like In Your Panty): "...In Upendi (in your panty) where the passionfruit grows sweet And it's so divine You will lose your mind As it sweeps you off your feet It just takes two To make it true Your heart will lead you there." "Where is Upendi?" "No place you don't take with you!" [a very sly remark] "...You can beat the bush like there's no tomorrow But You'll find Upendi (Your Panties) wherever you are... Down in Upendi Way Down in Upendi!" (Way down in your panties!)
enlarge 1.53MB, 900x482 89 SEX ON A PLATE?
| enlarge 1.64MB, 900x482 90 SEX ON A PLATE SUBLIMINAL PENISES DISGUISED AS BREAD STICKS Best viewed on original size. I lightened up the image to get a better look at what was in the shadows on the table. This is Disney so I was hardly surprised to find phallic shapes lurking in the shadows.
| enlarge 58KB, 800x604 91 DIRTY DISNEY- HARDCORE PORN SHOWN ON THE DISNEY CHANNEL On May 1st 2007 thousands of innocent young children tuned into Disney Playhouse on Comcast expecting to see a a favorite children's show, Handy Mandy.
Instead the youngsters were traumatized by viewing a full on, close up, hardcore porno airing on Disney. Thousands of angry parents created a storm of protest mostly ignored by mainstream media. Some of the parents commented that the airing of Porno on Disney had to have been deliberate as Parental Controls were reported to have been over ridden on many tv sets. FULL COMMENTARY BY JUDITH REISMAN "this was clearly a comcast..." "I am thinking its the uppe..." "the catcti are indeed very..." "Notice it was done on May ..." "Those are not cacti. That..." "you people are retarded an..." "Very Good Point AP. I had..." "Nugget, why do people both..." "The Illuminati was founded..." View Comments...
| enlarge 27KB, 707x800 92 Columbia Pictures/Isis Logo The Statue of Liberty figure represents the goddess Isis. In her upraised hand she holds the eternal torch, symbolic of the brotherhood. The sun at the apex of the pyramid honors the ancient sun god. Visually dynamic, the Columbia logo conveys a wealth of symbolic information. "except there are only 11 s..." "perhaps this was made befo..." View Comments...
enlarge 2KB, 800x160 93 fidelity
| enlarge 10KB, 800x800 94 SECRET COMMUNICATIONS/US CURRENCY PENTAGRAM MASON Draw a pentagram over the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill. The pentagram points out five letters that spell MASON. "Did you notice that if you..." "Did you notice that that's..." "Yeah, six-sided = hexagram..." "Actually, he's right. It ..." "Why slander the pentagram?..." "actually the star has a lo..." "This is the most powerful ..." "A pentagram is a 5-pointed..." "The hex-agram is the symbo..." "Knights templars ARE the m..." View Comments...
| enlarge 72KB, 800x600 95 ANCIENT CANAANITE SACRIFICIAL SYMBOL HONORED ON US CURRENCY OWL/MOLCECH SYMBOL A small Owl is hidden in the upper right corner of the dollar bill. The Owl is a symbol of Molech, a symbol of one of the ancient Canaanite ritual practices, sacrifice of children by fire.
The Bohemian Club, a private club of influential men, perform the Cremation of Care ceremony to kick off their summer retreat. The ceremony is performed in front of a giant concrete owl and is intended to symbolically relieve the participants of caring about the consequences of their actions. The ceremony involves burning a sacrifice, a human effigy at the base of the 40 foot high Owl.
In Biblical times the Canaanites and the Phoenicians offered children to the god Molech in rituals of sacrfice by fire. "Im sorry to tell you this,..." "Good grief, America is a c..." ""the US is a represen..." "If the owl symbolized demo..." "It's a lot simpler than th..." "hey wiser than yall capita..." "America was founded as a C..." View Comments...
| enlarge 49KB, 800x716 96 Bohemian Club Molech/Owl Symbol The letters "B" and "C" in the club's logo on this cocktail napkin have a double meaning. The obvious meaning is that they stand for Bohemian Club. The hidden, symbolic meaning is that they stand for Before Christ. In relation to the owl/Molech symbol in the logo the BC has several layers of meaning; that worship of the god, Molech historically preceded worship of Christ (Before Christ), that the brotherhood existed Before Christ. The owl/Molech symbol being inserted between the B and C also infers that the owl/Molech in the eyes of the Bohemian Club members outranks Christ, being venerated first and formost "Before Christ".
enlarge 39KB, 800x519 97 bohemianowl "Weaving spiders come not h..." View Comments...
| enlarge 73KB, 607x800 98 Ritual Mockery? The juxtaposition of ideas on this TIME Magazine cover made me do a double take. The owl (representation of the god Molech), worshipped by the Brotherhood, is very strongly associated with burnt offerings, human and child sacrifice by fire. And what is directly above the owl? The headline "Bushes Burning Issue". The strong tie-in of the headline with the owl is probably not random. Also of interest is the June 24th publication date of this TIME issue, showing it was published the week that Litha, one of the Illuminati's human sacrifice nights, is celebrated, also the week of the Summer Solstice. OCCULT HOLIDAYS "the owl has horns" "lol it sure does" "too bad the 'horns' aren't..." "some times an owl is just ..." "Time being the Illuminati ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 95KB, 600x800 99 INANNA THE OWL GODDESS
| enlarge 36KB, 800x653 100 MAZDA HONORING THE OWL
enlarge 52KB, 800x633 101 OWL-SHAPED BREO INHALER
| enlarge 10KB, 800x345 102 THE HBO OWL "OK, where's the owl?" "Look at the B & the O turn..." "If you notice the logo on ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 10KB, 345x800 103 THE HBO MOLECH/OWL SYMBOL Turn the HBO logo on end and you will notice that the B and the O are connected in a way that makes the two letters look like an owl. "the fact that you have to ..." "It's very obvious to me th..." View Comments...
| enlarge 21KB, 438x800 104 BENTLEY OWL FACE The Bentley "B" forms an owl face when turned on it's side.
enlarge 51KB, 740x800 105 A TRIBUTE TO MOLECH? The Frost Bank Tower "owl building" located in Austin, Texas. "The designer was a Rice Un..." View Comments...
| enlarge 61KB, 800x604 106 THE FROST OWL
| enlarge 60KB, 534x800 107 LES HIBOUX Owls - 65, avenue Brugmann, Bruxelles l "I'm shocked that a place n..." View Comments...
| enlarge 101KB, 800x800 108 NATIONAL PRESS CLUB ANCIENT SYMBOLISM The National Press Club emblem incorporates designs symbolically honoring Molech, the eternal flame of Luciferian Light and the Sun God. "Just a coincidence, nothin..." View Comments...
enlarge 98KB, 800x599 109 images 1
| enlarge 68KB, 800x648 110 WASHINGTON DC OWL "just a coincidence, nothin..." "washington monument looks ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 143KB, 800x660 111 WASHINGTON DC PENTAGRAM "in order for it to be a tr..." "lmao, in that case why doe..." "thank you traveller25" View Comments...
The folded five dollar bill shows the WTC under construction on one side (left image) and on the other side the completed WTC.
What are the chances that the events of 9/11 would show up in consecutive order on consecutive denominations of US currency well in advance of the actual event? According to some researchers the cryptocracy is using black magic and occult ritual to gradually process humanity into mind controlled slaves. Part of the occult ritual requires that those the ritual is being worked on be informed about what is being deliberately done to them. "Wow, I never have noticed ..." "Someone has too much time ..." "For once I agree with you ..." "I can believe these people..." "The forces behind the huma..." View Comments...
enlarge 43KB, 800x504 113 FIRST TOWER HIT Fold the ten dollar bill in the same way and you see the first WTC tower after it was hit. On the right a photograph of the actual event for comparison shows striking similarities to what is seen on the folded bill. Even the smoke is blowing in the right direction.
If the intended victims of black rituals realize what is being done but do not rise up to complain or put a stop to it, it is taken as consent and the magic becomes even more powerful. Frequently the media is used to slyly inform the public of certain events. The controversial paintings at the Denver Airport are a good example of this practice. Sometimes messages of this nature are hidden in commercials, on the covers of magazines or in movies. I believe the use of American currency to foretell the events of 9/11 is a classic example of this practice.
| enlarge 48KB, 800x465 114 BOTH TOWERS HIT Fold the twenty dollar bill in the same manner and it reveals both towers hit. Again a photo of the actual event is included for comparison. Amazingly, the folded twenty shows the smoke at approximately the correct height on both towers!
The currency images at #111 may also reflect symbolism representing something secret that is going on. "So here's a question...the..." "Good question manna. Wish..." "@sarcastic man, you are in..." "Fortunately most of us hav..." "Got to be the same Governm..." "The plane that crashed in ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 41KB, 800x380 115 Pentagon after Alleged Plane Hit Flip the folded twenty bill over to see the Pentagon after the plane allegedly crashed into it. I personally do not believe a plane hit the pentagon. All photographic evidence points to a missle hit. There is no photographic evidence whatsoever that indicates a plane crashed into this building. Also the first eyewitness accounts were reports from those claiming to have seen or heard a missle, not a plane. If it wasn't a plane this raises a very interesting question; what happened to the flight this was alleged to be and what really happened to the people on this flight? "Do you know what a live te..." "nice one" "first of all dee you idiot..." "@Dee and Ric, STFU, all th..." "There were a dozen cameras..." "I really think I hate trut..." View Comments...
| enlarge 0KB, 706x800 116 Both Towers Crashing Down The 50 dollar bill shows the towers crashing down.. "You see the level of consp..." View Comments...
enlarge 0KB, 533x800 117 Actual Photo of Towers Falling "very impressive picture, p..." View Comments...
| enlarge 58KB, 706x800 118 Only Smoke Left And on the 100. bill...nothing left but smoke.
So who or what group would have the power to arrange the design of the US currency to reflect the 9/11 tragedy well in advance of the actual occurance of the tragedy? "the same group that arrang..." "Plans within plans within ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 94KB, 495x800 119 Nothing left but smoke
| enlarge 48KB, 800x600 120 911 RITUAL TWILIGHT LANGUAGE- PLANE MUST HIT STEEL OCCULT WORKINGS HIDDEN IN PLAIN/PLANE SIGHT Check out the video of what was going on in the classroom President Bush was visiting at the time the planes crashed into the WTC. The teacher is giving a reading lesson. First word is KITE. A kite is air born similar somewhat to a plane, the use of this word subconsciously sets up the mind to hear the word PLAYING phonetically as PLANE. This is a twilight language trick. It doesn't matter that the word was PLAYING, as phonetically it sounds like PLANE, especially as the word KITE primed the brain to make an association with something that is flying. Just as the PLANE MUST HIT STEEL lesson concludes an aide rushes in to whisper the news about a plane crashing into one of the WTC towers. Bush now knows the WTC has been hit by a plane. Incredibly he does nothing and stays in the classroom to hear the next lesson. PLANE MUST HIT STEEL
enlarge 58KB, 800x632 121 A STORY ABOUT A PET GOAT AND AMERICA UPSIDE DOWN Immediately after the lesson KITE PLANE HIT STEEL MUST the teacher launches into a lesson with the book, My Pet Goat, a nod to Satan as the goat is a symbol of Baphomet or Satan. The girl reading stands with her head between two inverted pentagrams. The inverted pentagram is associated with Satan worship and witchcraft. Also note that these inverted pentagrams flank the word "America". Behind her is a backwards American flag. Next to her is the Statue of Liberty, a representation of Semiramis an ancient Babylonian goddess still worshiped by the Illuminati today. At approximately the same time as the first plane crashed into one of the WTC towers, President Bush was photographed holding a book, titled "America". The book is symbolically held upside down, a portent for the disaster? The amount of occult symbology woven into Bushes 9/11 classroom visit is overwhelming. Perhaps Bush stayed in the classroom so the occult ritual part of WTC disaster could be completed. "Bush shows how much he rea..." "I've seen this one before...." "This is not the first time..." "I do believe this is symbo..." "Whether this photo is true..." "I've also seen this pictur..." "the little fat girl shows ..." "LOL u r the idiot. Obvious..." "NOT ONLY IS THE BOOK UPSID..." "AME? AIM? America Military..." "to "knowledge" c..." "All these comments start f..." "Frink, Bush is shown on t..." View Comments...
| enlarge 56KB, 800x679 122 9-11 = LEAVING OUT GOD The number 10 is a complete and perfect number; 10 is God's number, the number of the cosmos and the paradigm of creation. The tetraktys 1+2+3+4=10 symbolize divinity. Going from the number 9 to the number 11, skipping over the 10, represents leaving out God. It is interesting that a number that represents skipping over God was chosen as the number to call for emergencies and disasters. Possibly 9/11 was chosen as the date for the WTC disaster because of it's symbolic meaning.
| enlarge 126KB, 800x711 123 MORE CRYPTIC CURRENCY COMMUNICATIONS The older bills(lower) do not show clouds in the background above The White House. How interesting that with the ongoing chemtrail spraying all denominations of the newer bills now show clouds above The White House (clouds that look suspiciously like HAARP modulated chem-clouds). This may be an example of "Ritual Mockery" or "Revelation of the Method" as described by Michael Hoffman in his brilliant book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Hoffman's book delves into the hidden meaning of the twilight language and symbolism of the Cryptocracy.
RITUAL ASPECTS OF CRIMINAL POLITICS "If you magnifying glass to..." View Comments...
| enlarge 119KB, 631x800 124 SAKS FIFTH AVE AD: MOURNING THE DEATH OF NATURE The flat screen monitor is placed on the pedestal in a way that is reminiscent of how a coffin is placed, so that the grieving can view the remains of the dearly departed. Except in this image with its chemtrail-filled sky it is the death of the natural world that is being grieved. The model is sitting, not standing, an arrangement that puts emphasis on the chemtrail filled screen and not on the model, suggesting the important aspect of this image is not fashion but rather what is being shown on the screen. The black-garbed model stares out at us mournfully with a look that manages to be both sad and angry, a look that challenges us to to look up at the sky, see what is going on and comprehend the gravity of the situation. STRANGE DAYS STRANGE SKIES/a> "Look at the shadow of the ..." "Interesting Scotty." View Comments...
enlarge 46KB, 800x531 125 DENVER AIRPORT CHEMTRAIL ART "I went in person and took ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 43KB, 800x532 126 CREEPY DENVER AIRPORT ART I think this mural makes the purpose of the chemtrails quite clear. A gas-masked military apparition is shown with sword drawn. (The rider is wearing a gas mask no doubt for protection from the chemtrails. Maybe we all should be wearing gas masks!) A white dove (Colum, the symbol of the goddess, the divine feminine energy from which freedom, empathy, caring and morality spring forth) is impaled on the end of the sword. In the background, masses of women fleeing with dead babies under a rainbow chemtrailed sky. The rainbow colors in the chemtrails signify the presence of highly toxic Ethylene Dibromide vapors. The images in this mural suggest that the world has been turned into a gas chamber for the purpose of genocide, or depopulation, similar in concept to the Nazi death chambers of WW2, only the world as a gas chamber kills more slowly. Just the same millions will die. If the chemtrails aren't stopped I see this as unavoidable.
"We took your guns and swor..." "rainbow = gay pride." "and incase you didnt notic..." "the swooping arc reminds m..." "The dove is also the symbo..." "The dove is a symbol for t..." "By killing the white dove ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 53KB, 534x800 127 DENVER AIRPORT SWASTIKA High strangeness at the Denver Airport...Those bizarre art panels showing women fleeing with dead babies under a chemtrailed sky, the designation on the capstone as the Denver Airport being the New World Airport...rumors that it goes down for seven or more levels, the airport is said to connect into an 80 square mile underground city & a high speed coast to coast underground train. Then the rumors of huge underground vaults with railroad tracks running through them... and even stranger the rumors of human/alien interaction in the lower levels.
The stuff of Urban Legend or fact? I know some of it is true, the bizarre murals, the New World Airport designation, the design resembling a swastika. Both Denver & Atlanta are said to be important cities to the NWO. But the aliens? Well,truth is stranger than fiction and it wouldn't surprise me. "Overdoses of silver in the..." "Early depictions of Hindu ..." "Could be a future lay-over..." "It is my understanding tha..." "I went camping several dec..." View Comments...
| enlarge 31KB, 800x533 128 POISONOUS CHEMTRAIL RAINBOWS The rainbow in the above image is caused by the presence of highly toxic Ethylene Dibromide vapors. The presence of Ethylene Dibromide in chemtrails has been verified by independent laboratory testing. It is my opinion that the horizontal rainbows in the Denver Airport murals are meant to represent the poisonous EDB rainbows created by the chemtrail spraying. The murals were dated and signed by the artist, Leo Tanguma, in 1995. Chemtrail researchers and observers date the beginning of the chemtrail spraying to late 1997. Go to image # 58 (CRYPTIC COMMUNICATIONS/US CURRENCY) to see another example of information symbolically or cryptically planted, well in advance of an event, into media that will be viewed but not necessarily understood by the general public . "The rainbow is caused by w..." "Lazurus, You might be thi..." "It's a big load of bull.
..." "The presence of EDB in the..." "There are also a sprinklin..." "if the rainbow is caused m..." "And now it's "cakes"." "wow really! are you that s..." "I have never seen a wavey ..." "I like how close minded pe..." View Comments...
enlarge 93KB, 800x600 129 Capstone at the Denver Airport Freemasonry symbol on the Denver Airport dedication stone. Denver Airport officially identified as The New World Airport March 19, 1994. "Notice under the date, &qu..." "If you also notice the quo..." "Just in this example. A 4...." "The new world airport comm..." "Angel-- the 2094 means tha..." View Comments...
| enlarge 46KB, 525x800 130 bluecrosstrails1 "The trails hitting the upp..." "blue cross blue shield. ch..." View Comments...
| enlarge 40KB, 800x601 131 U.S. Postal Service engaged in PSYOPS? Cloudscapes, a new series of stamps issued by the US Postal Service looks suspiciously like subliminal conditioning, that is, a social engineering campaign to alter the way people perceive, think or act. Obvious chemtrail images are included on these stamps, no doubt to subconsciously influence us into believing that what we are seeing in the skies is perfectly normal and nothing to be alarmed about. "Asking a question implies ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 46KB, 664x800 132 CINDERELLA'S CHEMTRAILED CASTLE Recently several large movie studios have changed the background clouds in their corporate logos to look more like the smeary mess of elongated fake clouds created by chemtrails.
Other researchers have reported U.S. intelligence agencies own or control 50% of U.S. media, in particular,exerting a huge amount of behind the scenes power and influence in Hollywood.
I have long suspected that many movies are part of an ongoing PSYOPS to influence the minds of the masses in certain directions, influencing popular beliefs and views of reality.
The recent change by several major Hollywood studios to the use of chemtrail imagery in their logos appears to be part of an ongoing government PSYOPS with the intention of subliminally convincing us that these fake clouds are normal, that the sky has always looked this way. "dude seriously just let di..." "Hmm this page seems to be..." "I agree, there are a lot o..." "yeah... little mermen was ..." "for those defending walt d..." "I find the Internet wide p..." View Comments...
enlarge 50KB, 800x533 133 ANOTHER DISNEY CHEMTRAIL "That's the track of an air..." "I'm surprised nobody notic..." "hey look the girl is pulli..." "Look at the boy, he is poi..." ""Dude" the airpl..." "Who includes an airplane t..." View Comments...
| enlarge 32KB, 800x448 134 COLUMBIA ANIMATED CHEMTRAILS Columbia's new logo not only includes chemtrails in the background, they went to the trouble of animating the chemtrails. Other symbols in this logo include The stairs in the shape of a pyramid, the Statue of Liberty representing the Babylonian/Egyptian goddess Isis Queen of Heaven. Isis holds the eternal flame of Luciferian light in her uplifted hand. The rainbow colors emanating from the torch would have occult significance to many, especially considering the context they are presented in here (with other important brotherhood symbology). The rainbow is symbolic of the bridge to the Luciferian New World Order. "theres also a face in the ..." "If things like this don't ..." "ALso the cloud behind her ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 24KB, 800x533 135 DISNEY CHEMTRAILS IN TOYS MOVIE Interestingly enough this Disney Toys image not only shows chemtrails in the back ground, it also appears to show a round orb next to the main "chemtrail". Photographers of real life chemtrails have captured many images of these mysterious metallic orbs floating in close association with the chemtrails.
| enlarge 62KB, 746x800 136 MORE COLUMBIA CHEMTRAILS
enlarge 22KB, 800x339 137 250px-Warner Bros logo "Warner Brothers also owns ..." "WB= WITCHES BROTHERHOOD, B..." View Comments...
| enlarge 35KB, 800x609 138 From a German Chemtrails Website I found this logo on a German-based website protesting the Chemtrails. The opinions expressed at this website blame America and it's "illuminati aligned leadership" for the chemtrails mess. Whether or not one agrees with this websites opinions, the white trails drifting through the red letters effectively suggest chemtrails and the reason for the boycott.
| enlarge 45KB, 800x398 139 subliminal1 "What movie is this from?" ""Subliminal"? se..." "from the machinist, awesom..." View Comments...
| enlarge 83KB, 800x771 140 SANTA IS AN ANAGRAM FOR SATAN Santa is the anti-christ of Christmas. Santa's message is the exact opposite of the message of Christmas. First of all Jolly old "St Nick"(Nick is a name for the devil), comes from the north. The Bible says the devil is from the north. Santa dabbles in the occult, performing magical acts. Santa is dressed in colors symbolic of Satanism (red, black and white). Like Satan, Santa is not harmed by fire. Continued next-
enlarge 28KB, 575x800 141 SATAN MASQUERADING AS SANTA Santa's subversive message is the polar opposite of what Christmas should be about. If one is a Christian this is a spiritual holiday. Santa's message to little children is that if you are good you will be rewarded with material possessions in the form of gifts. This emphasis on materialism has almost completely sabotaged focusing on the spiritual gifts that Christmas offers. And then there is the disillusionment that children experience when inevitably they find out the adults are lying to them about the existence of Santa. So kids get the message it is ok to lie, adults can't be trusted and that the only reason to be good is that it results in material possessions.
| enlarge 67KB, 800x595 142 NASA / Eye of Horus NASA mission patches are fascinating, combining Majesty of design, layers of hidden symbolism, historical content and bold, forceful beauty. The Eye of Horus in this patch is designed using the sun as part of the eye, thereby honoring the ancient Sun God.
| enlarge 122KB, 800x800 143 Common Symbolic Themes in NASA Mission Patches This patch contains symbolic elements that can be found over and over again in Nasa emblems; a star, three encircled rays of light and stars in an arrangement that resemble the Pleiades.
Viewed from over head if one were to connect the points at which the three rays of light touch the circle , an encircled triangle would be seen. The encircled triangle is strongly associated with Masonic symbology.
To some this would have occult significance, as would the star that the three rays of light shine down from.
| enlarge 53KB, 651x800 144 Masonic / Eye of Horus Several of the symbols used in this Masonic plaque are images found commonly in the NASA mission patches, a circle enclosing a triangle, the use of the star and the eye of Horus.
enlarge 97KB, 740x800 145 sts-53-patch
| enlarge 118KB, 800x689 146 apo14 "Are you sure Disney Artist..." View Comments...
| enlarge 20KB, 800x778 147 Apollo Sun God/Eye of Horus
| enlarge 17KB, 726x800 148 Common NASA Symbology The Pleiades, an important NASA symbol is represented by the seven stars. Again, a star with three encircled rays is prominently shown,
enlarge 31KB, 695x800 149 Patch-STS9
| enlarge 21KB, 800x796 150 Patch-STS26 "I see a phallus symbol her..." View Comments...
| enlarge 25KB, 788x800 151 Patch-STS7
| enlarge 84KB, 793x800 152 sts-59-patch
enlarge 82KB, 800x768 153 sts-51-patch "all these patches have sev..." View Comments...
| enlarge 23KB, 800x732 154 Patch-STS6
| enlarge 70KB, 800x787 155 Chinese Space Council Patch Interesting that a Chinese Space Council Patch also makes use of the stars symbol honoring the Pleiades. "Why do you assume all ment..." "I don't assume all symbols..." "Ever thought that the &quo..." View Comments...
| enlarge 57KB, 800x600 156 Subaru/Pleiades Logo "I see 9/11 next to the sub..." "wtf! 9/11" "Oh shit I see it also. Tha..." "i cant see it :(" "I can see Horus the owl in..." View Comments...
enlarge 5KB, 800x48 157 Subaru/Pleiades "The Japanese Car company t..." View Comments...
| enlarge 37KB, 502x800 158 army astro The "spread-wing" symbol goes back to Ancient Sumer and is associated with the Babylonian Brotherhood.
Found in ancient wall and cylinder carvings some researchers believe it was used as a symbol to indicate that a particular diety or god had the ability to fly through the air, now interpreted as possibly flying through the air in some type of space craft.
| enlarge 63KB, 800x600 159 Sumerian Winged Disc Stone Carving from the Sumer era. Approx. 2000 BC. Thousands of years later the echoes of this important symbol can still be found in corporate logos, Harley Davidson and Chrysler are two companies incorporating this theme into their company trademark. The symbol can also be found on the membership cards and on the back gate of the Olympic Country Club in San Francisco.
| enlarge 13KB, 800x207 160 Image181 "looks like Nibiru, a winge..." "is this a winged o?" View Comments...
enlarge 4KB, 800x245 161 Spread wings symbol with center "Eye" symbol "so basically anything with..." View Comments...
| enlarge 113KB, 800x586 162 Olympic Club Card w Winged Disc and Columns The San Francisco Olympic Club membership card employs two well-known brotherhood symbols, the winged disk and the two columns. "Look at the amazing symbol..." View Comments...
| enlarge 58KB, 800x600 163 sumer
| enlarge 43KB, 800x266 164 Ancient Winged Disk Symbol
enlarge 19KB, 900x492 165 bentley-logo 1
| enlarge 17KB, 800x370 166 rosicrucianogo
| enlarge 22KB, 800x685 167 inman300opt
| enlarge 81KB, 800x481 168 para
enlarge 88KB, 800x800 169 af-pagegraphic
| enlarge 156KB, 800x794 170 8thAFP61Black widowq
| enlarge 111KB, 800x774 171 le-ar-107
| enlarge 93KB, 800x571 172 aac2 The two columns in the middle of this patch are a symbol that is associated with freemasonry. Some researchers claim that the two towers of the World Trade Center were intended to be a representation of the Masonic two column symbol. "If true look at the height..." "The Pillars of Jachin and ..." View Comments...
enlarge 120KB, 800x760 173 le-w2-123
| enlarge 63KB, 492x800 174 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE PATCH
| enlarge 138KB, 780x800 175 VP-23squadron
| enlarge 9KB, 800x721 176 apo8
enlarge 40KB, 900x505 177 359366 Mossad
| enlarge 113KB, 794x800 178 apo10
| enlarge 129KB, 800x796 179 apo12
| enlarge 17KB, 800x766 180 apo17 A mission patch that possibly reflects NASA's reported interest in the ancient gods. Richard Hoagland presented research at his enterprisemission site showing that NASA launches are always scheduled to honor various ancient gods, the launches being scheduled when the astrological aspects associated with the particular gods are positioned correctly in the skies. Again, the importance of the number 3 is shown (the three stars). The Eye of Horus is symbolized by the planet and orbit found in the lower right area. "Also notice the falcon sha..." View Comments...
enlarge 9KB, 800x703 181 gem6
| enlarge 11KB, 800x796 182 gem8
| enlarge 129KB, 800x632 183 gem9
| enlarge 8KB, 800x774 184 gem10
enlarge 24KB, 784x800 185 Patch-Apollo13
| enlarge 91KB, 800x616 186 9670478 1
| enlarge 120KB, 789x800 188 le-nv-101 "please tell me where this ..." "reminds me of the evil rab..." View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 779x800 189 skylb1
| enlarge 12KB, 794x800 190 skylb3
| enlarge 53KB, 800x655 191 Knights Templar and Cathars Dragon Is the reptilian form eating the human or spitting him out? An interesting logo combining the red cross of the Knights Templar and the Cathars Dragon.
| enlarge 26KB, 800x268 192 12th Century Cathars Dragon From the book, "Cloak of the Illuminati" by William Henry, "In the 12th century the Cathars, who claimed to possess the secrets of Jesus, designed this watermark showing a person being spit from a serpent. Does this show rebirth or does it symbolize a [cosmic]wormhole". This symbol also relates to Jonah and the Whale symbology. "it reminds me of the handi..." View Comments...
enlarge 13KB, 505x800 193 The Brotherhood Torch The most well-known brotherhood/illuminati signature is the flaming torch (representing Luciferian light), used to symbolically signal brotherhood involvement in an enterprise or situation. The Statue of Liberty (Isis), an important goddess to the Brotherhood, holds the torch. Some researchers (David Icke for one) have stated that the torch is used as a "calling card" to communicate brotherhood participation in important deaths and assasinations. The eternal flame/brotherhood torch has been used at the graves of JFK, Martin Luther King, Princess Diana and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The symbol has also been used in relation to NASA's Teacher in Space Program.
| enlarge 31KB, 615x800 194 ILL-FATED CHALLENGER WITH BROTHERHOOD TORCH Seven people's lives were sacrificed on Jan 28 1986, including Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher in space.
| enlarge 49KB, 800x626 195 afd-93217
| enlarge 14KB, 800x775 196 JFK flame "The torches represent the Occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light [Luciferian Light] of which Truth is made visible." Luciferian Illuminist and Freemason Manly Palmer Hall
enlarge 52KB, 620x800 197 TIME Magazine Torch Occultist Edourd Schure's explanation of Lucifer and his flaming torch, "Lucifer, having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will descend...and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then the torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!' - and the...Christ will answer 'From Earth to Heaven!" "Yes the Mason's which are ..." "Edit> evil over good." View Comments...
| enlarge 68KB, 577x800 198 JFK SPECIAL WARFARE PATCH John F. Kennedy patch featuring the eternal flame/brotherhood torch.
| enlarge 21KB, 800x800 199 Patch-Gemini7
| enlarge 10KB, 800x570 200 Olympic medal with representation of Isis "does this make mickael phe..." "What gives you the impress..." "hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..." "Oh and V.Ryan is a genius!" "It is Nike. Jog on." "Okay. That Isis seems to c..." View Comments...
| enlarge 103KB, 550x800 202 Kohlertubad640 copy
| enlarge 85KB, 587x800 203 Kohlertubadb copy
| enlarge 32KB, 800x727 204 texacostar.gif (Converted)
enlarge 10KB, 800x800 205 brand
| enlarge 2KB, 800x400 206 Vodophone Ouroboros Sometimes refered to as a Gnostic symbol the Ouroboros dates back at least to 1600 BC, Egypt. The Ouroboros has several layers of meaning. It is the symbol of the serpent or dragon devouring its own tail, of renewal, of life from death, creation out of destruction. "Also there is a clearly vi..." View Comments...
| enlarge 2KB, 800x276 207 Lucent Ouroboros "luc for the 1st three lett..." View Comments...
| enlarge 70KB, 533x800 208 amcl el01 "besides the fact it's two ..." "one is a dragon, it has wi..." "its supposed to represent ..." "THERES ALSO A SYMBOL AT TH..." "i saw this along with a st..." "remember the tree of knwol..." "its the ouro boros,, a gno..." "Third eye is right, while ..." "those "strange" ..." View Comments...
enlarge 55KB, 696x800 209 amcl65
| enlarge 63KB, 789x800 210 illuminationlone "LOL wtf?" "Started out as The Knight'..." "Is there seriously somethi..." "It's funy cause all you ne..." "Steve Jackson at IO handle..." View Comments...
| enlarge 57KB, 800x800 211 THE DOUBLE MIND
| enlarge 79KB, 800x600 212 Janus-the-God "Could this be a possible m..." "If wiccan is not an acknow..." "wicca is just as magic as ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 53KB, 800x530 214 images-1 1
| enlarge 63KB, 676x800 215 HEINEKEN BAPHOMET "I really see the "STA..." View Comments...
| enlarge 68KB, 800x561 216 WENDY'S SUBLIMINALLY EVOKES "MOM" The neck design spells out "MOM" The word "MOM" evokes a powerful emotional response for most of us of comfort, home and perhaps nostalgia for ones mothers home cooked, wholesome meals, all positive elements that Wendy's might like to have subconciously associated with their food.
enlarge 918KB, 900x409 217 LUCY = LUCIFER Lucy/Lucifer logo with the fiery colors associated with Hell.
| enlarge 31KB, 800x496 218 Image194 "Yeah I use to work for Chr..." "the sad thing is that most..." View Comments...
| enlarge 11KB, 800x423 219 Golden Arches "the number 13 on its side" "Or the letter "B"..." "aslo nine letters in McDon..." "Here’s an example;take the..." "Darren, you're a fucking c..." "This is really pathetic. t..." "i didn't get it !!!!!!!!" "yea what do you think now ..." "It simply amazes me that s..." "The numbers 3, 13, and 33 ..." "Hmmm, interessting... look..." View Comments...
| enlarge 77KB, 800x680 220 MCDONALD'S 13
enlarge 47KB, 800x570 221 chipdestron "3+2+7=12. 12 is GOD's numb..." "Thank you Shawn for the in..." "Animal ID is used for worl..." "3 and 7 is God's numbers n..." "THERES A HUMAN VERISON OF ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 130KB, 800x601 222 THE GRIM REAPER: MEDIEVAL GERM WARFARE? The image of The Grim Reaper sprang forth from the reports of dozens of peasants recounting their experiences during the Black Death, the great plague that devastated medieval Europe, eventually killing off 40% of the total population.
Dozens of surviving peasant accounts state that shortly before the plague swept through their community, tall, black-robed, hooded strangers were seen in the grain fields. The strangers were observed swinging what appeared to the peasants to be "hissing scythes" over the fields. The peasants also noted unusual, foul-smelling mists and the appearance of strange, bright lights and craft in the sky immediatley preceeding the outbreak of plague in many areas.
The image of what the peasants saw, the dark-robed, hooded strangers and their "scythes", became so strongly associated with death that this image became known as The Grim Reaper, still surviving today as a powerful symbolic harbinger of death and dying.
| enlarge 42KB, 795x800 223 GUCCI VESICA PESCIS Vulva of the goddess.
| enlarge 30KB, 800x509 224 CHANEL VESICA PESCIS
enlarge 10KB, 900x546 225 MASTERCARD VESICA PESCIS The vulva of the goddess.
| enlarge 48KB, 594x800 226 Columbia The grouping of stars in the lower left is a reference to the Pleiades. Some have suggested that the "lightburst" that can be seen on the curved, red line represents the explosion of the Columbia. Other more official sources have stated that the "lightburst" is meant to represent the rising sun. The Columbia, as it passed over the S.F. Bay Area, was hit by an anomalous "purple lightening bolt" shooting up from the ground, hitting the shuttle and spiraling down the body of the shuttle just before it began to burn and break up. Coincidentally the Columbia disaster occurred on February 1st, Imblog, an occult holiday calling for human sacrifice by fire in a spectacular manner. "this one obvious... Columb..." "how about the scissors thr..." "Why can't you see OM - OM:..." "I think the folded money t..." "The downing of the Columbi..." "Toby I agree with you. I ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 4KB, 497x800 227 oto logo tn
| enlarge 6KB, 800x483 228 washington+bapho tn "Yalu certainly do not have..." View Comments...
enlarge 92KB, 607x800 229 UNHOLY ISSUE? The relationship of the headline "Unholy Issue" (upper right corner) with the cover story subject of designer babies is an interesting juxtaposition. The human hands holding the embryo further suggest the origin of the baby as being created by man rather than god, thus the "unholy issue" connection.
| enlarge 57KB, 604x800 230 OUR HEALTH HELD HOSTAGE BY BIG PHARMA? The above Time Magazine cover does an excellent job of symbolizing at least one aspect of the cut 'em, burn 'em and dose'em philosophy of modern medicine in America. Treatment for patient ailments is defined more often than not by a trip to the pharmacy to pick up a perscription. The AMA and the FDA work hand in hand to suppress less invasive alternative, nutritional or electromagnetic therapies. Meanwhile, appropriately administered, FDA-approved drugs cause more deaths annually than AIDS, suicide and homicide combined making perscription medications the number four leading cause of death in the US.
| enlarge 99KB, 607x800 231 THE COLUMNS OF JACHIM AND BOAZ Masonic symbology. "NOTICE you can only see 9 ..." "also I see that the word T..." "meow" "the story on the bottom hi..." "actualy u can still se the..." "are you really going to sa..." "Time Magazine,mouthpiece o..." "Anyone notice that the fla..." "You are mistaken. When th..." "if you look closely you ca..." "How about the fact that he..." View Comments...
| enlarge 45KB, 572x800 232 THE COLUMNS OF JACHIM AND BOAZ 2 The two great Masonic columns and the door to knowledge.
enlarge 51KB, 462x800 233 MASONIC SYMBOLOGY Through the two great columns lies the path to secret knowledge and enlightenment. The sun represents masculine energy and the moon represents the feminine. The royal arch reaching up into the starry heavens represents noble aspirations for understanding of the secret teachings and the attainment of enlightenment and immortality. The markings on the arch represent various aspects of astrological theology. The Pleiades are represented by the seven stars at the top of the arch. The Pleiades are revered as they are considered to be the origination of culture and civilization that was brought to earth by ancient extraterrestrials. The black and white checkered floor represents base consciousness and ignorance of the principals of duality, the conflict and balance between good and evil. The square and compass, architects tools, the most well-known symbols of Masonry, represent the ongoing great work to transform man and nature by whatever means necessary into a perfected state.
| enlarge 79KB, 800x573 234 The Masonic Significance of the Pleiades " The ladder ...was the emblem of the ascent into heaven from the lower hemisphere - the underworld of darkness, winter, and death. This mystic ladder leads to the "seven stars," or the Pleiades, shining in the constellation Taurus, at the golden gates of spring. It mounted still onward and upward, to the summint of the Royal Arch of heaven, thus emblematically teaching us that by the ladder of virtue the soul of man will at last pierce the "cloudy canopy," and mount to the highest circle of "the starry-decked heavens," to dwell for ever triumphant over death and the grave." The symbolism of this ladder is also connected to Jacob's Ladder.
| enlarge 98KB, 800x698 235 Masonic Ladder
| enlarge 15KB, 800x753 236 003 illuminati deutsch
enlarge 51KB, 800x800 237 bmw logo 28104
| enlarge 74KB, 607x800 238 1101891211 400 "not if i can help it.. dow..." "building. like trade cente..." "how is the meaning of this..." "oh shit that date adds up ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 73KB, 607x800 239 PRINCE PHILLIP & SATURN "the things sticking out to..." "and saturn represents sata..." "You could tell us from wha..." "This portrait was painted ..." "For anyone who is interest..." "I agree with Anon-- watch ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 139KB, 800x566 240 KELLOGG'S NOD TO SATURN Kelloggs currently has a TV commercial running that shows a bowl of cereal with a "Saturn" made of fruit on top of it. Saturn is an important occult or illuminati symbol and Kelloggs seems to be an illuminati-oriented company. One nefarious illuminati campaign they have been involved with is promoting water fluoridation in third world countries.
enlarge 72KB, 800x521 241 SEINFELD SATURN
| enlarge 51KB, 800x521 242 TOYOTA'S LOGO HONORING SATURN
| enlarge 1.90MB, 800x800 243 INTERNET EXPLORER SATURN LOGO
| enlarge 57KB, 665x800 244 SATURN CAR
enlarge 57KB, 800x599 245 SATURN BANK
| enlarge 83KB, 900x506 246 NIKE SATURN
| enlarge 38KB, 800x677 247 NISSAN/SATURN
| enlarge 63KB, 607x800 248 1101830103 400 ""time" machine....." "The man looks more 'digita..." "man of stone,symbolizing p..." View Comments...
enlarge 55KB, 534x800 249 goodlord "This makes me laugh. The M..." "he's doing the 666 with hi..." "yeah.. coz there are lots ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 62KB, 800x525 250 006 cia skull bush
| enlarge 38KB, 800x349 251 cars1 "i dont get it, are the clo..." "Chemtrails, comment left f..." "haha ok will do... lol i c..." "Sarcastic man must be look..." "HOLY SHIT MOTHERFUCKER! A ..." "dude. why are u even on th..." "ok, im not being an ass......" "FUCKING RETARD...
..and..." "its a movie....... why can..." "I think this stuff on this..." "satan has polluted everyth..." "You are a member of the fl..." "The person making the absu..." "my favorite movie that mak..." View Comments...
| enlarge 656KB, 800x513 252 Mercedes-Triquetra.png
enlarge 67KB, 800x582 253
| enlarge 44KB, 613x800 254 danquayle-horned sign
| enlarge 55KB, 609x800 255 bush satan 5
| enlarge 59KB, 900x273 256 BUSH INAUGURAL DEVIL HORN SALUTES President Bush watches his Inaugural Parade Thursday, Jan. 20, 2005, in Washington. (AP Photo/Elise Amandola)
enlarge 58KB, 800x573 257 bush satan 3
| enlarge 72KB, 551x800 258 jason alexander el diablo
| enlarge 54KB, 666x800 259 bill clinton el diablo
| enlarge 41KB, 800x640 260 hillary-clinton-el-diablo
enlarge 37KB, 768x800 261 mouse
| enlarge 88KB, 800x565 262
| enlarge 110KB, 800x701 263 4616693316 subliminal advertising 3 answer 4 xlarge
| enlarge 84KB, 607x800 264 time-cover-bill-gates-devil-horns It is said that Satan fell to earth in a bolt of lightening. Is "Master of the Universe" referring to Satan or to Bill Gates?
enlarge 86KB, 604x800 265 HILLARY'S HORNS The higher up the TIME "horns" sit on the head the higher up the person is said to be in the Illuminati. As you can see Hillary's status clearly outranks Bill's.
| enlarge 80KB, 602x800 266 BILL CLINTON OR A DOUBLE? This man resembles Bill Clinton but he doesn't convince me that he is Bill Clinton. Something is off with the face, too long perhaps. It is common for important political figures to have doubles and perhaps even clones. Human cloning is illegal under international law. That doesn't mean it isn't being done secretly. Cloning technology is far more advanced than generally known and the technology has been available for decades. I suspect that if it can be done it is being done.
| enlarge 40KB, 599x800 267 THE DARKNESS OF HILLARY On this later TIME cover of Hillary Clinton the horns now sit higher on her head like a crown. I believe that the dark portrayal of her figure and the more prominent horns are symbolically honoring a very important, secret ascendancy. An ascendancy in what I would rather not say. I will leave this one to the reader to figure out.
| enlarge 72KB, 607x800 268 CROWNED WITH RED HORNS "I noticed that the corner ..." "looks like more like a cro..." "He will be the legal King ..." "Excellent find maggie, I c..." "Notice the eyes. He's a je..." "M = 1000 = Helios ... apol..." "For anyone who is interest..." "The M clearly makes out di..." View Comments...
enlarge 106KB, 595x800 269 UNDER ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL
| enlarge 88KB, 607x800 270 Presidential Moment of Truth? The real "Moment of Truth" unveiled on the front of this TIME magazine may not be the first thing one assumes when looking at the cover. Notice that the "M" in the word TIME is positioned behind the President's head just so, suggesting the illusion of President Bush sprouting red devil horns. "put your hand on his face ..." "also that man on the middl..." "didnt time also do this wi..." "the person on right is giv..." "Top right corner there is ..." "If You Look Left Mid You C..." "very disturbing after you ..." "You know what is so funny ..." View Comments...
| enlarge 82KB, 473x800 271 horns2
| enlarge 76KB, 604x800 272 time-cover-jay-leno-devil-horns
enlarge 101KB, 604x800 273 time-cover-obama-devil-horns
| enlarge 48KB, 800x681 274 DON'T TELL THE SECRETS!
| enlarge 90KB, 613x800 275 kanye-west-shushes
| enlarge 52KB, 900x532 276 obama1
enlarge 1.79MB, 800x534 277 Shhhhh!
| enlarge 58KB, 800x753 278 SHUSH! KEEP THE SECRETS!
| enlarge 56KB, 800x584 279 KEEP THE SECRETS!
| enlarge 30KB, 800x585 280