1 1925-32 Bohne Art Original art for Sammy Bohne arcade card. Photograph and ink on board. Bohne ne Cohen was an early Jewish player from California. Bohne was traded to Brooklyn late in 1926 and was out of the majors by 1927, indicating that this image was created in 1925 or 1926.
|  2 1925-31 Speaker Art Original art for the Speaker card. Note the whited out logo on the sleeve.
|  3 1925-31 Heilmann Art Original art for the Harry Heilmann card.
|  4 1925-31 Waner Art Original art for the first-run Waner card
|  5 Original Exhibit Art Ball, Lucille This is a rare Exhibit original art piece from an early Lucy card. One of a kind, with production notes on the back.
|  6 Exhibit art Scott
|  7 Scott, Randolph proof card stamped back The corresponding card. This one is the ESCO file copy bearing a numbered stamp on the back that corresponds to the numbered stamp on the back of the artwork.
 8 Original Exhibit Art Lawford original art Peter Lawford original art.
|  9 Lawford The corresponding Peter Lawford card with ESCO file number stamped on back.
|  10 Original Art Exhibit Maglie
|  11 Original Art Exhibit Blackwell
|  12 Exhibit art Lansbury
|  13 Exhibit Marx Original Art 1
|  14 Exhibit Marx Original Art 2
 15 Uncut Baseball Sheet 1 An uncut sheet of Exhibit cards ca. 1960 or 1961 at the earliest (Rocky Colavito is shown with Detroit, where he went after the 1959 season in a trade for Harvey Kueen). Next to Rocky is Ted Williams' Salutations card that supposedly was printed from 1939-47. As I said earlier, it is misleading to consider the postwar ESCO issues as distinct sets; the Salutations can cross over into the later cards.
|  16 1950s-1960s Exhibit Actors Uncut Sheet 4
|  17 1950s-1960s Exhibit Actors Uncut Sheet 3
|  18 1950s-1960s Exhibit Actors Uncut Sheet 2
|  19 Exhibit uncut sheet 1
|  20 1950s Exhibit uncut sheet
|  21 Uncut 1960s Exhibit sheet
 22 1921 Dempsey header This advertising header for an ESCO machine solves one of the mysteries of Exhibit boxing card collecting. ESCO issued cards in sheets of 32. The 1921 set, which this card advertises, has 58 known boxers. Where are the other 6 has long bedeviled collectors. This broadside answers the question: the other 6 are wrestlers! Note the header is printed on scrap stock--its back is a partial sheet of postcard back art.
|  23 1921 exhibit carpentier header
|  24 Exhibit header baseball and boxing
|  25 Exhibit Header Baseball 1
|  26 Exhibit Header baseball and boxing 1
|  27 Exhibit header baseball and boxing 2
|  28 1930s Exhibit Header Boxing 1 This rare 9-card boxing header from a 1930s machine features cards from multiple types of issues.
 29 Exhibit header Boxing 2
|  30 Exhibit header boxing 3
|  31 Exhibit header boxing 4
|  32 Exhibit Header boxing 5 Note the side by side salutations and 1950s cards
|  33 Exhibit header 5
|  34 Roy Roger/Lone Ranger header
|  35 1950s Exhibit Jets header
 36 Monkey Shines header
|  37 Exhibit Dead Shots Sign 1
|  38 Exhibit Burlesque Sign 1
|  39 Exhibit Pin Up Sign 1
|  40 Exhibit Pin Up Sign 2
|  41 Exhibit Pin Up Sign 3
|  42 Slick Chicks Machine Sign
 43 1927 Williams Ken salesman sample A salesman sample card sent to potential vendors. This one touts the 1927 baseball set.
|  44 1927 Kremer salesman sample
|  45 1925 Villa Salesman Sample Back of 1925 sample card with advertising
|  46 1940s Cowgirls Salesman Sample On the left is a PC-backed Cowgirls card. On the right is a salesman sample card from the same issue.
|  47 1950s Exhibit boxing checklist card
|  48 Exhibit baseball checklist card
|  49 Exhibit baseball Checklist Card edit Checklist card for the 1951 print run.
 50 Exhibit Wrestler checklist card
|  51 exhibit Wrestler checklist card back
|  52 1929 Exhibit Tenderfoot rules card copyright sample 1 Copyright filing card for 1929 Tenderfoot series, front. This card was sent to the Library of Congress to register ESCO's copyright on the card.
|  53 1929 Exhibit Tenderfoot rules card copyright sample 2 Copyright card for 1929 Tenderfoot series, back.
There is only one stamped copyright card of each card from a set.
|  54 Sport Cars Header The ad shows a machine with a sports car header
|  55 1930 Exhibit Catalog 1
|  56 1930 Exhibit Catalog 2
 57 1930 Exhibit Catalog 3
|  58 1930 Exhibit Catalog 4
|  59 1930 Exhibit Catalog 5
|  60 1955 Exhibit Catalog 1
|  61 Interior of catalog 4
|  62 Interior of catalog 5
|  63 Interior of catalog 6
 64 Interior of catalog 1
|  65 Interior of catalog 2
|  66 Interior of catalog 3
|  67 Exhibit Machine Before Unrestored 1920s Ideal machine with a silent film era header in place.
|  68 Exhibit Machine restored I took it apart, hammered out the dents, cleaned all the chrome, replaced the fasteners, and repainted [Rustoleum hammered metal spray paint], then reassembled and made a scale reprint of the header for the front
|  69 1948 Champions Proof Sheet This type of sheet was used by the printer and designer for interim approval by the company.
|  70 1952 Exhibit Mays proof 1950s Willie Mays production piece or proof. Different card stock, different size and cut than regular issue.
 71 1952 Exhibit Mays proof cu close up
|  72 Mays and Mays art comparison side by side of Mays production piece/proof and regular issue card
|  73 Salutation Exhibit Holmes proof A Holmes 'card' that is oversized and on lighter card stock.
|  74 exhibit 1940s dead shots uncut sheet
|  75 Exhibit 1950s cowboy 4 on 1 uncut sheet
|  76 Exhibit 1950s cowboy superstars uncut sheet
|  77 Exhibit 1950s cowboys uncut sheet
 78 Exhibit 1960s female recording stars uncut sheet
|  79 Exhibit 1960s male recording stars uncut sheet
|  80 exhibit lone ranger color cartoon uncut sheet
|  81 Exhibit Western Aces Uncut Sheet
|  82 Exibit insertion instructions
|  83 Female singers ad sign
|  84 male singers ad sign
 85 screenartstudio
|  86 sheet 1
|  87 Uncut Baseball 1
|  88 Uncut Baseball 2
|  89 Uncut Baseball 3
|  90 Uncut Baseball 4
|  91 1963 Stat Backs Sheet 1
 92 boxing exhibits In the Vacuumatic machine
|  93 1925 Exhibit Champs display
|  94 Exhibit Astronauts poster An advertising poster or possibly machine header for a vacuumatic machine for the astronauts series. John Glenn shown.
|  95 Exhibit Astronauts poster 2
|  96 1950s Exhibit uncut sheet
|  97 W-Unc Thorpe composite 2016
|  98 Wunc Thorpe monochromatic
 99 1955 Exhibit Catalog 2
|  100 1947-66 Exhibit Checklist Card
|  101 1927 Williams Ken salesman sample
|  102 Exhibit Cello Pack
|  103 1969 order form
| |