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 david herrera | Home > 
Rumors about Medcrave Predatory Publishe

Medcrave journals have tried their very best to maintain a certain standard in the articles that they publish by individually checking each submitted article using Cross Ref, a powerful tool that checks for subtle plagiarism. This means that fake Beall’s List must have had some sort of problem with such a respectable and reliable portal like Medcrave publishers. As a reader and as a writer, your responsibility is to judge what you are reading carefully and not come to hasty decisions based on news from fake Beall’s List. Peruse the articles you’re reading rumors about medcrave predatory publisher and arrive at your own conclusion in your own time. It is not wise anymore to listen to the counsel of others when they themselves just attempt to discredit and vandalize the hard work that thousands of scientists and researchers are doing all over the world.

Date(s): October 26, 2018. Album by david herrera. 0 Total. 0 Visits.
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