These are some photos from Rachel's extraordinary experience of being thrown 25-30 feet from our vehicle during a crash that happened on Sunday, August 3rd. She was taken out of her car seat for just a moment to change a "super" dirty diaper. Thank God for His divine protection!
Date(s): August 3, 2003. Album by Bob & Dundie Crisp. 1 - 49 of 49 Total. 5955 Visits.
1 Our Brand New Van This is the window that Rachel was ejected from.
2 Rachel's Landing Place The sandy gravel spot is where Rachel ultimately landed.
3 The Intersection You can get an idea of how far Rachel traveled from the middle of this intersection.
4 The Ambulance Rachel and Mommy on the way to the hospital. Soaking wet from the pouring rain.
5 The Hospital The hospital was anxiously awaiting our arrival.
6 The Trauma Center On my way to get checked out. "Poor Baby!!!" View Comments...
7 A Little Scared
8 The Catscan After X-rays they wanted a Catscan. (no pictures) No fractures or injuries?
9 The Helicopter People I was flown to All Childrens Hospital in St. Pete for further observation.
10 Preparing For Flight I was still not too happy at this point....what's a helicopter?
11 Nice Man He tried to make me comfortable but I wouldn't listen.
12 All Children's Hospital Glad to see my mommy! What took you so long? (We had to drive)
13 Concerned and Hungry Everything seems to be good so far!
14 My Wounds Not much to speak about.... not even a band-aide!
15 Hi Daddy Why are you looking at me in amazement?
16 Good Report! Praise the Lord, I have no fractures or injuries!
17 The Staff Everybody at the hospital can't believe I'm not hurt!