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 Chris  | Home > 
Date(s): December 23, 2022. Album by Chris. 1 - 30 of 30 Total. 1489 Visits.
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John McGraw

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Fielder Jones

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Mordecai Brown

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Patsy Dougherty

Enlarge photo 5

Addie Joss

Enlarge photo 6

Napoleon Lajoie

Enlarge photo 7

Harry Lumley

Enlarge photo 8

Ty Cobb

Enlarge photo 9

Cy Young

Enlarge photo 10

Bill Donovan

Enlarge photo 11

Charley Carr

Enlarge photo 12

Pat Moran

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Johnny Evers

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Paul Davidson

Enlarge photo 15

Ty Cobb

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Ossie Schreckengost

Enlarge photo 17

George Stovall

Enlarge photo 18

Ty Cobb

Enlarge photo 19

Ty Cobb

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Billy Sullivan

Enlarge photo 21

Red Ames

Enlarge photo 22

Doc Crandall

Enlarge photo 23

Willie Keeler

Enlarge photo 24

Tommy Leach

Enlarge photo 25

Claude Rossman

Enlarge photo 26

Matty McIntyre

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Ed Reulbach

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Bob Spade

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Fred Parent

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Larry Doyle

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