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 Barkley Yarborough | Home > 
I have often regretted that during World War II and the Korean War I had not yet developed my interest in photography, and I had no camera.

The photos in this album were taken by others who were kind enough to give me copies.  The images bring back many memories which I am happy to share with family & friends who may have an interest, however small that interest may be.
Date(s): 1943/1953. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by My Marine Brothers & Friends. 1 - 37 of 37 Total. 2344 Visits.
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Shortly after Boot Camp in 1943 I visited with Glen Thompson, a life long friend at the Hollywood Canteen.  Next time I saw him was on the streets of Tientsin, China after end of WWII.

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After boot camp and shortly before we were sent to San Francisco to ship out for the Saipan and Tinian operation, a few of us hammed it up at a photo booth in Tijuana, Mexico.  My friend, Larry Creasman on far left.  We were together in boot camp and the entire war until we left China to go home.  We are still in contact today.

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Before boarding ships we were put to work handling supplies and equipment in the Marine Corps warehouses in San Francisco.

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Larry from Cleveland, me from Dallas, formed a life long friendship beginning in 1943.

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I enjoyed the kids on the Pacific Islands, where they could always be tempted to visit when candy was offered.  This was on Saipan after the landing & battle.  Next stop, Okinawa on April 1, 1945, Easter Sunday.

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Saipan shortly after the island was secured.

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First campsite on Okinawa, perhaps 10 to 15 days after the landing.

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Home Sweet Home, in a pup tent, Okinawa.

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After end of fighting on Okinawa my group took over an abandoned house for our quarters.  Next stop, invasion of mainland Japan.  When the war ended we had a party in that house, drank lots of Apple Jack and suffered worst hangover of  my life.

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Boy in China happy to pose for photo in exchange for candy.

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Being 20 years old at the time, it never occurred to me that having a Colonel in the Chinese Nationalist Army assigned to me, a Corporal at the time, was a bit odd.  He was very nice man and we became good friends for the 6 months I was in  China.

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On left is my good friend, Isadore Bergman from NY.  We had a pleasant visit with two Chinese boys in Tientsin, and were probably on the way to the Koontz Club where we were honorary members.  Bergman had a contact with the White Russian community and thanks to them we were dined royally at their homes and attended dances & parties at their club.

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Biggest bargain in town, the rickshaw, provided transport 24/7 at very low costs (usually less than $1).  But when a Navy crew on liberty showed up they paid so generously the rickshaws would not pick up Marines.  It was a good thing that the sailors didn't come often.

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At last, going home.  Left China Valentines Day 1946, took 30 days to sail from China to San Diego.  On my first night in San Diego I celebrated with milk, fresh lettuce, tomatoes and ice cream.

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Lea and I were married shortly after I received my commission, at The Ranch House Chapel at Camp Pendleton 11/7/51 a couple of weeks before I left for Korea.  In back is Chaplain Schnick, Lt, USN.  Standing left to right is Marge Fisher (Maid of Honor), Lea and I, and far right is my Best Man, Lt. Howard M. Rigg from West Virginia.  While I was gone, Lea joined Marge at LA County Hospital where they were RN's and resided in the Nurse quarters.

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Colonel Chesty Puller, probably the most famous Marine of the century, commanded the 1st Marine Regiment when they landed at Inchon, Korea in September 1950, liberated Seoul, fought his way out of the "Frozen Chosin" and eventually retired as a LtGeneral (3 stars).

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With my Platoon Sergeant in Korea, 1951/52.

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Mail call at platoon CP, always a highlight day when mail arrived.

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Carefully passing through a village in Korea.

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On the banks of the Yalu River, on the South Korea side.  North Korea on other side.

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After 6 months or so on the front lines, infantry officers were usually rotated to a Regimental or Division staff.  After my move to Div G-2 (Intelligence) I celebrated on a warm day with a can of beer.

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Lea wrote to me every day I was in Korea, this one dated 2/16/52.  Note 6 cent stamp for Air Mail!

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In San Francisco after arrival from Korea the day before.  I was on way to store to buy a coat for Lea as it was so cold she couldn't leave the hotel until I got back.

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Shortly after promotion to Captain.

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Retirement photo, 5/18/85

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  Sign the Guestbook. Displaying 9 of 9 entries.
Wow, B.B.  Thanks very much for sharing this marvelous collection of irreplaceable memories, and thanks also for all of your courageous, selfless service to our country!!  God love you, B.B.  Good Lord knows we do.........
Mike Giuffrida, Sat, 31 Jan 2015 4:11PM
BB. I spent 35 years in the Corps and loved every day of it. I pity the man who has a job where he hates to go to work in the morning.What makes the Corps great are  the people we served with. Marines who loved God, country and the Marine Corps. I have know some great ones. Sounds like you would fit right in there with the best. God speed on your remaining days on this earth.And God Bless You...Dick Sulik.
Richard Sulik, Thu, 22 May 2014 7:28PM
you lived it...I saw it in the movie house, the El Lasso Theater in Uvalde, Texas.....the Sands of Iwo Jima in '49 when I was seven....Battle Cry at the same movie house when I was thirteen....I wanted to be a Marine....was.....a seventeen year association starting in 1962, terminating in 1979, active and reserve service.....truly an honor...thanks for your example.
clem beard | www.clementbeard.com, Wed, 21 May 2014 7:47PM
More great photo's BB..well done from Australia.
Garry Adams, Wed, 21 May 2014 7:02PM
I was having a terrible time in college while you were having all that fun in Korea.  Great pictures, hope you had a very happy birthday.  Doug
Doug Adair, Wed, 21 May 2014 12:12PM
BB:  Good thing you didn't have a camera when you were in the service, otherwise you would not have appeared in 99.8% of all the photos! This album is a treasure for your family and friends. God bless you for all you did for our country; you have always been a hero to me.  Peace, Frank
Frank Sciacchitano, Wed, 21 May 2014 6:10AM

Wow some great shots of your experiences, I did the Army for 2 years but was lucky and was drafted just after Korea. Hard to believe you were in both wars !!

Dale Wahl, Tue, 20 May 2014 10:20AM
Thank You for your long and faithful service in the Corps, BB!

Why were you carrying the same M-1 carbine on Saipan/Okinawa
and in Korea? Getting a head start on the sequester?

Tim Skoat , Mon, 19 May 2014 9:49PM
Even I find it difficult to disprize.
A truly great collection.
George L Blick, Mon, 19 May 2014 6:55PM
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