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 Barkley Yarborough | Home > 
Earlier this year the battleship USS Iowa was brought to her new home berth in San Pedro.  Recently the Iowa has been opened for public tours where much of the ship can be seen while work is in progress to open more of the ship for public viewing.

A LA Harbor tour boat offered the best access for photos of the Iowa, from which these images were taken on the 15th of October, 2012.  In addition to views of the Iowa, some photos of other harbor activities and the Vincent Thomas bridge were taken for display in this album.

Permission is granted to save/print any image for personal use.  If used in a publication credit "Photo by B.B. Yarborough."

To contact the photographer for questions or assistance, CLICK HERE
Date(s): 15 October 2012. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2012 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 12 of 12 Total. 1349 Visits.
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Harbor view with USS Iowa berth in San Pedro.  Vincent Thomas bridge in background from San Pedro on the left to Terminal Island on way to  Long Beach, CA

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Full length view of the Iowa, Navy ship # 61.

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USS Iowa viewed from aft.

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16 inch gun mounts aft of Iowa's bridge.

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Iowa's campaign ribbons.

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Enlarged view, 30x15 inches.  Use vertical and horizontal scroll bars to see details.

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Coast Guard base at LA Harbor provides ongoing patrols and security.

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Huge cranes for unloading container ships are seen throughout the harbor.

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Container ship in process of unloading.  City of Long Beach in right background.

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Vincent Thomas bridge is tall enough to allow ships easy access into the harbor.

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Workmen wave to the tour boat from their work area just below the vehicle level.

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Los Angeles County fire boat at the ready near the Iowa.

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Left the states Nov of 1965 and arrived on Okinawa and trained for jungle fighting until I landed at the Da Nang airbase the first week of 1966. I was with Delta company 1st platoon 1/1 until I left in Dec of 1966.
Steven Alt, Sun, 13 Apr 2014 4:57PM
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