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 Barkley Yarborough | Home > 
Thundering Third @ Camp Horno
Third Battalion, 1st Marines returned from their third tour in Iraq on April 1, 2006.  My objective for this album is to cover some of the events at "The Thundering Third" while they are home based with the 1st Marines at Camp Horno, Camp Pendleton, CA.

First, the battalion held a Memorial Dedication in memory of their fallen Marines, on May 10, 2006(Images 1 through 11).

Two days later the battalion passed in review in a Relief & Appointment Ceremony when Sergeant Major Edward T. Sax, USMC, relinquished command to Sergeant Major Jeffrey D. Moses, USMC, on 12May06(images 12 through 27).

Click on "Start Slideshow" or an individual thumbnail to see enlargements.  

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Questions or comments to: colbb06@gmail.com

Additional images will added in the course of the year.
Date(s): From April 2006. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2006 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 18 of 27 Total. 7104 Visits.
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Enlarge photo 1
3/1 formation at start of Memorial Dedication.

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Guests arrive at seating area just before start of dedication.

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Niece of a fallen hero attends with family members.

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Colors, front & center!

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Colors & Battalion at Parade Rest.

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First of Memorial Dedication images.

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Camp as seen below parade deck on Camp Horno Landing Zone on typical overcast morning prior to Relief & Appointment ceremony & review.

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1st Marines training tank can be seen on Basilone Road.

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Flags line parade ground prior to arrival of 3/1.

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3/1 troops arrive at top of hill and march to formation on parade deck.

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A company of the battalion moves into position prior to the ceremony and review.

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Last elements of the battalion and Color Guard move into position.

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Dress Right, Dress!

 Continued ...
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