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 Barkley Yarborough | Home > 
The Bolsa Chica wetlands in Huntington Beach, CA offers ever changing views, varying by weather, the tide, time of year, and presence of many species of birds.

These photos were taken late afternoon on February 19, 2009, two days after a winter storm, which typically is the only time one can see from the beach to the mountains of the Angeles National Forest on the left, and the San Bernardino National Forest on the right, some 60+ miles distance.  On the left is Mount San Antonio and to the right are the mountains around Big Bear Lake.

For assistance or questions, contact: colbb06@gmail.com

Date(s): Feb 19,2009. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2009 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 11 of 11 Total. 3684 Visits.
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The pedestrian bridge from the parking lot across the water leads to a long walk around the Bolsa Chica area.  Today one can see the snow capped mountains backdrop.

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The bridge is also a popular spot for photography and viewing.

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Adult and child enjoy one of the trails on the inland side of the bridge.

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Another view of one of the trails on the inland  side of the bridge.

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A frequent sight, bird standing on post at bridge entrance, this one either missing a leg, or standing on one leg, can't be certain which.

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This Seagull has a rather regal look I thought.

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Colorful duck cruises the waterway around the bridge, seemingly trolling for food.

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Sandpiper searches for snack.

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Sandpiper finds snack.

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The "Nesting Area" sign might well add, "Don't Look Up, Wear a Hat!"

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Lots of activity above and around the nesting area this day.

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Beautiful work, as always, BB!! Thank you for sharing your vision with the world!!
Cindy, Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:46PM
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