Featuring people; family, friends, acquaintances. I believe the primary measure of a man's wealth is the abundance of generous and loyal people who have enriched life. I am now aware that I am missing photos of many special family members and friends, so I have work to do.
11 Ina, who introduced my wife and I over 50 years ago, makes like Annika.
12 My Texan pal Bob is OK, but I hate that he has all that hair.
13 Joe, a neighbor, has a very studious look, but I think he has just thought of a way to fleece me in a golf bet.
14 Shirley & Liz always think they are in charge (and they are).
15 Lea is attacked by giant Yorkies in the exercise yard of my sister's kennel in Dallas.
16 Lea rides the July 4th parade route in Huntington Beach, CA
17 Lea loves California but not enough to give up her "Texas Blubonnets" shirt.
18 Lea, Pat & Margaret. Only the foolhardy would mess with these three.
19 If your aren't happy when you see Vicki, just wait a minute.
20 Larry, my friend of over 60 years with wife, Anne.
21 Larry doesn't take orders, just eat your eggs the way they come.
22 Marge & Jack's 50th. Lea was their maid of honor; Marge served same role in ours the year before.
23 Lea and Marge were graduates of University of Texas Medical school for nurses in Galveston, TX where we met in 1949.
24 Marge at anniversary dinner. Her daughter's profile on right, an MD and medical school professor.
25 Brother Marines. My good friend, the late Colonel Bill Clarchick and I at 3d ANGLICO annual reunion picnic in summer of 2000. We were former CO's of the unit.
26 Coffee @ Starbucks with old Marine comrades, Mac and Chuck. Chuck, on right, was my barber when I learned that we were in same battalion in Korea.
27 With former Major Dick Connolly of 3d ANGLICO at Pendleton Golf course in February 2004
28 Ready for the 2002 Marine Corps Ball, where I have been invited as guest of honor. An unexpected and flattering invitation indeed.
29 Attention to Colors! Birthday Ball ceremony begins.
30 Our #1 son, Dirk with his Mom at the Ball. Dirk took this photo himself with extended left hand, amazing.
31 Clean shave, polished brass, fresh hairdo and a little glamour was order of the day.
32 SgtMajors in the Marine Corps have something in common. They appear to be in charge (and they actually are), and a sleeve full of hash marks.
33 SgtMajor and Commanding Officer of 3d ANGLICO appear to be relieved that ceremony over. Let the dancing and party begin!
34 Just a couple of months after the ball, 3d ANGLICO was mobilized. I had the great honor of addressing the company this day, and a week later they were in Iraq fighting with the 1st Marine Division.
35 Tim, a retired Marine LtCol with wife Marilyn welcomed us for a visit in 2002.
36 Bill, retired Marine LtCol, friend of many years. Now father, grandfather, and still practicing law.
37 All Marine colonels have a commanding general at home; Mary Ellen is Bill's CG.
38 Great nephew, Tyler, does his Marine recruiting poster routine with my hat.
39 Sarge (my friend Hal) with wife Vicki. Sarge was member of the famous Marine Hq. drill team which performed all over the world for thousands, including many heads of state.
40 Sarge, as usual, telling me how it is during visit in 2002.
41 Ah, Vicki! If she's breathing, she's smiling.
42 Two very talented women. Olive on left, retired from claims management, while Chris rose from claims clerk, to lawyer, to state department head.
43 The "don't mess with Texas" girls. Nursing school classmates from UT in Galveston.
44 Every morning some 10 to 20 local friends meet @ Starbucks to start the day and argue current issues. Photo converted to poster art in Photoshop.
45 So many experts, so many issues, so little time.
46 Ted addresses a rapt audience at Starbucks.
47 The group was a little smaller this lazy Sunday morning.
48 Tim, a really nice fellow even though a hard core UCLA fan.
49 Fred, long time local and retired Division Fire Chief.
50 Harry, "Mr. BMW." One of the few in our group who still works.
51 One gets the impression that we really don't have John's attention this morning.
52 Chris tells us she is from Turkey, but she seems more a native of Nordstrom's and Saks 5th Ave., always in high style.
53 We understand that it took Pete & Carol about 25 minutes to get used to California after leaving their native Chicago.
54 Craig, West Point alum and former Army officer always has a theory to argue that the Army is superior to the Marine Corps.
55 The "Ray Man" drops in every now and then from trips all over the globe. Don't have the least idea what he does.
56 Jim kept Huntington Beach safe until retirement as a top officer of the fire department and former Fire Marshal.
57 Ted came to the USA from Holland as a teenager. His favorite barb is "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much."
58 Manny dubbed our group "Gringo Gulch" and incites lively discussions by pushing somebody's hot button every morning.
59 Larry, a retired Air Force Colonel and pilot, still makes Starbucks now and then since moving to the Washington, D.C. area.
60 Lea with neighbors Branco and Angie.
61 I get to share the camera with Lea & Angie.
62 Visiting the oh so proper English gentleman, Peter, in Villanova, PA
63 Peter's Australian wife, Alexa, and Lea walk in the beautiful village of Villanova, PA.
64 Alexa offers coffee, we hope food is also on the schedule during our visit.
65 Peter risks life and property to show off his banana flambe.
66 Peter does his "007" bit with "shaken, not stirred" martinis.
67 Old friends Jack and Jim at annual golf reunion in CT, October 2002.
68 Mike Finale found somebody's golf balls and he looks happy.
69 Cris, #2 son, instructs Dad on use of his lawn tractor in New Britain, CT.
70 Cris and wife, Mariann, at Stanley Sq Park in CT. I think she filched my old Marine Corps jacket!
71 Mariann on a winter day in CT. Love the hat! Photo by Cris.
72 Carolyn always generous with invitations for cocktails and dinner when we visit CT. Sorry husband Pete not in photo.
73 John & Sharon visited us at Cris and Mariann's house October 2002.
74 Frank and Marian also joined the party, with Cris, Lea and I.
75 Todd and Mary were friends years ago in CA, now live in CT and joined our party.
76 Paul, our #3 son, lives in Aurora, CO in the Denver area.