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Almost exactly 2 years after it opened, we finally managed to get away to see the Hoover Dam Memorial Bridge, named for Mike O'Callaghan and Pat Tillman.  

These images start with our drive to Henderson, NV, our day trip to the Hoover Dam, a brief tour of the Las Vegas Strip, and travel home on I-15.

A final group of images were taken by Lea, all shot from the car.

Photo sites of the bridge are limited to several turnouts on the Arizona side of the Dam, otherwise it would be necessary to rent a helicopter for perfectly composed images.  Heavy security dictates no stopping/parking on the dam.

Permission is granted to save/print any image for personal use.  If used in a publication credit "Photo by B.B. Yarborough."

To contact the photographer for questions or assistance, CLICK HERE
Date(s): November 13/15, 2012. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2012 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 33 of 33 Total. 1171 Visits.
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The made-up name Zzyzx was given to the area in 1944 by Curtis Howe Springer, claiming it to be the last word in the English language.  In San Bernadino County, the road is 4.5 miles long and one day I would like to check it for photos of what appears to be a vast sand area.

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Between Barstow and Baker, CA are many signs of huge sand storms.

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Our first view of Lake Mead from residential area in Boulder City.

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After leaving I-93 to visit Hoover Dam we look north, back toward Boulder City.

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Lake Mead.

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Boat house and boat slips taken with 200mm lens.  Water level low, and concerns exist for water pollution caused by recreational use.

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Small island area on the lake an indicator of how water level has receded over last decade.

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I am much too claustrophobic to have any interest in exploring this cave.

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This image and next two are center top of Hoover Dam.

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Southward view of water below dam, very sharp indicator of water level drop.  One can read full details on Wikipedia, just "google" "Hoover Dam/Lake Mead water level."

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Lea and I in the dam area with the Memorial Bridge in background.

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Another view of dam and bridge.  Mike  O'Callaghan was a decorated veteran of the Korean War and former Governor of Nevada.  Pat Tillman was a pro football player who walked away from a lucrative career to join the Special Forces of the U.S. Army, killed in Afghanistan.

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Bridge view with 200mm lens where pedestrians can be seen on the bridge walkway.  The Hoover Dam has a site where visitors can walk up long ramps and onto the bridge.  We had to pass on the long climb and walk, but it must be a thrill.

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Steve Wynn's "Stratosphere" where folks braver (crazier?} than I can ride the most far out roller coaster type rides right up to the top of the tower.

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Are you seeking thrills?  Let me know how it was.

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Off I-15 near Primm, Nevada.  I have no clue what it is, do you?

Pays to ask, got this response:

Photo 18 is part of a new Solar Generating Plant. The tower in the photo is one of three, each surrounded by acres of computer controlled mirrors that follow the sun and focus the sun's rays on the black portion of the tower. The black portion of the tower will heated to a "white hot" state. Inside the tower liquid is heated and circulated to make steam which is used in turbines to turn generators. The first example of this technology was tested along I-40, just outside of Barstow more than 20 years ago. .

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Long straight stretch on I-15.

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This and next image more evidence that one will not want to be here during  a sand storm.

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Windshield view approaching Barstow, CA on the way home.

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The last 11 images were shot by Lea from the car.  This one from directly  under the Memorial Bridge.

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This and the next 7 images record our cruise down the famous Las Vegas strip.

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Thanks, Pat.  Maybe if Ansel Adams were still alive he would let me carry his tripod.  BB
PATRICK DEVANEY, Sat, 17 Nov 2012 5:50PM
My family visited Hoover Dam,changed by Secy Ickeys,to Bolder Dam in 1937 and again changed back to Hoover Dam by US Congress in 1957 all because Harold hated Hoover.
What's really great to have seen is what's below Lake Mead.Entire town of the workers -schools,shops,public buildings,fire stations,parks,etc.
At the time it was the largest employer in the U.S. and the chief engineer got a $350,000 bonus for finishing two years ahead of schedule.You continue to amaze me BB with your skills.
George l Blick, Sat, 17 Nov 2012 12:40PM
Wonderful photos LeBee.  When I was 4 or 5 I went on a tour down into the bowels of Boulder Dam (now Hoover) w/my mother & dad.  We'd been visiting mother's folks in La Canada(sp),CA.  I don't think these tours are available, nor hv been, for many many years.  So that must hv been before 1950. I just remember it being dark & damp.
Liz & Bobby, Fri, 16 Nov 2012 4:28PM
BB thanks for the photos,very good and clear. Seems like a nice trip, your and yours have a Happy thanksgiving
        Frank and Betty
Frank F. Albano, Fri, 16 Nov 2012 4:24PM
The bridge is impressive.  Water levels are a big problem throughout the Western States. Snow in the Rockies last year was a lot less than normal.  Hopefully this year will be better.
Wayne , Fri, 16 Nov 2012 3:24PM
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