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Fall Classic 2003
A few shots of friends at the annual golf reunion of former Aetna claim personnel.  Placed in my gallery primarily for those who attended the event, but anyone is welcome to look (but don't laugh).
Date(s): Oct 2003. Album by Colonel BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2003 BB Yarborough. 1 - 16 of 16 Total. 2373 Visits.
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Jim looks very pleased with himself.  I think he just shot a 59 (on the back nine that is).

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My son, Cris, displays putting stroke.  I don't know if he made it, but the form is impressive.

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Mike and Vernon were fun on the last day.  Only problem is that Vernon kept showing off with his 300 yard drives.  Who asked him to be a showboat?

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Jack kept busy the whole night explaining his cane; something about fighting off a gang of muggers in Brooklyn.

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Jack again.  Why am I reminded of Anthony Hopkins playing the character, Hannibal?

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Lee complained about the cheap Scotch I served; Jim just complained about Lee.

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Lee seemed to have a lot to say, Jim seemed not to care a whole lot.

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Troy apparently wishes there were no witnesses to Jan's critique.

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Todd explains the merits of attending Shakespeare festivals to a rapt and engrossed audience of Troy, Jan & Mary.

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Part of the old Los Angeles Branch gang; Lee, BB & Lea, Joe & Elin.

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Mike appears to be less than enthusiastic to see me approaching.

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Enjoyed visiting with my old pal Jon, who I call super cop and brother Marine.

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Great last day threesome, Vernon, BB, and Mike.  Jack was our guide, observer, and advisor that day.

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Wrapping up the tall tales at the Tunxis bar; Jack, Jim & Ron.

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Why is Lee so happy?  I heard he shot 132.  I wonder if Troy and Brian, Jr. are laughing at or with him?

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Lee no longer complains about how many times he worked with me, probably because he no longer does.

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