Change of Command - 5th Marines (5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division). On 31 March 2011 in a Change of Command ceremony at Camp San Mateo, located on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Colonel Willard A. Buhl relinquished command of the much decorated 5th Marines to Colonel Roger B. Turner, Jr.
The activation of the 5th Marines dates back to June 1917, just prior to the U.S. force deployment to France during World War I. The Regiment won its nickname, the “Fighting Fifth,” on the battlefields of western Europe. So fierce were its efforts in the Battle of Belleau Wood and subsequent victories that the French government awarded the Regiment the Croix de Guerre with two palms and one gilt star. Today, each Marine serving in the Regiment also wears the Fourragere, a French unit award, on the left shoulder of his uniform to recognize the legacy and valor of their predecessors.
These images are presented in the order of events of the day, beginning with the gathering of guests, serenade by the 1st Marine Division Band, the Change of Command, Pass in Review, and concluding with informal greetings and congratulations among families and guests, followed by a reception at the 5th Marines Memorial Park.
Image #38 describes the sequence of the ceremony as it begins with the Invocation in Image #39.
The passing of the Regiment's battle colors, delivered by Regimental Sergeant Major Ernest K. Hoopii to the outgoing Commanding Officer, and in turn presented to the new Commander, symbolizes the formal transfer of command.
The "Pass in Review" portion contains a large number of photographs in order to recognize, as stated by Colonel Buhl, those who are, in fact, the 5th Marines.
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Terrific photos of a GREAT unit by a GREAT Marine. Semper Fi! - Ed Arnold, Wed, 6 Apr 2011 7:34PM
I had the privilege to serve as Plt Cmdr and Co Cmdr with 1/5 1969 - 1970. God bless and protect those who now serve with the finest regiment in the US armed forces. Semper Fifelis.
I served with Delta Co, 1/5 from july 67 til aug. 68 God bless all marines - Sgt.R.Allen Morris , Tue, 5 Apr 2011 6:28PM
I was a member of A company 1/5 in Vietnam in 1967. I survived because all that I wanted was to live to be an old man. I made it and I wish everyone who is in the Regiment good luck and Semper Fi. - WILLIAM B JOHNSON, Tue, 5 Apr 2011 4:42PM
I served with Charlie 1/5 (3rd Plt) from 31Jul68 through 04Sep69. I was 19 years old and at the time I thought the 5th Marines could never improve. How wrong I was. I stand corrected. If I could, I'd drop down and give 25.... God Bless America, the United States Marine Corps and the 5th Marines. America is in good hands. Semper Fidelis... - Bob Henson, Tue, 5 Apr 2011 4:04PM
Always a pleasure to view' - George L Blick, Tue, 5 Apr 2011 3:53PM