3/1 (3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division) was adopted by the citizens of Huntington Beach in 2005. The Huntington Beach 3/1 Marines Foundation was formed the following year to oversee all programs, projects and activities in support of the Marines, Sailors and Families of the "Thundering Third."
On Saturday, 9 March 2013, the Huntington Beach adoption committee (3/1 Marines Foundation) sponsored the 5th annual "3/1 RUN," a fund raising 5K (3.1 miles) in Huntington Beach, with the start/finish line near the south end of the beach parking lot.
The funds raised will provide support to 3/1 Marines, Sailors and their families while the battalion is at Camp Pendleton, and while they are deployed.
3/1 was represented by Lieutenant Colonel Bradford W. Tippett, the Battalion Commanding Officer, Battalion Sergeant Major Terry E. Harrelson, and a large contingent of enlisted Marines, all of whom participated in the 5K run.
Citizen supporters of 3/1 taking part in the run included men, women and children of the community. The Huntington Beach Firefighters Association participated as usual, providing breakfast for participants and spectator supporters.
Having photographed the previous 3/1 runs, it appeared to me that the 2013 event was the largest ever, with citizens of Huntington Beach and the surrounding area turning out to generously support the fund raiser, which could not have been so successful without the tireless support of local organizations and individual volunteers, headed up by Sergeant Guy Dove of the Huntington Beach Police Department.
Those interested in participating further in support of 3/1 should contact Cindy Cross, Executive Director of the 3/1 Foundation, at 714 375-3131, or by email: HB4Marines@aol.com
Please sign the guest book, where you may also include greetings and comments to the Battalion's Marines & Sailors.
To contact the photographer for questions or assistance, CLICK HERE
Great pics! Fun time! Super cause! Can't wait to do it again next year! - Donna Peloquin, Fri, 5 Apr 2013 6:15PM
Love the jog/run, I will totally to it again - Sheryl, Fri, 5 Apr 2013 5:29PM
Thank you so much for taking these wonderful photos! - Jennifer McClellan, Fri, 5 Apr 2013 5:28PM
Great photos of a fantastic event. It is even better to see the Marines supporting it the way they do. This gives our local folks an up close and personal look at those they are supporting. - Ed Arnold, Tue, 19 Mar 2013 4:54PM
Great Event! Everyone did a great job pulling this together and I think this was the biggest turnout I have seen. 8) - Susan Hunt, Fri, 15 Mar 2013 9:53AM
Great event and so much fun working on it! Everyone had a great time! - Debbie Dove, Fri, 15 Mar 2013 7:53AM
Awesome pics Sir, keep up the good work.
SgtMaj Harrelson 3/1 BN SgtMaj - Terry Harrelson, Thu, 14 Mar 2013 2:04PM