On 23 May 2014 on Paige Field, Camp Pendleton, California in a Change of Command ceremony for 1st LEB (Law Enforcement Battalion) Lieutenant Colonel Jan R. Durham relinquished command of the battalion to Lieutenant Colonel Daron M. Mizell.
Photographs follow the sequence of events, beginning with arrival of guests, a concert by the Third Marine Air Wing Band, followed by the Change of Command ceremony, and concluding with informal greetings and congratulations among guests and Marines.
The passing of the Battalion's battle colors, delivered by Battalion Sergeant Major Karl S. McCants to the outgoing Commanding Officer, and in turn presented to the new Commander, symbolizes the formal transfer of command.
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Permission is granted to save/print the photos for personal use. If used in a publication, credit "Photo by B.B. Yarborough." To save/print, right click the enlarged original size for highest resolution.
Several wide images (print size is 24" wide) are identified in the album and will require use of horizontal and vertical scroll bars to view.
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You surely continue to do a great job of capturing the complete essence of all these events. Great Job! Wish someone had been there to capture us in review on the old grass field in front of 1st MarDiv Hq back in the 1960's.
Hi BB - How appropriate for pre-empt to Memorial Day. Love to have heard the band play and oh well, we liked 12 and 13 of those cute little ones. We're sure they miss their Daddy often. And then, of course, we do like the last photo - We think we know that guy!! Once again, Good Job!!! Dale and MJ - Dale and MJ Wahl, Sat, 31 May 2014 7:27AM
Thank you. Great photos as usual. Semper fi, Bob C/1/1 Korea - Bob Brockish, Fri, 30 May 2014 4:02PM
As usual, a job well done, Colonel. I'm curious--The Lt. General in pic 113 has a badge on his left shirt pocket that I am unfamiliar with, can you enlighten me? - Fred E. Nelson, Fri, 30 May 2014 2:53PM