On a beautiful June morning, 2012, the first element of Marines and Sailors of 1/1 (1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division) assembled on the Battalion parade deck for their 7th deployment since Operation Iraqi Freedom.
It is difficult to describe the mood and emotions of a deployment day, but perhaps these images will convey, better than words, what yet another long separation means to families, friends, and the Marines and Sailors of 1/1.
On the positive side, members of the battalion are optimistic and ready, for they are well trained and prepared, parents and wives accept the necessary parting with grace and courage, and the young children, likely without knowing why, appear to understand that this is no ordinary day.
Permission is granted to save/print images for personal use. If used in a publication, credit: Photo by B.B. Yarborough
When saving always select "Original" from the choices on the bottom of the enlargement for highest resolution.
To contact the photographer for questions or assistnce, CLICK HERE
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Thanks for recording this piece of history. - Jim V, Sat, 7 Jul 2012 6:07PM
Sir, thank you for sharing these photos. I was on vacation when I got these and thought about what these wonderful men and women give up so old Marines like us can live in a free country. Semper Fi and GOD Bless our Troops and their families. - Ed Arnold, Wed, 4 Jul 2012 7:23PM
I get goosebumps every time I get these...thanks for sharing. Seems like a lot of little ones this time. Love the shoe picture. The gal has to be in her 20's. - Dory, Tue, 3 Jul 2012 10:23PM
Photos are wonderful. The one I think is a stand out is #39. Priceless. Thanks, BB