In late February 2011, Marines and Sailors of 1/1 (1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division) assembled on the Battalion parade deck for their 6th deployment since Operation Iraqi Freedom.
1/1 will be the BLT (Battalion Landing Team) of the 13th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit).
On a clear, cool California morning, the mood was a bit somber, but marked with optimism and readiness, as once again the Marines & Sailors of 1/1 faced the necessity of saying farewell to family and friends, but that is the business of Marines.
Marines & Sailors gathered on the parade deck with battle gear and personal effects, surrounded by family and friends, doing what is necessary to face yet another separation with all the grace and courage one can muster at a time like this. Even the many young children present seemed to say by body language and expressions that this was no ordinary day. The last bus departed for the San Diego Harbor before the day ended.
Permission is granted to save/print images for personal use. If used in a publication, credit: Photo by B.B. Yarborough
You can participate in future golf tournaments and other events which the "Newport Beach 1st Battalion 1st Marines Foundation” organizes from time to time, including sending cards, letters, and care packages directly to the Marines and sailors of 1/1 forward deployed.
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To contact the photographer for questions or assistance, CLICK HERE
The moments your captured are amazing! You did a wonderful job! Thank you! - Destiny Mcclure, Tue, 1 Mar 2011 11:22AM
Was with 2nd Platoon A 1/1 in Nam 1970. Great Photos, thanks for sharing. Doc Ed - Ed Sorace, Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:49AM
I was in 1/1 in 63-64 and 2/4 and 3/1 in Vietnam. Good pics. Thanks. - John Regal, LtCol, USMC(Ret), Sat, 26 Feb 2011 1:26PM
Great photos BB. Really brings home the fact that these brave young men are not just warriors, but have a very personal life that they willing put on hold why they defend our sorry asses. - jim catalani, Sat, 26 Feb 2011 5:23AM