On 4 November 2011 at Camp Horno, on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base, in a Change of Command ceremony for 1/1 (1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division) Lieutenant Colonel Craig R. Wonson relinquished command of the battalion to Lieutenant Colonel Michael J. Targos III.
Due to a rain storm the ceremony was limited to a passing of the Battalion colors, followed by brief comments of Colonel David Furness, CO of the 1st Marine Regiment, and Lt. Colonel's Wonson and Targos.
These photographs of the abbreviated event do not represent the usual ceremony, but none the less record the change of command of a famous and distinguished battalion.
The passing of the Battalion's battle colors, delivered by Battalion Sergeant Major Jonathan Henry to the outgoing Commanding Officer, and in turn presented to the new Commander, symbolizes the formal transfer of command.
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Rain or shine - life goes on especially with the Marines. Under any circumstances they need to be commended. I'm sure they've been in rains before - still impressive shots - Good Job BB - Dale Wahl, Wed, 9 Nov 2011 9:19AM
Those were great photos of an incredible event. Thanks for sharing them with us. I will pass them on to several of my military partners. I am sure that they will be impressed. - Ron and Cindy Rowe, Mon, 7 Nov 2011 6:58PM
Thanks Barkley for sharing that bit of Marine Corps history.Was great to see you still hard at it and those Camp JHP hills make me homesick!!