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St Vincent & the Grenadines
The islands below St Lucia and above Carriacou form the country of St Vincent and the Grenadines.  We spent some weeks in this chain, starting at St Vincent.  We did not particularly enjoy the island, despite it being home to some beautiful scenery as well as the film set of Pirates of the Caribbean.  St Vincent has an ugly reputation for crime against yachties as well as being one of the world’s major centres for the production of marijuana.  Wherever we went we were plagued by pushy boat-boys, some of whom had clearly been sampling the local home-grown produce or worse.
We enjoyed seeing the film set of Pirates of the Caribbean in Walilibou bay (Keira was absent sadly), where we went after the very beautiful Chateau Belair and Cumberland Bay.  Before leaving St Vincent we took a tour up the island to see the extremely beautiful Montreal Gardens, full of lovely tropical flowers, plants and fruit trees.

In Bequia we stopped for a week or so, during which I did the first of my dive courses, qualifying as an open water diver.  This included a number of absolutely stunning dive over pristine coral populated by riotously colourful reef fish.  I even saw a seahorse!  Tom didn’t want to be left out so he had a trial dive in Bequia too, although he’s too young!

From Bequia we had a lovely sail to Canouan (not very pleasant) and to Mayreau. Mayreau’s a very small island with an archetypal Caribbean anchorage at Saltwhistle Bay, a tiny church, a school and terrific views over to our next stop, the Tobago Cays. [Please see separate Gallery]
Date(s): May 2006. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 66 of 66 Total. 6420 Visits.
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Arriving at St Vincent

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Evening at Chateau Belair

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Iceni being hassled

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Jonty contemplating the day

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Leaving Chateau Belair

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And again

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We negotiated the gap ok!

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Anchored in Cumberland Bay

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Cumberland Bay

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The kids, on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean

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Clarabella at anchor

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The film set at Walilibou Bay

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The set from the shore

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Kids playing

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The set

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The bridge is made of fibreglass!

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St Vincent & the Grenadines 19

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Good friends

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Waiting patiently!

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Walilibou Bay

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A boat boy; high as a kite at 8am

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Leaving the bay

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The rock in the opening scene of POTC

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A beautiful overnight stop

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Montreal Gardens 1

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Montreal Gardens 2

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Montreal Gardens 3

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Montreal Gardens 4

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Montreal Gardens 5

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Montreal Gardens 6

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Rebecca enjoying the hydrangeas

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A local girl, collecting flowers for market

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Montreal Gardens 7

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Montreal Gardens 8

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Montreal Gardens 9

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Montreal Gardens 10

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Montreal Gardens 11

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Montreal Gardens 12

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Montreal Gardens 13

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Montreal Gardens 14

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Montreal Gardens 15

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Montreal Gardens 16

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Tom goes SCUBA!

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He's under!

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and up he comes!

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So how was it!

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Clarabella at anchor in Admiralty Bay

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Tom, 'on parade' as the boys call it!

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St Vincent & the Grenadines 54

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the boys skinny dipping!

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Saltwhistle Bay, Mayreau

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Saltwhistle Bay

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The church at Mayreau

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St Vincent & the Grenadines 59

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Overlooking the Tobago Cays

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School's out for lunch

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Overlooking Union island

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The bay again

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The boys in Saltwhistle Bay

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Lovely, isn't it!

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Tom goes climbing!

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