From Carti we went to the amazing island of Acuadup. This is a smallish, inhabited island that few yachts seem to visit, being off the beaten track. (Yachts are the only viable way of seeing the San Blas). We were befriended by two families who took us to their grass huts ashore (once we'd obtained permission from the island's chief of course) and fed us. We in turn fixed 2 small kids bikes and an outboard motor. We'd often hear a thump on the side of the hull and a cry of 'hola' and we'd have an 'ulu' (dugout) alongside, with an inquisitive family out for a stroll (they go everywhere in their canoes) to have a look at us!
During our time in the San Blas we were visited many times by Kunas selling molas, local fruit and veg, bread that went mouldy after 24 hours but was gorgeous fresh, fish and lobsters. The boys were very popular, and spent hours ashore running around or playing football but Rebecca was the real hit, everyone tried to pick her up, kiss her, tweak her cheeks etc – she did not always enjoy the attention!
The San Blas has been the high point, for me, of our travels so far and I feel privileged to have seen them.
Date(s): January - February 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 58 of 58 Total. 26036 Visits.
Approaching Acuadup. Note the fringing reef.
The first of many visitors
What a great sail!
The western end of the island
The dock
Meta, looking to the east
Taken from up the mast
San Blas II 08
San Blas II 09
San Blas II 10
The small village is hidden by the palms
The small structures overhanging the water are water closets!
San Blas II 15
We inspred a lot of interest
A small room with a view!
Eric, from Meta, and I set up a clinic to fix bikes and outboards
Beccy makes a friend
The kids run around as usual
San Blas II 21
It's a sloth!
You can see its claws if you look closely!
back to the boat - NB our new dinghy and outboard
Clarabella anchored off Acuadup
San Blas II 26
San Blas II 27
Views ashore
San Blas II 30
San Blas II 31
San Blas II 32
San Blas II 33
Lads showing off
San Blas II 35
This chap is holding a lobster that he was offerinf for sale. It was too small.
San Blas II 37
San Blas II 38
San Blas II 39
San Blas II 40
Happy chap!
San Blas II 42
San Blas II 43
San Blas II 44
A Kuna lady going about her day
San Blas II 46
San Blas II 47
San Blas II 48
San Blas II 49
San Blas II 50
San Blas II 51
We leave Acuadup
Eric follows us out
It's Sunday morning on Myrdinn, DVD time!
At anchor at Nalia
Ashore in the Easter Lemmon Cays - more yachts now