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Rio Chagres
The Chagres was a short hop round from the hussle and bussle of Panama.  It is a stunningly beautiful rain-forest river and here we enjoyed a few days peace and quiet where we gathered ourselves amidst the preparations for our Canal transit.  Each day we awoke to the sounds of parrots and toucans screeching overhead.  From here it was back to Colon, Panama and the long-awaited Panama Canal transit.
Date(s): February 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 19 of 19 Total. 5770 Visits.
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The dam at the end of the Rio Chagres

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One of our anchorages

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Happy Girl!

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Ernst and his kids

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Myrdinn motors past

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Eric, on Meta

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At anchor on a beautiful, peaceful evening

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Chagres 37

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All we could hear were parrots and toucans

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Our little ship!

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and her crew

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Chagres 50

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Chagres 54

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Perfect tranquility

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An early departure

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Looking back

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Leaving the Chagres

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