The two islands of Raiatea and Tahaa are surrounded by fringing reef and one can cruise round these two beautiful islands without having to leave the reef’s protection. We arrived through a gap in the reef on the SE side of Raiatea after spending a couple of days in Huahine. Raiatea and Tahaa are very picturesque, unspoilt, verdant islands French Polynesia and although Raiatea is the base for charter yachts in Polynesia it was possible to find stunning anchorages away from other boats. Bora Bora was a real disappointment. We found it awfully built-up and commercialised, geared towards relieving tourists of their cash and areas that would have been picture postcard perfect have been ruined by beach hotels. Habitats for many fish species including large manta rays have been destroyed in the process. We changed the boat’s batteries in Bora Bora and spent a few lovely days in an anchorage tucked away from the bustle ashore. Here we also said a very sad goodbye to Eric and Jeniya on Meta, they had become very good friends since we met them in Cartagena.
Date(s): August 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 26 of 26 Total. 8763 Visits.
En route to Raiatea
Exploring up one of the island's rivers
Jonty tries a coconut
Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora Bora 09
Sailing inside the reef on Raiatea, Bora Bora on the horizon
A local church on the water's edge, Raiatea
Approaching Bora Bora
The skipper enjoys a moment on deck
Tom looks out on Bora Bora
Jonty on deck
On of the many beach hotels on Bora Bora
Eric from Meta
Eric and Jeniya
Our last farewell, we wonder if we will ever see them again
Looking over the summit of Bora Bora
Winding our way through the narrow reef strewn channels as we leave Bora Bora