After a long trek back from the Gran Sabanna we stopped off at a ramshackle camp to take a tour of part of the Orinoco delta. The Orinoco is the 8th largest river in the world, and the delta is inhabited by the Warao Indians who live on simple wooden and thatch structures at the waters’ edge. They live a simple subsistence life, nicking electricity for their satellite TVs (their one luxury, often shared) from the local mains wire. Our trip on the delta was interesting for the wildlife and the Indians, but a day does not do it justice and I’d like to spend more time here.
Date(s): August 2006. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 63 of 63 Total. 8301 Visits.
A land shark, whilst we wait to cross the Orinoco
One of the ferries
On the ferry
Pieter and J-P stow the beer
Orinoco river 007
View from the roofrack
Orinoco river 009
The might Orinoco
Localised flooding
Orinoco river 016
This group were going to paddle 100 miles down the river
The kids, with local indian homes on the far bank
Orinoco river 022
Orinoco river 025
Orinoco river 026
Orinoco river 027
Orinoco river 029
A real dugout
Orinoco river 031
Orinoco river 032
Orinoco river 033
Green parrots in a coconut palm
Orinoco river 037
Orinoco river 039
Orinoco river 040
A local commute
Orinoco river 042
Orinoco river 044
Orinoco river 045
We stayed here!
Orinoco river 047
Orinoco river 048
Orinoco river 050
Orinoco river 051
A local home
This is a delicacy for the locals, Monica declined after initial enthusiasm!
Orinoco river 055
One of the lakes in the delta
Orinoco river 058
A turtle sun bathing
Orinoco river 060
A riverside camp
Orinoco river 066
Another turtle
Orinoco river 069
A red howler monkey going after a nut
Orinoco river 073
Monica swimming in a downpour
Vultures cooling down
This chicken-like bird is quite rare and very ancient